The ways of wandering wind him round. The most important word in the line (possibly the poem) is aloneand it must alliterate with another vowel in the anglo-saxon form. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. Readers should also take note of the use of personification in these lines when the speaker says that the darkness of the earth / covered my gold-friend.. In doing so there are sacrifices such as precise word meanings. graveled in the ground, tears as war-mask. He describes this man as someone who is steady in his faith and, when something bad happens, he does not panic, but rather, stays calm until he can figure out a solution. "The Wanderer" is an elegy composed of alliterative metre that focuses on the Wanderer's loss of his lord, his subsequent grief, and his search for wisdom. The first speaker starts out by describing the situation of a "lone-dweller" who sadly paddles the barren ocean in exile. The Wanderer is freezing cold, remembering the grand halls where he rejoiced, the treasure he was given, and the graciousness of his lord. Why Walden's rule not applicable to small size cations. Why get so offended when a scholar gets tired of answering the same question? Her loneliness is poignant and painful. In the end, the speaker draws the poem to a quick conclusion telling the reader that the only solution for this sorrow is to turn ones mind and heart to God. (64-9). In what ways is the wanderer someone with. Practices termed syncretic were far more common (as can be attested from grave goods, the exchange of letters in Bedes Historia at the end of Book One, and the survival of the so-called Metrical Charms [which you can see here]) even modern Xtnty maintains many syncretic practices. Word Count: 303. hreo hglfare hle
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