They struggle to survive some of the harshest conditions in hopes of striking it big. Following the discovery of the unearthed gemstone potential in Greenland, several private companies explored the deposits. Stupid is what stupid does i guess!.And Americo i was really proud of you when you found your first gold don't let anyone tell you people with downs syndrome can't do can do anything your heart and soul really wants to do !Right on brother you show them hey little buddy.Because you have down syndrome you can do anything any of those other guys can do working with you ! then say so). The team was incredibly naive, gullible, and greedy, believing that they were going to make claim to millions-of-dollars in rubies. Each thinks he has what it takes to walk away with gold, rubies and sapphires before winter and large mining companies swoop in. Another slap in the face to the audience. Can't believe incompetent people believe this. Which countries are actually there and for what target? ??? The reactions look scripted so I am not sure. The corundum deposits in Greenland are evidence that while gemstone material in some areas of the world has been mined out, new occurrences are continually being discovered. True North Gems explored for gemstones in 2004 and extracted ruby. But Greenland's wild frontier soon plays havoc as the team struggles to return to its prized claim from last year. 1 of 2. Tensions rise as Eric Drummond and Josh Feldman argue over the best strategy to find more gold. The camera shows quite large chunks of gold.. but the problem is the ore just came out of a rock mill/crusher which means everything was pulverized into powder, so how the hell did large chunks of gold get in the pan ? Last season was almost a total bust. So what do you think? After a possible brush with death in Iceland, the team discovers some devastating news about the 13 million dollar ruby deposit they have been working on for a year and a half. With the Animal Planet and Discovery documentary series, "Ice Cold Gold", many people are aware that there are precious metal and gemstone deposits in freezing and far away areas of Greenland, where temperatures can drop to minus 30 degrees Celsius in winter. Battling sleep deprivation, one team faces a deadly valley with falling boulders while the other repels into a glacial ice cave that could collapse at any moment. TODD HOFFMAN ISN'T THE NICEST GUY IN THE WORLD. But two things that I am stuck with after a few episodes: Everything in this show is fake. The corundum of Greenland ranges in color from pale purplish-pink sapphire to deep-red ruby. It was so exciting and edge of the seat thrilling waiting in anticipation for the big find. Maybe they could go over the actual map as to who has claims where? They are both Arizona natives. 1-800-464-1640 Jan 21, 2020. The miners are almost at season's end. Can these guys "out-Hoffman" the Hoffmans? External Reviews The miners have 48 hours left to explore Greenland, and the jaws of winter are closing in. Third parties use cookies for their purposes of displaying and measuring personalized ads, generating audience insights, and developing and improving products. They are saying "You don't need large machinery to mine" ummmmm, yes you do. After a possible brush with death in Iceland, the team discovers some devastating news about the 13 million dollar ruby deposit they have been working on for a year and a half. It's hard to believe after 8-10 months of planning that there was not enough fuel to run the dredger. Season 3. It is really poorly done, poorly scripted, and quite honestly, embarrassing to admit I've watched it this far, but it's like watching a car accident when you have no control, and all you can do is hope for a descent outcome at the end. This is a whole different type of mining in one of the most dangerous places in the world - Greenland! Several gemstone materials have been discovered in Greenland, including olivine (known in its gemstone form as peridot), tourmaline, diamond, lapis lazuli, amazonite, enstatite, spinel, topaz and kornerupine. With food supplies almost nonexistent and weather turning from bad to worse on a dime, the team is mustering all its strength to make this venture a success. And they are talking about laying claims on those sites and either mining it themselves or selling the claim to another company for some fast profit. But despite what they went through to discover the "red zone," the men said they can't wait to go back. I have never written a review before, but I could not hold it in anymore and decided to express my opinion. | Season 2. If you too like gold shows, then I highly recommend watching all three seasons (and future seasons) of Ice Cold Gold. With possibly the world's largest ruby in the Arctic glinting within reach, the team faces 24-hour sunlight, massive glaciers, unknown wildlife and remote, uncharted territories no . Loved it. During the mining, they pulled out a ruby apparently worth around $200,000, which could have paid for their whole season. For Animal Planet, Melinda Toporoff is the executive producer, and Pat Dempsey is the associate producer. The drama was in good measurements, making it not all about just that, but instead of the actual purpose, to find what they came to Greenland for. With food supplies almost nonexistent and weather turning from bad to worse on a dime, the team is mustering all its strength to make this venture a success. Amazon Freevee Greenlights Late-Night Comedy Show "Mock the Week," From Emmy Winner Trevor Noah and BAFTA Award-Winning Executive Producer Dan Patterson, The 126 Isn't Going Anywhere - "9-1-1: Lone Star" Is Returning for Season 5, The Season's No. Gem varieties vary in density, so carat weight is not a good indication of size. "But it's a challenge, and I think we all love that challenge. If neither team can locate the gold source, his legitimacy as a leader will be questioned. This was the most interesting show I have seen in years. The miners have only two days left at camp to explore the three most dangerous areas in Saqqaq. Alan NZ. | Even though Saqqaq was a success, Cloud Island was a huge failure and their faith in Eric's strategy is losing steam. It's just complete and utter bullsh1t ! Something was definitely off. ICE COLD GOLD was developed by Animal Planet's Kurt Tondorf. They struggle to survive some of the harshest conditions in hopes of striking it big. They continue to devolve. Eric brings the team together for one final gold hunt in Eqi, Greenland. Josh noted that miners have good reason to be secretive about what they may find. Americo, and John are the worst there. "Everything you do there is very hard, from all the boat trips and the helicopter trips it's extremely hard," Josh said. It was so exciting and edge of the seat thrilling waiting in anticipation for the big find. If you like the gold genre of TV shows, you are in for a treat! This reality series follows the exploits of a group of American treasure hunters who travel to Greenland in search of gold during the country's brief summer season. Ha ha ha. But in season 3, it's nothing but adventure and gold mining. ", Some of the add-ons on this site are powered by. While half the team discovers what could be a massive gold deposit, the rest become stranded 5 miles from camp. I can not wait for another season, and I would recommend this series to anyone who is interested in any digging/prospecting at all. Then, on the very last day of their trip, as winter set in, the miners hit pay-dirt. All targets are situated north of the Arctic Circle, which is an area that's wilder and more remote than the miners ever have faced. A sneak peek into year three reveals unprecedented dangers that lie ahead. Before anyone is even allowed to board the plane it needs a full pre flight inspection by the flight crew, and they just happened to miss a flat tyreare you serious ? The geologist on the show was the guy who headed the Ice Cold Gold show. The presence of ruby and other precious materials in Greenland has been known for some time. Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. The group set up camp for two months on an uninhabited island to determine how many rubies were in the "red zone," how to extract them and what else might be there, but the miners were not quite prepared for the unpredictable weather. "This is a fantastic experience!". While he looks like a big teddy bear and he certainly seems like a nice enough fellow on the show, according to several other cast members, Todd Hoffman isn't that nice of a guy. "Nightline" caught up with Josh Feldman, his brother Jesse, and their friend Zach "Gator" Schoose at their century-old gold mine in an old Arizona boomtown. The temper-tantrums amid the group is embarrassing to watch. "When we discovered it we immediately knew we had something fantastic.". Still worth watching as are all of the Discovery Shows, my favorite Channel. ICE COLD GOLD follows American speculators as they risk their lives fighting against freezing elements looking for gold, silver, rubies and more to claim their stake at the top of the world. After a week of tireless prospecting in unstable Saqqaq, Greenland, the miners return to Ilulissat, Greenland, and add a new member to the team. The work up there was crucial for us, and getting those rubies out of those mountains and to an area that we can actually do . How much you want to bet you will see a big mining . ice cold gold why did they lose the ruby deposit. The 5 minutes of actual prospecting is extremely interesting, but the 20 minutes of grown men acting like children is about as exciting as watching the Kardasians or the Beverly Hill Housewives or Honey Boo Boo. After watching into the second and third season, I am, to be honest, disappointed with the progress the show has made. Josh is a cowboy. With never before seen footage we highlight the first two summers of our miner's journey through the arctic battling harsh conditions and isolation. Are these guys actors? Okay, Im watching last weeks episode before the current one tonight. the government sets new restrictions and takes their 13-million-dollar ruby deposit . FAQ The way I read it was that they never had a claim on red zone and the geologist had a prior agreement with the government that what they found was going to be given to the government no matter what, and they / the geologist would be compensated. Wondering what exactly happened to the large ruby deposit the team found in the first season of Ice Cold Gold? Season 3. Is anyone out there so simplistically stupid to actually believe this ? *You're signing up to receive GemSelect promotional email. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The damage to American this abortion did everywhere East of Portland, Maine, can't be over-stated. JavaScript is disabled. Americo needs a pacifier. Like the Josh guy. Cassie was born and lived in North Scottsdale. Also the story doesnt even make sense. Following the discovery of the unearthed gemstone potential in Greenland, several private companies explored the deposits. Season 3. This is a fake show. Now another one is planned, they say my book series caught there eye. Perhaps mercifully, the series will conclude following this season. For these three men, Greenland is a world away from home. Ice Cold Gold. Over a hundred years later, in 1965, Martin Ghisler of the Geological Survey of Greenland discovered corundum, and a year later, he found gemstone-quality ruby in Aappaluttoq (which means "red" in Greenlandic); an island that is now known as Ruby Island, near Fiskenaesset. However this detracts from the show and spoiled what was a promising start in season 1. countries? NEW GAME PLAN Their new game plan is to rapidly conquer multiple targets at a furious pace. A spirited team of eight miners travel to parts of Greenland where humans have never set foot before in search of precious metals and gems. You, the producers, have the tools to do a great job, but you dropped the ball on the one in a big way. With only days left before she covers her gifts up for the winter, The Beast reveals the chinks in their resolve. Butthe gloves come off for a fight between Eric and the Feldman's that may split the team forever. Successful exploration prompted TNG to apply for an exploitation permit for the ruby. Josh's team runs into ice berg- sized trouble as Eric and his team stay the course that was originally planned. Our miners begin their journey into Greenland's unexplored and unforgiving wilderness in search ultimate treasure. So while the Feldmans thrive in a modern-day conglomerate of interconnected pursuits, the real . Cassie has adopted some of the lifestyle, although she . First they lose a ruby deposit then their gear goes boom. During season 1, you understand the team's mission and season 2 you see them execute on the mission. But, as 'ruby fever' strikes the team, they end up quibbling over their find, and breaking the expensive precious gem. This major setback sends the miners into complete disarray. Current Projects. The six-part series follows eight men who leave behind their families, friends and homeland to strike it rich against all odds while struggling to survive against the harshest of conditions. | If you like watching a show with a supposed "team" of amateur gold miners which the script constantly pits each member against each other in an overly dramatic context, then this is for you., THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7, 2023!! You've got some serious issues. This goes as far as what was presented on the show. Thank God someone killed this thing. except for round stones which are; Prices very good. "It's none of your business," Jesse said, jokingly. Some of the oldest rocks in the world lie under the country of Greenland. April 1, 2014— -- Greenland is one of the last frontiers on Earth, and for a few intrepid miners, the cold, remote and inhospitable country could be their answer to bringing home big money. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? nonsense I don't believe it..ITS IMPOSSIBLE it does not add up and everyone knows itif I am wrong then I would have had to have been there to see it myself as the odds of just finding that on a island covered in snow I just don't buy it sorry! Some say that the melting of the ice sheet is responsible for allowing precious materials to be mined in Greenland. John desperately wants Read all, Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. of course, the main focus being on the ruby deposit that we found. Eric, our lead geologist, continues to battle gold fever as he pushes himself and his team well past their limits in order to find gold. i inquired about any changes in the last 3 years with regards to changing of the availability/restriction of land available for mining. Childish tantrums, paranoia, and whining are the order-of-the-day for these babies. can any one in there right mind say that this was a good production?????? Never saw this program before last night. If I mute it is watchable at times, just to see some of the interesting parts. April 1, 2014 -- Greenland is one of the last frontiers on Earth, and for a few intrepid miners, the cold, remote and inhospitable country could be their answer to bringing home big money. Watch Ice Cold Gold. 1 2014 9 episodes. "They belong to us. With winter closing in, and time running out, Josh and Eric arrive in Eqi, north of the Arctic Circle, for one last shot at gold, while the rest of the team focuses on dredging for rubies. Miners of 'Ice Cold Gold' search for minerals in one of the last frontiers. But, as personality differences started to dominate the program, I kept waiting for one of the characters to start telling the audience about "my 40 years experience telling people about my 40 years experience." Under the glacial ice of Greenland, the world's largest island, sits more mineral wealth than in all of Saudi Arabia. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Otherwise spare yourself the agony. There was some great information about Greenland, and prospecting, and the cast had done a reasonably good job in presentation. there have been 0 (zero) such changes. While Josh, Chad and John are down at base camp prepping the dredge to move to the upper lake, the Red Zone team are pulling out rubies by the scores, but with low food supply and pending bad weather, the team has to muster its strength to finish the job. After Jesse and Gator refuse, Americo, follows Eric up a deadly 1200 ft slope to sample for gold. Their journey was documented on the Animal Planet TV show, "Ice Cold Gold." folder_openUncategorized. ANIMAL PLANET'S "ICE COLD GOLD" RETURNS FOR AN ARCTIC-COLD SEASON THURSDAY, MARCH 5, AT 10 PM ET/PT. International: I hope to never work with any of these guys, 100% Scripted bs infront of a nice background. Who knows maybe it was real and the geologist didn't tell anybody about this agreement. Not to mention trapped on a dangerously remote island surrounded by ice in every direction called Cloud Island. Greenland's a . Ice Cold Gold. When asked if mining one of the last pristine spots on Earth inevitable means destroying it, Josh insisted It can be done responsibly and that Greenland has enacted the necessary safeguards. Ruby Information - The gemstone of passion and seduction A Few Famous Fine Rubies - Rosser Reeves, Sunrise and DeLong Rubies: GemSelect Privacy Notice 2005-2023 all rights reserved. "That's the one thing we have, where those rubies are and how much. Learn more about it here and why the team was not able to return this season. Ice Cold Gold, Greenland screwing the crew or scripted? $8.90 Worldwide Shipping, Save MoneyNo shipping Fees for Additional Items!$8.90 Worldwide Shipping, Gems are always measured in Millimeter (mm), Dimensions are given as; Mining in Greenland will contribute to the country's economic independence and provide much needed jobs. Absolutely nobody would ever invest a single cent into buying any sort of claim from these dick heads. I saw the season opener last night where the crew was heading back to Greenland. No one went though the check list? Sorry guys. Ruby Rough. That everything is scripted is not even the worst part, the worst part is that the script is so bad. The younger cowboy, and pony-tailed hippie cry and complain like a bunch of school girls on a weekend camping trip. These grown men never developed emotionally past kindergarten. In a last ditch effort to salvage Cloud Island, arctic expeditionist, Doug Stoup, leads the miners fearlessly across a fractured ice sheet to collect samples. THIS SEASON At the beginning of this 12-episode season, the miners are greeted with devastating news: the government sets new restrictions and takes their 13-million-dollar ruby deposit. All rights reserved. The helicopter dropped off the first group and not one person stopped to look for the massive boxes for their camp before the helicopter took off leaving them stranded. In fact, Greenland is the location of one of the most exciting ruby and pink sapphire finds in recent years. It's too bad that this isn't real and if you google these guys nothing comes up about this show. While Josh, Chad and John are down at base camp prepping the dredge to move to the upper lake, Eric and the Red Zone team are pulling out rubies by the scores, but it's a hard-won success. Never before has a mining company went to such extremes to find gold and other valuable minerals. The audience is treated like they have no intelligence and the extra "drama" and overdone emphasis on the "danger" that exists, well, we do not need it hammered into our heads. I saw the season opener last night where the crew was heading back to Greenland. Loved it. I was in one with them and all I can say is those producers can mess up a good story. They struggle to survive some of the harshest conditions in hopes of striking it big. Change your choices anytime by going to Cookie Preferences, as described in the Cookie Notice. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to get the latest updates on LSU Football and Recruiting. The miners are battling Greenland from two fronts with half the team finding huge rubies at the Red Zone and the other half dredging for gems in the river below. manufactured drama and nonsense there's at least 4 that wear cowboy hats?But they're all like you say anyways hey? A spirited team of eight miners travel to parts of Greenland where humans have never set foot before in search of precious metals and gems. In Ilulissat, Eric's scientific methods are wearing thin on the Feldman brothers. Buy Ice Cold Gold: Season 2 on Google Play, then watch on your PC, Android, or iOS devices. How are we suppose to take this show seriously with these childish outbursts? ET on Animal Planet, follows the miners' efforts to make that claim pay off. It now is just fake and quite frankly an insult to watch as an audience member. True North Gems explored for gemstones in 2004 and extracted ruby. A new addition to the team is introduced, a Greenlandic camp guard dog named Nuunu. In fact, in 2005, TNG found a 440-carat rough ruby. Staking claim after claim and searching for gold and diamonds, they bring themselves to the brink: lives are almost lost, and dreams are almost destroyed. Why would we give that information out?" (or are they just actors for hire? . New technological advances and altering circumstances allow precious materials to be extracted from places where it may have previously been extremely difficult. From watching Gold Rush on Discovery to Bering Sea Gold, I feel like I know enough about gold mining that I could go up to the Klondike and do it myself! "You're 37 days, nights in a tent on top of the world, you have nobody else to talk to except a bunch of guys. are they companies? It's scripted, they just showed a gold painted heli, the before and after shots were red. it was laughable!! "When you're up there, you're trying to stay warm. Gold mining, the great outdoors, maybe even the cowboy life is what drew residents Josh and Cassie Feldman to Fountain Hills. With two days left to explore the three most dangerous areas in Saqqaq, Greenland, Eric pushes his team past their limits. I mean you're freezing, wondering if you're going to make it," Josh added. But can they strike ICE COLD GOLD? When fighting the beast within, every man has his threshold. After a possible brush with death in Iceland, the team discovers some devastating news about the 13 million dollar ruby deposit they have been working on for a year and a half.After a possible brush with death in Iceland, the team discovers some devastating news about the 13 million dollar ruby deposit they have been working on for a year and a half.After a possible brush with death in Iceland, the team discovers some devastating news about the 13 million dollar ruby deposit they have been working on for a year and a half. You know it would be nice if we could actually get a whole show for free instead of a lame short preview or sneak peek all of the money Google play makes off of us.thay wouldn't know what to do if one day every one or even half of us didn't buy any shows / movies for 1-2 days,ALso 8 out of 10 movies that's on here you can get at wal-mart on dvd for five dollars and google wants $10-15 now I think we should get a free movie and show of our choice at least.ever month or even free rental . J.K __. so, the red zone story line of losing rights to their $13.5 mil ruby jackpot has no basis in fact. Be the first to review this item 2015 TV-PG. After a week of tireless prospecting in an unstable area of Greenland known as Saqqaq, our seven miners were able to make two gold claims potentially worth millions. They did seem to legitimately find a big ruby deposit, though the government took it away from them. Ha ha ha. 1 Broadcast Drama Is Coming to ABC - "9-1-1," Starring Angela Bassett and Peter Krause, Joins the Network's 2023-2024 Lineup, Netflix Greenlights "The Corps" (wt) Starring Miles Heizer, Vera Farmiga, Max Parker and Liam Oh, Judge Judy Sheindlin Expands Justice Brand With a Greenlight for New Amazon Freevee Series, "Justice on Trial", Amazon Freevee Announces Pickup of "The GOAT," A New Competition Series to Find the "Greatest Reality Star of All Time", FOX Nation Partners with PBR (Professional Bull Riders) for New Series "Last Cowboy Standing" on Sunday, May 7th, Netflix's "The Diplomat" Renewed for Season 2, The Wait Is Finally Over! You know it would be nice if we could actually get a whole show for free instead of a lame short preview or sneak peek all of the money Google play makes off of us.thay wouldn't know what to do if one day every one or even half of us didn't buy any shows / movies for 1-2 days,ALso 8 out of 10 movies that's on here you can get at wal-mart on dvd for five dollars and google wants $10-15 now I think we should get a free movie and show of our choice at least.ever month or even free rental . J.K __. Ice Cold Gold season 3 is nothing more than visual diarrhea. The miners find themselves scattered and trapped on a dangerously remote island surrounded by ice. "Greenland can go from 50 degrees out, Fahrenheit -- nice, you're out in a T-shirt -- to what the heck happened when a storm comes in. Awards Then, a communication breakdown sends everyone into a frenzy. Can they "out-Hoffman" the Hoffmans? WHAT'S NEW? I would have more respect for the cast and crew, and producers of the show, if they discussed more of the techniques, people's backgrounds, what do they actually do, take some time to get to know each of the individuals, maybe we could relate somehow to these people? While half the team discovers what could be a massive gold deposit, the rest of the team finds themselves stranded 5 miles from camp. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The series emphasizes the harsh conditions and natural beauty of the landscape. 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates. In the ruby-packed season, our spirited team of American miners returns to the most remote mining location on the planet with their eyes on a prize.
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