JULYJuly 7-9, 2023 The Grand Commandery of North Dakota, Grand Forks,Sir Knight David M. Dryer, KGC, Right Eminent Department Commander.July 27, 2023 The Grand Commandery of Illinois, Springfield,Sir Knight David J. Kussman, GCT, Most Eminent Grand Master. It is a fraternity of good men, linked and bound together by honorable and unbreakable bonds of friendship and virtue, and to accomplish the noble purpose it eschews all interest in fractional politics and sectarian religion and free from the dictation of both. He was installed as Illustrious Knight Commander in 2009. It measure is giving. Served as Commander in Chief of Central Texas Consistory #306, Killeen; AASR, Orient of Texas from 2013-2015. Dallas Commandery No. Margaret A. McDow Grand Court Ladies of the Circle of Perfection The Order of the Golden Circle, Orient of Texas The opinions and pages of this site do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, or policies of the The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, Prince Hall Affiliated, Texas and its jurisdictions, its . EACH OF THE ABOVE IS TO BE THE GUEST OF THE GRAND COMMANDERY. 2015 W. Ben Day Sir Knight Chapman was appointed as an Aide-de-Camp to the Right Eminent Grand Generalissimo, at the Triennial Conclave of the Grand Encampment of the United States of America in August 2021. E: jnelson@knightstemplar.org. Ken Stuczynski 6 Copyright 2009. Sir Knight Chapman was knighted in Port Arthur Commandery No. Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas. of KENTROPOLIS Nov 3, 2021. TO BE ANNOUNCEDThe Grand Commandery of BrasilSir Knight Sid J. Leluan, III, KCT, REDC. Nominees who are Past Commanders are not eligible Developed by Bro. 1409 Lauren Ln., Filer, Idaho 83328-4903. Deputy Grand Commander Grand Commandery of Texas . Skip Smith, Jr. and Most Illustrious Grand Master Robert C. Brunk would like to remind you of the upcoming important dates: Email: gractx@aol.comPhone: 254-753-6721Fax: 254-753-3432, Attn: Kenneth E. Cooley, Grand RecorderP. The Excalibur Award is presented by the Grand Commandery of Texas, upon election by a constituent Commandery, to a Sir Knight who has performed outstanding service to that . H: 607-723-8072. 5616 Sidbury Rd., Castle Hayne, NC 28429-7312. Jeremy C Vaughn, KCT, Right Eminent Department Commander. R.E. Greetings Sir Knights, Into each life some rain must fall, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1842 poem The Rainy Day. In this poem, Longfellow is telling us that for the cycle of Read more. To join the York Rite Help the Grand Commandery raise some funds, just by. 373 ONLY TEMPLAR JEWELS TO BE WORN ON UNIFORM. by admin_yrtx. 3. 13: Worth Commandery - Order of the Temple July 14: Palestine Commandery Visit July 16: . Help the Grand Commandery raise some funds, just by. He was a founding member of Edward E. Chapman, Sr. Preceptory (named in honor of his grandfather) and has continued to serve as Secretary since its founding. MAYMay 01, 2023 The Grand Commandery of Austria, Vienna,Sir Knight David W. Studley, GCT, Right Eminent Grand Captain General.May 4, 2023 The Grand Commandery of Kansas, Manhattan,Sir Knight Jeffrey A. Bolstad, GCT, Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master.May 04-06, 2023 The Grand Commandery of Virginia, Williamsburg,Sir Knight David J. Kussman, GCT, Most Eminent Grand Master.May 5-6, 2023 The Grand Commandery of Georgia, Macon,Sir Knight Lawrence E. Tucker, GCT, Right Eminent Grand Recorder.May 12, 2023 The Grand Commandery of Utah, Salt Lake City,Sir Knight T.J. Robertson, KCT, Right Eminent Department CommanderMay 12, 2023 The Commandery of Italy, Taormina,Sir Knight Jeffrey A. Bolstad, GCT, Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master.May 13, 2023 The Grand Commandery of New Hampshire, Concord,Sir Knight Bobby B. Simmons, GCT, Right Eminent Grand Treasurer.May 13-17, 2023 The Grand Commandery of California, Visalia,Sir Knight David J. Kussman, GCT, Most Eminent Grand Master.May 18-21, 2023 The Grand Commandery of Pennsylvania, Champion,Sir Knight Jack M. Harper, II, GCT, Right Eminent Grand Generalissimo.May 19, 2023 The Grand Commandery of Mississippi, Meridian,Sir Knight Jeffrey A. Bolstad, GCT, Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master.May 19-21, 2023 The Grand Commandery of West Virginia, Flatwoods,Sir Knight Lawrence E. Tucker, GCT, Right Eminent Grand Recorder.May 21-24, 2023 The Grand Commandery of Florida, Lake Mary,Sir Knight David J. Kussman, GCT, Most Eminent Grand Master. In 2018 he was appointed Grand Representative of California near the Grand Lodge of Texas. In addition to serving the Grand Commandery, he serves the Sir Knights of Texas as an officer in Texas Chapter of the Sovereign Order of Knights Preceptor. At Lamar University, he was a member of the Accounting Society and Beta Alpha Psi, an Accounting Honors society. 323 N. Colorado St., Port Lavaca, TX 77979-3405. Grand MasterAnaheim, CA[ BULLETINS ][ Annuals/Reps by Date ], In-MemoriamCONTACTS:S.K. We hope that you are making plans to attend the Annual Grand Sessions this year and Most Excellent Grand High Priest F.E. PO Box 454, Lakeside, Montana 59922-0454. 2014 William L. Free Sr. Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas . Webmaster Since September 2006 A professional school, which offers preparation, in medicine, law, theology, engineering, business, agriculture and others.4. ONLINE CLASSES STARTED! The Grand Commandery of Texas, Waco, April 07 - 10, 2022 Jeffrey A. Bolstad, GCT, Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master. 5. FEBRUARYFebruary 24-26, 2023 The Grand Commandery of Alabama, Birmingham,Sir Knight Jeffrey A. Bolstad, GCT, Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master.February 25, 2023 The Grand Commandery of Hawaii, Honolulu,Sir Knight David J. Kussman, GCT, Most Eminent Grand Master. O. The Lone Star Grand Commandery, Order of the Knights Templar of Texas and its Jurisdiction, and Constituent Bodies, is hereby declared to be, and is defined to be , a charitable institution that extends its charity or relief to worthy persons and its own members in accord with its own fixed adopted laws, rules and ancient customs . H: 701-255-5762. 1999 Billy Fred Little In 2014, Sir Knight Chapman was elected Grand Sentinel of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas and was installed as the Right Eminent Grand Commander on April 16, 2023. . He was elected and installed as High Priest in 2012 and received the Order of the High Priesthood that year. On July 11th of that year, he was installed as the 61st State Illustrious Knight Commander of the Texas State Priory. 436 in 2007. A common question we get is uniform specs and how things should be worn . Frank N. du Treil, Jr., Past Department Commandeer Commissioned Special District Deputy Grand High Priest for Central Region 6 and Appointed Right Excellent Grand Lecturer for Most Excellent Prince Hall Grand Chapter HRAM of Texas 2017. William L. Berryman He was appointed to serve as Grand Representative of Panama near the Grand Commandery of Texas in 2015 and served on the Long-Range Planning Committee from 2013-2017. O. The need for Education Education beyond high school is essential in a technological age. 15, Mac Arthur, G.M.) Neal Class of 2011 Atlanta, GA, Sublime Prince, Ed Blair Consistory # 286 Temple, TX 2005, Knight, Grand High Court of Heroines of Jericho, Fort Worth, TX - 1998, JNO G. Lewis #622 (PM), MWPHGLofTX, Copperas Cove, TX - 1995, Sir Knight, South Central Commandery #37, MEPHGCofTX, Copperas Cove, TX 1991, Companion, Mt. E: johnmaple196@optonline.net. He is currently serving as State Coordinator in 2023 and previously served in 2013 and 2021. Meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm. 1998 William L. Berryman 5 in 2013, Illustrious Grand Captain of the Guards in 2016, Illustrious Grand Conductor of the Council in 2021, and Grand Representative of Idaho near the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas in 2013. The Lone Star Grand Commandery of Texas and its Jurisdictions. The members of Nederland Lodge honored him with the Golden Trowel Award in 2018. Its purpose is Service. Application forms are available from the office of the Grand Recorder of the Grand Commandery of each Division or Division Chairman. William F. Reinhold, Past Department Commander, The Grand Commandery of Croatia,Sir Knight Joaquim P. Coelho, KCT, REDC. Grand Chapter > > > > > > > Member's Portal > > > > > About Us > > > > > Education Center . 2. 2003 David L. Anderson Ken Stuczynski Colleges and university, which give a firm foundation for business, trade or profession. The Grand Master has no authority to change the uniform of a Subordinate Commandery. Chance lives in Nederland and is a member Hillcrest Baptist Church. 90. C: 478-396-2881. Brother Chapman is a proud recipient of both the William M. Beck Award (2019) and the Sam Houston Award (2023). SK Dan Pushee, EPC MA19, KCT, KGC,NA E: rmloflin@gmail.com. Brother Chapman was initiated into Nederland Chapter No. Sir Knights who possess old style uniforms may retain them and not be required to purchase the new style; a Grand Commandery may sanction the continued use of a former type uniform, How to apply for a grant:Application forms are available from the office of the Grand Recorder of the Grand Commandery of each Division or Division Chairman. Bobby Blackman Simmons, GCT, Right Eminent Grand Treasurer. Founded in Texas in 1889. Chairman kych52fl@gmail.com Day of establishment for the Royal & Select Masters Council will be September 28th at 1400. MISSION STATEMENT: The Lone Star Grand Commandery, Order of the Knights Templar of Texas is a non-profit organization which embodies and attractive system of morality, veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols. This is open to all interested Sir Knights and is a great way to meet your Grand Commandery Officers. He attended school at Nederland ISD, and graduated from Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, in 2011, where he earned a degree in accounting. Honorary Past Grand Eminent Commander, Lone Star Grand Commandery of Texas - 2020; Honorary Past Grand TIM, Most Illustrious Prince Hall Grand Counsel of Royal & Select Masters - 2019; Illustrious Companion, Central Council #5, Killeen, TX - 2018; Grand Inspector General, 33, X.L. The Grand Commandery of Panama, Panama City,Sir Knight Sid J. Leluan, III, KCT, REDC. Web Site Operation & Maintenance by 307 South Dr., Fairhope, Alabama 36532-6311. E: f_dutreil@cox.net. John D. Barnes, KCT, Right Eminent Department Commander. He has served the Valley of Galveston as Degree Master of the 28th Degree and also serves on the 6th and 15th degree teams. E: mjohnson@knightstemplar.org. He served as President of the Mid-Jefferson County Shrine Club in 2018 and has served as Secretary since 2020. He was elected to serve as State Senior Councilor in 2005, Deputy State Master Councilor in 2006, and on July 21, 2007, Brother Chapman was elected and installed as the 78th State Master Councilor of the Texas DeMolay Association. Commandery Festivals where Orders are conferred on new Candidates. A Grand Commandery has some authority to prescribe the uniform in its own Jurisdiction. James C. McGee, GCT, Right Eminent Grand Captain General. Commanderies may only nominate one recipient a year, and 2023Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas. . recorder of a constituent commandery which has earned the Certificate of Merit for that year H: 254-580-1016. The Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, the Deputy Grand Commander of Knights Templar, the Deputy Grand High Priest, and the Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Council will bring messages for the coming year. Dad Chapman has served Texas DeMolay Association as State Scribe since 2011 and has served as State Registrar of the Texas State Priory since 2017. 2010 Nikolaus K. L. Fehrenbach PURPOSE: The purpose of the Lone Star Grand Commandery, Order of the Knights Templar is to control and regulate the practice Knights Templar Masonry throughout its jurisdiction, in accordance with immemorial usages of this Ancient and Honorable Order, and to advance the moral and social interests of its memberships honesty, industry, and upright living; to cultivate the exercise of charity in its best and broadest sense; to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and bind the wounds of the afflicted; to assist the Widows and Orphans of its decease Sir Knights; to stimulate friendship, harmony and brotherly love and generally, to promote in its own way, the happiness of mankind.
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