Thanks for sharing the information. Mar 22, 2021 #13 Map of states where NitroFire is legal 8 months ago. Always check to make sure your safety is on and your muzzleloader is pointed in a safe direction. The new big bore pistols feature industry-first capacity, with a standard 15-round capacity and 22+1 rounds of 10mm or 18+1 rounds of .45 ACP from the extended magazines. He was glassing straight ahead against the side of the hill. Photo by Muzzleblasts. Very clean, safe system.I hope Santy Clause comes early this year! The map below shows where Traditions currently interprets the FireStick ignition to be legal for muzzleloading season use. The Hodgdon Triple 8 powder burns very efficiently and greatly reduces the amount of unburnt powder and residue in the NitroFire. The bullet seats on the shelf, not on top of powder. All Guns and Ammo subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. All orders are subject to acceptance by, which reserves the right to refuse any order. Any bullet larger than 325 grains is not recommended for use. Yazel Media, 2021-2023 All Rights Reserved. As mentioned, G&As test samples arrived with the Traditions 3-9x40mm scope mounted to the NitroFire, which bumps up the retail price from $549 to $635. The NitroFireis the first and bestmuzzleloader on the market that uses the revolutionaryFederal Premium Firestick system. Ohand we figured out why this buck had been cruising the slopes that morning with such a foul disposition. This article is not representative of an official statement from the NMLRA. Jan 21, 2020 #3 B brushcreek Active member Joined Jan 9, 2018 Messages 240 Reply. New hunters are learning that blackpowder firearms can expand their hunting opportunities, and FireStick makes it even more appealing for rifle and bowhunters to make room in the gun safe for a muzzleloader. In my home state of Ohio, for example, deer hunters can use a muzzleloader during both the regular firearms season and blackpowder season, effectively doubling time in the field. Always check local regulations and contact your game and fish department to confirm for your area. At this point, the muzzleloader is loaded and ready to be primed. Pull thr breach plug and push the projo and pellets out the back if you don't fire a shot after a day in the field. Orange FireSticks hold 100 grains of Hodgden Triple 8 powder, while maroon-colored FireSticks carry 120 grains. They now have it retail at $470. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Perhaps if you arrange a hunt with Goose Creek Outfitters next year, you may get a chance at THAT bruiser! I FINALLY was on the right side of a price change. (no optic); 7 lbs., 10 oz. Seems our intended spot-and-stalk quite turned into a spot-and-drop. Pretty much. The Federal Premium Firestick is being loaded with Hodgdon Triple 8 powder. The Elite XT Trigger system also locks the action when the NitroFireis fully cocked so the muzzleloader cannot be broken open. The rule change was part of the rule changes proposed and adopted for this upcoming season. FireSticks dont produce a billowing plume of smoke that shrouds the shooters vision, and I was even able to see the splash of debris behind the target after I fired. Subscriber Services. You are using an out of date browser. The NitroFire is the first and best muzzleloader on the market that uses this. The first of its features that Reich emphasized was not the convenience or accuracy potential the FireStick offered, instead, his focus was on its safety benefits. CVA is the largest, but not the only company releasing a .40 cal muzzleloader this year. This map shows where we currently understand the NitroFireto be legal for muzzleloading season useit will be updated real-time as we gain more states. You can see Illinois is now colored green, lining up with this news. While accuracy testing, I wiped the bore and breech down between shots. This law exempts antique firearms from any form of gun control or special engineering. All orders are subject to acceptance by, which reserves the right to refuse any order. Another plus I noticed is that the new Hodgdon Triple 8 powder in the FireSticks seems to burn cleaner and leave less fouling in the barrel than conventional powders. His left ear was neatly slicedstill raw and bloody. This technological partnership will undoubtedly change the direction of the in-line muzzleloader industry and usher in a host of competitors. At this time, threepre-loaded FireStick charge levels are available: 80 grains,100 grains, or 120 grains. Firestick Technology As long as there have been muzzleloading firearms, their shooters have been burdened by reliability, consistency and safety concerns. (muzzle . A couple whitetail does and a small 6-point (3-point, as weighed in this neck of the country) were angling along a hill above us. The FireStick is indeed a game changer, and is one of the few new technologies actually poised to change the shooting market. This new rifle caught the eye of many at SHOT Show 2019 and has been heavily promoted ever since. Bob Meinert, FN Marketing Director, introduces FN's first commercial pistol suppressor, the FN Rush 9Ti. Many folks are a tad nervous about handling black powder. FYI it's not legal for muzzleloader season in MA, it's actually not even legal during shotgun. The NitroFire is also equipped with Traditions Elite XT trigger system. Note: In the Proposed Language document,underlinedtext denotes proposed new language, while text with astrikethroughdenotes language that is proposed to be deleted. I definitely can see that it can appeal to some people. New FireStick Muzzleloading Technology/Rifle. I just got a response from the N.H. The NitroFire is made in Spain for Traditions Firearms by Ardesa ( Recoil from both FireStick charges is quite manageable and the NitroFire is a suitable muzzleloader for new or recoil-sensitive shooters. Next, open the empty breech by pressing the button at the front of the triggerguard and insert the color-coded FireStick that corresponds with your desired load. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.. Promotions, new products and sales. With the FireStick system, there is no need to add cans of powder, funnels, powder chargers, or any of the other standard accouterments typically found on the muzzleloader bench. After shooting, pull the spent FireStick and toss it in the garbage. Good to know. Fortunately, he slowed and turned slightly uphill. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. July 15, 2020. The Ridgeback Sabot that comes with the Carnivore, XR, and Bleed series is a 4-petal, ribbed sabot which additionally helps provide a tight gas seal. Traditions, maker of super high quality and super affordable modern muzzleloaders, in partnership with Federal Ammunition, has pretty much broken all the rules. Rather, the breech is open to accept the FireStick. It is equipped with Traditions new Elite XTtrigger system. The NitroFire is made in Spain for Traditions Firearms by Ardesa ( Further, accuracy did not suffer between those cleaning sessions. We open a fireproof gun safe after a house fire - See whats inside. The pairing is also much simpler to operate and maintain than traditional muzzleloaders. Bill Click to expand. Because it is referenced by the DWR, I looks like the Paramount HTR, CVA, and its parent company BPI Outdoors are behind this change in Virginia and other states around the country. Overall length measured 411/2 inches, which is short enough to be manageable in the tight confines of a blind or stand. The truth is, while muzzleloaders may seem like too much bother for the uninitiated, veteran blackpowder shooters and hunters will be quick to knock down those common concerns and extol the many virtues of picking up a firearm that hearkens back to our pioneering ancestors. Innovations like Blackhorn 209 provided shooters with a cleaner burning blackpowder substitute, and it looks like the Hodgdon Triple 8 inside the Federal Firesticks is looking to be the next clean burning muzzleloading powder. Green: FireStick is legal for dedicated muzzleloading season use to our understanding. The design allows hunters to insert a 209 primer into the FireSticks base when its time to shoot. - Friday December 3, 2021 - DDH Staff. Bullet seating depth and pressure is easily repeated because you simply push the bullet down the barrel until it stops on the small ledge in front of the chamber. The powder charge is, of course, consistent because it is measured at the factory using the same quality control Federal Premium applies to all its products. To load the NitroFire, insert the bullet from the muzzle end and, using the ramrod, set the bullet against the internal steel ring that separates the FireStick and the projectile. Some of which I take advantage of and some of which I don't. If it is legal it is your choice and I personally would look into the Nitrofire, but I am not going to lobby for a season to be changed because I may or may . The setup weighs less than 8 pounds (unloaded) and carries an MSRP of $635. The way I read it is Or any other propellant loaded through the Muzzle. Camp Guns: Sometimes Perfect, Other Times Not But Often Essential! Kinda like when I thought I needed a crossbow but then just missed my bow string against my face. I LOVE that gun already! Buy Now TRADITIONS MUZZLELOADER MEDIUM ROAST COARSE GROUND COFFEE 12OZ. That fire stick is something pretty new. All this means the FireStick system generally reduces the traditional powder ring black powder shooters have come to recognize in the barrel after repeated firings. Click to expand. The Firestick is an encapsulated powder charge and is impervious to moisture allowing for consistent, reliable, accurate shots. You will get an excellent gas seal since the Smackdown series is sized correctly for Traditions bore diameter. Dirty primer pockets are another factor that leads to misfires in muzzleloaders, but the FireStick eliminates the issue because the primer pocket is integral to the polymer case that holds the powder. Copyright 2023 Whats more, the simplicity of the FireStick system makes it simpler for new shooters to take up hunting, and its exactly the type of product that will encourage the recruitment of the next generation. Learn all the details that set FireStick apart and give hunters the most convenient, safe and consistent performance. The NitroFire from Traditions is the first muzzleloader on the market that uses the Firestick from Federal Premium. Jeff Bradley shows off the Modern Hunting Rifle (MHR) from Christensen Arms at SHOT Show 2023. Cloth, paper or felt patches are allowed. Lets just lay the cards right on the tablehunting with a muzzleloader can be intimidating for first-timers. Hundreds of new firearms and ammunition products are introduced every year, but few of those products are revolutionary. I just got a response from the N.H. There was a bit of take-up, but a crisp break. ** total_quantity ** | ** unit_price ** / ** unit_measure **, Sitka Core Lightweight Hoody - Base Layer, Crispi Idaho II GTX - Non-Insulated - Hunting Boots, Sitka Dew Point Pants - 100% Waterproof Pants, Cedar Mountain Muzzleloader Quick Loader w/ 3 - 140 Grain Charge Tubes - CM-QL-140, Crispi Nevada GTX - Non-Insulated - Hunting Boots, Crispi Thor II GTX - Non-Insulated - Hunting Boots, CVA Optima V2 LR Thumbhole Genesis Scope - .50 Cal Nitride/Cerakote Patriot Brown 28" Barrel - PR2037NMZ, Sitka Equinox Guard Pants - Designed For Hot Weather, Sitka Mountain Pants - Rugged Terrain Pants, Crispi Colorado II GTX - Non-Insulated - Hunting Boots. Articles - Where is the Traditions NitroFire Legal? Theres never been a muzzleloading system like FireStick. Game warden never said anything about it. All Rights Reserved. The TaurusTX 22 Compact delivers class-leading reliability, capacity, and shootability in a 22 LR platform, and it's cut for a slide-mounted mini red dot. Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 921(a)(16) defines antique firearms as all guns manufactured prior to 1899. Joined Jun 4, 2008 Messages 8,889 Likes 7,459. However, Federals FireStick is a genuine innovation, as is the new Traditions NitroFire .50-caliber muzzleloader that chambers it. These guns offer a long list of forward-thinking and shooter-friendly features. The Firestick system which provides several safety benefits. The two NitroFires evaluated by Guns & Ammo came with a black stocks and Traditions 3-9x40 muzzleloader scope in medium-height rings. Taurus Marketing Manager Caleb Giddings highlights the features of the new Taurus Raging Hunter 460 Magnum, a purpose-built revolver with a 10.5-inch barrel and an effective recoil-taming brake, with Guns & Ammo Executive Editor Joe Kurtenbach. The NitroFire, unlike conventional inline muzzleloaders, does not have breech plug. Plus its a form 4473 rifle last i heard. The new 9mm suppressor can mount easily to any pistol barrel threaded x28 inches and doesn't compromise on sound suppression, gas blowback or recoil. Yes, the NitroFiremuzzleloader currently requires a 4473 and is not considered an antique firearm. Traditions launches map of states where the Nitrofire is legal to hunt with. | ITs marketing.dribble these new tech things out to sell new guns. The FireStick demands a completely new muzzleloading action, so Federal turned to Traditions Firearms to build a muzzleloader specific to the FireStick. While its not been very popular among traditional muzzleloading enthusiasts, and many are tired of hearing about it, the Nitro Fire is serving as a great introductory tool to bring centerfire shooters into the muzzleloading community. It should be noted that even if the Nitro Fire isnt legal during your muzzleloader season, it may be legal for the general rifle season, as noted in yellow below. That is - to make something that technically is a muzzle-loader so you can still use it in ML season, but practically is as close to a cartridge-fed firearm as we can get without crossing that line? The award-winning NitroFire features a 1:24 VAPR Twist barrel. Currently there is no exemption for the "FiddleStick" and i would not want to downgrade anyway. Pieces : 5. The 120-grain load shoved a bit harder than the 100-grain load, but not so much that I would shy away from the more powerful charge for anyone but the most inexperienced shooters. The NitroFiredoes not have an interchangeable barrel option and barrels cannot be purchased to be put on previously existing muzzleloaders. Users can expect projectile velocities equal to or better than what they are getting with equivalent loads from other types of in-line muzzleloaders. What the NitroFire is trying to do, in my opinion anyway, is lessen the need to know your weapon, the powder and projectile. Loaded from the breech end with the bullet loaded from the muzzle. Email *, Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from Shoot On. The NitroFire muzzleloader is .50 caliber and has a 26" ultralight chromoly steel fluted and tapered barrel, 1:24" VAPR twist rifling, and much more. Thanks all! Safety & SimplicityFederal launched a laundry list of new products at SHOT Show 2020, so Senior Media Relations Manager J.J. Reich was one of the busiest attendees on the convention floor. The Traditions NitroFire VAPR muzzleloader is a completely new and revolutionary gun. Directly to your inbox. However, the Code of Virginia allows for four different types of muzzleloading guns for deer hunting in Virginia. Last night my wife said I could either have her or "Nitro" in bed; me and the gun slept in the spare bedroom. Learn all the details that set FireStick apart and give hunters the most convenient, safe and consistent performance. The dense, thick recoil pad (the antithesis of the curved metal buttplates from the Hawkens days of yore) helped mitigate the rifles setback. The system is safe and simple, and FireStick eliminates some of the variables such as inexact charge weights. Mine gets CLP in and out. By the time he had closed the gap to around 75 yards, I was getting a bit nervous. When you add up the cost per shot why not just get a 45/70 break action converted to a ML.