shapiro lab stanford

Exogenous derivatives of 3':5'-cyclic GMP, 8-bromo- and N2,O2'-dibutyryl cyclic GMP, coordinately repress surface structure differentiation in Caulobacter crescentus. Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering, University of Minnesota These ternary complexes aggregate predominantly at the cell poles. At room temperature, the ratio of roGFP2 emission brightness when excited at 425 nm or 488 nm is known to report on the local redox potential. Northern blot analysis revealed a single 4.0-kilobase mRNA homologous to the cloned fragment. Health information on this site is not meant to be used to diagnose or treat conditions. We are interested in how Arctic species and populations responded to environmental and habitat change throughout the Pleistocene, and what role ecology, natural history, climate and community-level dynamics played in the Here, we demonstrate that the Caulobacter crescentus SLP readily crystallizes into sheets in vitro via a calcium-triggered multistep assembly pathway. The master CtrA response regulator functions in Caulobacter to repress replication initiation in different phases of the cell cycle. View details for Web of Science ID 000174229800021. Ryan Rezvani, Amgen Scholar 2014 PhD at UC Irvine View details for Web of Science ID A1977DU20100033, View details for Web of Science ID A1976CH91600017. This is the first report of a Caulobacter crescentus protein that is essential for motility but is not spatially restricted to the region of the flagellar basal body. Caulobacter crescentus provides an excellent model system for the bacterial cell cycle whereby cells can be rapidly synchronized in a G0 state by density centrifugation. Structural studies on the capsid of Caulobacter crescentus bacteriophage phiCbK. SLAC is a vibrant multiprogram laboratory that explores how the universe works at the biggest, smallest and fastest scales and invents powerful tools used by scientists around the globe. SURF Scholar 2022 The origins of replication of many different bacteria have been shown to reside at specific subcellular locations, but the mechanisms underlying their positioning and segregation are still being elucidated. UPR activation is protective and is a powerful new prognostic marker in ERa positive breast cancer. Next, researchers want to demonstrate the algorithm experimentally on reconstructing full 6D phase space distributions, which includes particle positions and speed along the direction in which the beam is traveling. View details for Web of Science ID A1997XE30000021, View details for PubMedCentralID PMC179208. Ph.D. Student, Biology The DNA sequence of 40% of the 16S rRNA gene, the entire 16S/23S intergenic spacer region, and portions of the 23S rRNA gene were determined. Tn5 insertion mutants unable to form colonies when oleic acid was the sole carbon source were isolated. Chemical Engineering, MIT PodJL is synthesized in the early predivisional cell and is later proteolytically converted to PodJS. SLAC is a vibrant multiprogram laboratory that SURF scholar, 2022- The cell cycle-regulated methylation state of Caulobacter DNA mediates the temporal control of transcriptional activation of several key regulatory proteins. The resulting plasmid was used as a probe to isolate the flaE region from a wild-type gene bank and to determine the chromosomal location of several deletion and insertion mutations within the flaY/E/F/G cluster. RNA PRODUCT OF A REACTION CATALYZED BY A VIRAL RNA-DEPENDENT RNA POLYMERASE, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering (ICME), Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI), Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR), Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, Office of VP for University Human Resources, Office of Vice President for Business Affairs and Chief Financial Officer, Directed Reading in Developmental Biology, DOI 10.1146/annurev.genet.41.110306.130346, DOI 10.1146/annurev.biochem.72.121801.161824, DOI 10.1146/annurev.micro.56.012302.161103. Four metrics characterizing the observed localization patterns of each of the three labeled proteins were extracted for hundreds of cell images from each of 854 mapped mutant strains. We use STORM super-resolution nanoscopy to probe the multi-protein complexes underlying modulation of ion channels. The bacterium Caulobacter crescentus has morphologically and functionally distinct cell poles that undergo sequential changes during the cell cycle. Despite their small size, bacteria have a remarkably intricate internal organization. Therefore, flagellar genes at or near the top of the hierarchy may be controlled, in part, by a unique transcription factor and may be responsive to the same DNA replication cues that mediate other cell cycle events, such as cell division. View details for Web of Science ID 000225590800012. The outcome of these experiences, together with the extraordinary scientists I came to know along the way, was and is an abiding passion to fully understand a simple cell in all its complexity and beauty. David Shapiros lab has spent over a decade studying estrogens, acting via estrogen receptor a (ERa), which plays a key role in most breast cancers. One of these shares a promoter motif with several genes expressed at the swarmer-to-stalked cell transition; while another appears to be controlled by the CtrA global transcriptional regulator. Caulobacter crescentus performs chemotaxis by short intermittent reversals of rotation of its single polar flagellum. Deletion of the region 5' to the apparent sigma 54 promoter caused a complete loss of transcription activation. View details for Web of Science ID 000083885400003. The lower rings were all approximately 21 nm in diameter, although they varied significantly in width. We sought to identify FtsZ-binding proteins that influence FtsZ function in Caulobacter crescentus. For questions or comments, contact the SLAC Office of Communications at Postdoctoral Scholar, 2014-17 However, protein crystallization as an evolutionary driver rationalizes S-layer diversity and raises the potential for biologically inspired self-assembling macromolecular nanomaterials. Lasker, K., Schrader, J. M., Men, Y., Marshik, T., Dill, D. L., McAdams, H. H., Shapiro, L. A cell cycle kinase with tandem sensory PAS domains integrates cell fate cues., x=wheesoo1031, Young-Joo Kim, PhD Brian Lue, SURF Scholar 2016-19 MD at UT Southwestern Bozdemir, E., Vigil, F.A., Bugay, V., Espinoza, L., Chun, S.H., Hobbs, M., Khoury, S., Holstein, D., Sanchez, I., Cavazos, J., Brenner, R., Carver, C.M., Hastings, S.D., Cook, M.E., and. The promoter of this operon was located by chromosomal integration of subclones of this region and by identifying DNA fragments that were capable of expressing lacZ transcriptional fusions. We determined the plasmid copy number in both progeny cell types, and determined that plasmids partitioned equally to the stalked and swarmer cells. Chemistry and Biotechnology, University of Tokyo The Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. This difference in affinity correlates with temporal changes in the cellular levels of CtrA. CcrM is essential for viability in both of these organisms, and we show here that it is also essential in Brucella abortus. Phage phiCb5 was studied with respect to the physical and chemical properties of both the phage and its RNA. All cells must integrate sensory information to coordinate developmental events in space and time. We leveraged the ability to isolate synchronous populations of Caulobacter crescentus cells to investigate assembly of the divisome and place the arrival of each component into functional context. Nuclease S1 mapping experiments showed that the tsr transcript was also controlled by the cell cycle, suggesting that the E. coli tsr gene is regulated by C. crescentus factors that mediate the timing of transcription initiation. Iniesta, A. Faithful chromosome segregation is an essential component of cell division in all organisms. There are many instances of differential polar functions; among these is the preferential use of old poles when attaching to host cells as in the interaction of Bradyrhizobium with plant root hairs (3) or the polar pili-mediated attachment of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa pathogen to tracheal epithelia (4). Analysis of the C. crescentus homolog of dnaX, which in Escherichia coli encodes both the gamma and tau subunits of the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme, identified the dnaX transcription start site and showed that activity from the dnaX promoter is stimulated fourfold at the onset of DNA replication. This suggests a role for HrcA in negative regulation of heat shock gene expression. Feingold, J., Bellofatto, V., Shapiro, L., Amemiya, K. TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL CONTROL OF FLAGELLAR AND CHEMOTAXIS GENE-EXPRESSION DURING CAULOBACTER CELL-DIFFERENTIATION. May 15, 2023. These genes are organized in several classes which form a transcriptional regulatory hierarchy. A partial open reading frame 165 base pairs 3' to the end of dnaK encodes a peptide of 190 amino acids that is 59% identical to DnaJ of E. coli. Transcription of the L-ring gene and synthesis of the L-ring protein were both increased in the P-ring null mutant. Catalytic efficiency is significantly enhanced with a DNAHM substrate. Stallmeyer, M. J., Hahnenberger, K. M., Sosinsky, G. E., Shapiro, L., DeRosier, D. J. TEMPORAL REGULATION AND OVERLAP ORGANIZATION OF 2 CAULOBACTER FLAGELLAR GENES. Ph.D. Medical Engineering, Caltech A cyclical control circuit composed of four master regulators drives the Caulobacter cell cycle. Five enzymes of the fatty acid beta-oxidation pathway, acyl-coenzyme A (CoA) synthase, crotonase, thiolase, beta-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, and acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, were identified. However, both cell division and stalk formation, which is analogous to a polar division event, require SecA function. Although the temporal control of expression at physiological temperatures is not affected by the presence or absence of the leader sequence, changes in mRNA secondary structure may contribute to the modulation of DnaK and DnaJ levels at normal temperatures and during heat shock. In this report we describe the isolation and characterization of a flagellar gene, fliX. article. This effect could be reversed by exogenous N6,O2'-dibutyryl 3':5'-cyclic AMP, and mutants resistant to repression by cyclic GMP derivatives exhibited a pleiotropic phenotype affecting a cyclic AMP-mediated event. The instability of the L-ring protein was apparent throughout the cell cycle of the P-ring mutant and contrasted with the fairly constant level of L-ring protein during the cell cycle of wild-type cells. While PodJS has a specific temporal and spatial address, MmpA is present throughout the cell cycle; furthermore, periplasmic fusion to mRFP1 suggested that MmpA is uniformly distributed around the cell. In the absence of DnaA, the CtrA master regulator is cleared by proteolysis during the swarmer-to-stalked cell transition as usual, but DNA replication initiation is blocked. Electron microscopy revealed that FzlA organizes FtsZ protofilaments into striking helical bundles. The polar accumulation of PopZ occurs by a diffusion/capture mechanism that requires the MreB cytoskeleton. In this paper, we report alterations in both the stalk and the flagellar structure that result from a mutation in the flagellar gene flbT. Our lab takes an interdisciplinary approach to understand the systems biology of a living cell. The hybrid cell-cycle simulation implementation is inherently extensible and provides a promising approach for development of whole-cell behavioral models that can replicate the observed functionality of the cell and its responses to changing environmental conditions. Such organization is transmitted from one generation to the next by progressive segregation of daughter chromosomes and anchoring of DNA to the cell envelope. We have attempted to develop the studies initiated by Poindexter,Stove and Stanier, and Schmidt and Stanier (16, 17, 20) with the Caulobacter genus so that these bacteria can serve as a model system for prokaryotic differentiation. In contrast to other uranium detection methodologies, the Caulobacter reporter strain can provide on-demand usability in the field; it requires minimal sample processing and no equipment other than a hand-held UV lamp, and it may be sprayed directly on soil, groundwater, or industrial surfaces. Proteins are positioned at particular sites in bacteria, including the cell pole, the incipient division plane, and the septum. (Hons) Integrative Biomedical Sciences, University of Edinburgh The ubiquitous DnaA protein is a major regulator of all three bacterial origins. Given this structural complexity, we are driven to ask how localization is achieved, and to what end. Strains bearing mutations in the pleA gene are pililess and non-flagellated. Alison Lui, SURF Scholar 2014 PhD at UC Berkeley We apply these tools to problems in synthetic biology, neuroscience, cancer, immunology and the mammalian microbiome. New research on bacterial cells has demonstrated that they have a dynamic and complex subcellular organization. Regions of homology between the IS elements and ribosomal RNA were observed. Here, we report a strategy deployed by the asymmetrically dividing bacterium Caulobacter crescentus where a regulatory protein is programmed to perform distinct functions at the opposing cell poles. Our results reveal a molecular mechanism that allows disparate environmental challenges to converge on a common pathway that results in a dormant state. Driks, A., Bryan, R., Shapiro, L., DeRosier, D. J. IMAGE-RECONSTRUCTION OF THE FLAGELLAR BASAL BODY OF CAULOBACTER-CRESCENTUS. In addition to the motility phenotype, mutations in this locus also cause abnormal cell division. Caulobacter crescentus divides asymmetrically generating two distinct cell types at each cell division: a stalked cell competent for DNA replication, and a swarmer cell that is unable to initiate DNA replication until it differentiates into a stalked cell later in the cell cycle. Ph.D. Student, Bioengineering But for proteins and small complexes, whether in the periplasm or the membrane, one must invoke a mechanism that prevents the diffusion of these proteins away from the cell pole. Lourenco, R. F., Saurabh, S., Herrmann, J., Wakatsuki, S., Shapiro, L. Cryogenic single-molecule fluorescence annotations for electron tomography reveal in situ organization of key proteins in Caulobacter.

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