scary 911 calls transcripts

Even after dispatching the ambulance and the police, the operators were still having a difficult time trying to understand what had happened because he was too distressed to speak coherently. The phone rang and rang. Whoa! To set the story up, the way 911 works in the state I lived in at the time was your call will first go to a 911 call center, where an operator pulled up all the electronic information, GPS location if cell phone and then determines the location, usually by asking the caller, before forwarding the call to the proper fire department dispatcher (me) in the area of the call who will get the location (again) and the emergency information and dispatch the fire department and/or the ambulance. A beeping sound started coming through my headphones meaning someone was calling in. I'm good. Especially in the middle of nowhere Montana with a population of 500. Stearns County sheriff's office transcript of 911 call from Merlyn Jerzak, a neighbor of Patty and Jerry Wetterling. The police are close. Compiled are the most disturbing and frightening calls operators and dispatchers have received on the job. A Milwaukee woman called 911 to report that her boyfriend was beating her in front of her children. How has anyonebeen calling you, Kara? he asked, confused. I sat back in my chair looking at the right hand screen. 911 OPERATOR: Do you have anything that can be used as a weapon in the closet to protect yourself? What kind of kid are we talking about? This site uses cookies to improve user experience. Dispatch: Yeah, I, Wetterlings, do they have their house number on their? No! People react to stress in various ways. Due to the numerous daily calls, working as a 911 emergency operator can be very demanding, with long shifts answering calls from terrified and desperate individuals in need of help. Jerzak: (Asks boys) Yeah, he was, he was riding his 10-speed bike, Dispatch: No vehicle was seen. 9/11 Tapes Evoke Horror, Heartbreak - CBS News Trevor: I think it was black, too. This call is being recorded. Sheer terror. There could be a possible VIC. The officers are on their way. Keep me updated, I said back. 911 dispatch, whats the exact location of your emergency? I looked up as the name and phone number flashed on the screen. At this time nothing was going on. Waiting for backup. Whats more shocking is that the ape went on attacking the woman, despite being stabbed several times by the owner. CALLER: No. Having apparently never been subjected to such unseemly behavior in his life, the 20-year veteran of the Lincoln Park Police Department on the other end of the call got things back on a more professional course by hanging up on the caller. Listening to that playback was one of the most unsettling things I've ever had to listen to.". But there was no dial tone and it wouldnt reconnect. As soon as these responders arrive at the scene, the emergency operators hang up, pick up the next call, and the cycle continues. Kara? I heard my straight-laced boss say as he came down the hallway. Dispatch: And he's 11. It claimed the lives of all four passengers. The call lasted approximately six minutes, from 9:17-9:23 p.m. EST. A 911 operator answered an emergency call at 7am, listening to a man yelling on the phone for help. Listen to scary 911 calls, recorded by local police and emergency de. If you call 911 today, we'll pass right the Hell out for one full minute! Dispatch: Trevor, do you know what happened to your friend's bicycle? This collection features stories from real life 911 and emergency dispatchers whoshared their personal accounts of nightmare calls on Reddit. Because 911 calls begin recording before they are even answered, somehow, the operator on the other end heard the foul language. Netflix subscribers cant get enough of Harry Hole. New 9/11 Tapes: Audio And Full Transcripts - Sky News An 18 year old boy called 911 hysterically requesting for an ambulance for his mother who had been shot. Whats happening? Trevor: Yeah, I, just a second. The most Scariest And Disturbing 911 call ever made. Do not - YouTube No, the horror stories happen when regular folk in an emergency call 911 and find the craziness happening at the other end of the line. Same weight? Whats your emergency? It looked like half man half and half something elseOH MY GOD ITS GETTING CLOSER! Friday, July 13th, 2018. An elderly woman, Sarah, called in to report her husband missing as she had not seen him in two days. Who will hear you? Top 15 Scary 911 Calls That Will Give You Chills - YouTube My friend was under the impression it was an elderly gentlemen experiencing a stroke. Here's The 14 Most Disturbing 911 Calls Ever Made It took my leg!! I hate when they get turned off, everything gets so silent. Those two girls did not make it. Who will hear you, Olivia? I managed to ask, a moment before the phone went dead again. A 7-year-old boy calls 911 after three armed gunman storm the house through and unlocked door. At some point, while still describing his situation on phone, he passed out because of the massive blood loss. Its going to be okay,I reassured my reflection. This call is made all the more haunting by the detached tone of 17-year-old Jake Evans as he calmly recounts killing his family. One week later, Sarahs neighbors called 911 claiming that there was a strange smell coming from her house. The vehicle rolled, and two girls were ejected from the vehicle before the car rolled on top of them. The operator on duty was suspended for seven days. Even though the job generally entails receiving distress calls, some have been very creepy and scary, and as a result, these 911 operators will probably never forget these haunting calls. The story we linked to doesn't give any specifics on what happened to the woman, but we take heart in knowing that, if she lived to complain about it, she at least wasn't killed. Amazingly, their car was spotted, and the police pursued them on foot until they were caught. I looked up as a name and number flashed on the screen in front of me. Looking in the mirror, I could tell that my color changed. Dispatch: OK, was, they picked up in a vehicle? I replied, I cant help you unless you tell me whats wrong, and then the phone line went dead. What she did not call for was comedy, but that's exactly what she got. Although Evans clearly didnt approve of his own actions, his voice was devoid of emotion as he said he would have killed pretty much anyone. God!!! He demanded that the operator send police to arrest him before he murdered his wife, and refused to answer any further questions as he hung up several times. Dispatch: Um, what is your name again sir? His daughter, who had been babysitting at the Wetterling house, called him to come to the Wetterling house when she learned of Jacob Wetterling's abduction from Jacob's brother, Trevor, and their friend, Aaron Larson. Trevor: Uh-huh. Im leaving. Ask for help? Jerzak: OK, by the way, um, I don't have a house number on my, on my house, my fire number is. One was a male adult, presumed to be the father, and two young girls. Trevor: Mm, what? When you factor in that the woman was fresh off a long day at work and has probably slowed with age, we may even put our money on the grotesquely oversized tween. Her arm and leg had been ripped off and it almost looked like the end of her limbs had been running through a pencil sharpener; mutilated. Trevor: OK. Dispatch: What we're more than likely will be coming out with some dogs and stuff OK? However, I think I have to tell it. The state of student activism on abortion at Texas A&M : NPR The skin began to get hot from anger. Help me!!! These are the real police 911 calls and dispatch audio from various law enforcement cases. That's when the 911 operator spoke up over the screams to the dispatcher, "Hey, I have no idea what is going on. Trevor: Uh-huh, just a second. A red dot started moving slowly towards the area where the young girl called from. The operator recalls the boys mother saying it was ok, it was an accident, and that she loved them. The cops are coming in the house! Then silence. Im not legally allowed to give too many identifying details, but thats not the important part. Alex Crain shot both of his parents to death in the early morning of December 9th, 2010. Hall remembered him threatening her life before five officers were finally able to subdue the intruder. Eileen was up late and it was dark outside, that can distort what you think youre seeing. After explaining that her 12-year-old was out of control, the 911 operator fired back with, quite possibly, the most ill-advised joke this side of Don Imus. Checkingson Sinclair calmly tells 911 that a murder has been committed. The police should be their soon. I needed to know what on Earth could cause so much harm to an innocent girl. We will discuss 15 of the creepiest calls 911 emergency operators have had to deal with in the past. It's lighting up the sky around's huge! The 911 operator will stay on the line, while the caller talks to the dispatcher, but they usually don't say anything and let us talk to the caller. There's good news and there is bad news. What do I need,I askedout loud. With stories out there about serial killers like Ted Bundy and the Zodiac Killer, straightforward murder by intruder can seem almost mundane in comparison. Jerzak: That's Dr. Jerry Wetterling. That is if I dont decide to quit before that. I also want to get Early Bird Books newsletter featuring book deals, recommendations, and giveaways. What if the woman calling looks like this? My arm. 5 Horrifying Tales Of 911 Incompetence | Real 911 Calls & Police Dispatch Audio We're not emergency response professionals, but we maybe would have asked what the problem was before disconnecting the call. But when Sheila Jones called 911 in Nashville to report that very thing, the response she received was akin to what one might expect if calling an emergency line to report an ingrown toenail. Fortunately, Jones's boyfriend never did get around to actually killing her, presumably because even he started feeling sorry for her after the police failed to show. Your email address will not be published. Dispatch: Give me some information on this guy with the mask, I want color, anything those kids can remember? Ive debated whether or not to share this story because it is still very upsetting to me. but it costs a lot of money to get that done. Dispatch: Can you hear me now? A spokesman for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which owned the buildings, says some of the victims identified themselves by name on the tape. The shortest call on this list took just 50 seconds to make. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. 911: Stay calm sir, we're sending somebody out. Jerzak: Pardon I can't hear you? A partial transcript of the 911 call Williams made is as follows (Note: police stress that the call is only reflective of what the caller said and may not reflect facts): Williams: Ma'am, I. This display of pointless bickering even continued through a third call in which the officer called her "a buffoon." The 911 operator noticeably failed to get her address, and the murderer escaped before police arrived. When Ledesma advised that she needed an ambulance and gave her address, the operator got right to the important business at hand: scolding the girl for cursing. 10 NYC Horrors That Were As Traumatic As 9/11 10 Madeline Sweeney: "We are flying way too low." Madeline Sweeney was an American Airlines flight attendant for over a decade. Oh.oh, wait. These audio recordings will haunt even the most seasoned true crime listener. Jerzak: OK. Dispatch: That the kids ran into? Dispatch: OK, you guys ran off into the woods, but nobody knows what happened to Jacob right? Being a dispatcher isnt always easy. Officers had been dispatched, but another more important call came in, so they answered that first. The sounds that she made before dying mixed with the information in that folder had me on the edge of early retirement. I also want to get the Early Bird Books newsletter featuring great deals on ebooks. I was watching TV when I noticed it staring at me through the window. Jerzak: (Provides phone number).But I'm at my neighbor's. "I've had a lot of messed up calls as a 911 operator. OK, what was Jacob last seen wearing? Trevor: That what? Their Lexus was going 120 miles per hour when it hit another car, went through a fence, and became airborne. True 911 Calls: 4 very real disturbing 911 calls with included updates and backstories. 911. Well, he did, but he didn't hang up, and legally you're not allowed to hang up unless there's some very specific circumstances, so she had to sit there and listen to him die.". Whats your name? Dispatch: OK, did he threaten you? Leaked 911 Call Transcripts You Won't Believe! Love's Eternal Flame. I need you to stay calm and talk to me until they arrive. That's when. Whats your emergency? I said as I answered the phone. Just then the screen started lighting up again. Its coming up to the bedroom. 9-11 Transcripts Reveal Haunting Images - KTRE We guess we could live with that if the chicanery ended there. A 911 operator dispatched an ambulance toan elderly man who was not breathing, and the assigned paramedic confirmed that he had died. 911 OPERATOR: Ok, good. D-R-I-V-E. ** ***** MO *****. 1570379/11 Emergency Dispatcher transcripts2001 Why wont you help me? she whimpered. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. 911, whats your emergency? I said clearly to the person on the other line. They looked for him all over the small town, but could not find him. 911: Sir? ITS GOING TO FIND ME! One of those inadequately trained operators was the Pittsburgh-area 911 worker who took a call from a woman last April asking police to remove her 22-year-old son from her home. Dispatch: OK, Jacob it's Jacob right? Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, Horror Movies That Don't Look Like Horror Movies. The transcripts, about 2,000 pages worth, were created from tapes of emergency calls and radio transmissions made after hijacked planes were slammed into the twin towers. Several photographs were taken of Eileens body. 911 OPERATOR: Stay quiet and hidden. Trevor: Yeah, (inaudible) about the same. 1. Jerzak: My home phone. It sounds like its chewing on something. Trevor: Well he was, he was like sorta, he was like a man, sort of big. Please read our guidelines in the sidebar/"about" section before proceeding. Its probably best for everyone to never flirt. Because his douchebag meter goes well past 11, the officer she had been talking to came out and asked if she was the foul-mouthed girl he had been speaking to. Please,please, please, you've got to come help him!". Alright maam, I will send animal control over as soon as possible. The caller thanked me and said she will be outside waiting. I took a look at my screen. What is your ETA? I closed my eyes and tried to stay calm. 118K views 3 months ago #911 #Creepy #Creepiest These phone calls will haunt your dreams. 911 Dispatchers Describe the Creepiest Call They've Ever Had - Ranker Dispatch: OK, I'm hoping if, if Jacob would have ran into the woods or something, if he would have gotten lost or something. 913 Kingman Drive. Cry? I spend a solid twominutes on the phone, trying to get her to calm down enough that I can understand her, and the whole time I hear someone screaming in a language I can't recognize in the room with her. Leave a Like if you enjoyed! (Asks boys.) These are the transcripts from the most disturbing 911 call I have ever taken. This place is out in the middle of nowhere. He didnt seem to be in his right mind as he told the operator that he was in the process of amputating his legs. And it's clear from every story that working dispatch and helping people in life-threatening . I heard our dispatcher answer the call, but all that could be heard on the other end was screaming. The one I had this lady was screaming. The recording becomes downright chilling when her pleas and screams are muffled by his hand. This call is being recorded. Sign up forThe Lineup's newsletter, and get our most terrifying stories delivered straight to your inbox. To see why else there's no hope for humanity, check out 7 People Who Never Gave Up (But Absolutely Should Have). Kevin Cosgrove's 911 call from the 105th floor of the south tower during the attack on the Twin Towers documents one of the most tragic and pivotal events in American history. CALLER: My house. Dispatch: That's where you're calling from, correct. Its teeth are like a shark! The constant stream of calls about gunshots, robberies and out of control chimpanzee attacks would be enough to keep anyone on their toes, right? Not normal person behavior at all.". August 28, 2003 / 8:58 PM / AP. Watching as it got closer and closer, I wondered if she was okay. 911 OPERATOR: Whats your current location? The conversation is presented here in full, unabridged, although out of respect for the victims and their family, their identities, and the location have . Sure, you get calls from the occasional basket case who threatens to end your shit with a chainsaw unless you reverse that $5 late fee, but mostly it's just mundane questions about things you don't care about. Depending on a callers situation, they will dispatch police officers, paramedics and fire fighters, keeping them well informed of the current situation as they make their way to the scene. Dispatch: He had a mask on? Dispatch: What, he was large? Trying to get help, I guess., Credit: Cole Long (Facebook Twitter Thought Catalog). My leg is across the room in its mouth. He cooly informs them who exactly is response, and its creepy AF. What can I help you with?". Dispatch: OK, can you think of anything else that I have? A girl called saying she was hiding in her dorm room closetbecause the girl that had been 'stalking'her had just broken into her room. !The skin is dangling off, and theres purple flesh exposed! Trevor: Seemed like he had a cold sort of. JUDY GROOVER, 911 CALL LED TO FRIENDSHIP WITH FIRST RESPONDER: I'm fine. Trevor: Cuz we had to just like run, run off into the woods. 911 OPERATOR: Just stay on the line with me and be quiet. Dispatch: OK. In the aftermath of the Supreme Court's abortion decision, a student group at Texas A&M that promoted abortion rights has seen its membership plummet, while an anti-abortion group is thriving. You can find us in the closet. I could hear another distant whimpering that wasnt coming from the VIC on the line. When the. Jerzak: OK. Dispatch: In the meantime I want to compile as much information as I can. Jerzak: Here, Trevor. Whats going on? Then I heard someone in the background screaming 'he's stabbing her he's stabbing her!' She died. The time 12:00 a.m. 911 OPERATOR: 911, fire, and police. Their children were with her in the boat. Final Words From 9/11 Victims. Again, so taken back at the thought of a frantic teen having the audacity to curse, the officer still didn't ask what she was calling about and disconnected the call. Foster became increasingly agitated and seemed barely able to comprehend the operator, let alone get his story straight. When a local news affiliate got wind of the story, they investigated and uncovered the not a shit giving 911 operator's antics. He told the operator that he was preparing his hunting rifle, an older model that did not have safety, and had a very light trigger. Hold still and be quiet. Your fire number is AJ 80 right? Thats just it though, there wasnt a trace of anyone in the house. Trevor: Hello? Oh God, no! I was about to ring him back when the computers lit up. Closet, she replied. Realizing that the woman was, in fact, on fire, the operator quickly ordered her to drop to the ground and roll around until the flames were extinguished. So much blood. Final Words From 9/11 Victims - CBS News Dispatch: OK. "911, what's your emergency?". Dispatch: OK. Ill update when or if they find anything further along in the investigation. After calling once and getting no answer, she hung up and called again. She didn't wantto because she wasn't comfortable driving the boat. It turned out that he had been putting away some things in the attic and his wife accidentally locked him there. Some people overeat, some people get throw-up drunk and some people curse like sailors when their 911 calls aren't answered in a timely manner. She proceeded to explain that it was her pet chimpanzee and not a human behind the attack. Dispatch: OK, My mom is at work. What can I help you with? I said back to the frightened young girl. I started memorizing the street names that in our designated area. I called back only to hear that horrific screaming again. Here more excerpts from a 2,000-page transcript of taped emergency calls and radio transmissions made on Sept. 11, 2001, released by . He then makes the call from the kitchen after shooting his mother, telling the operator, I wasnt even really angry with them, it just kind of happened. While on the phone with the operator she kept running and hiding behind bushes and dumpsters out of fear. He then ran into the woods with the machete. I have to go! The police are on their way. This is part of the job requirement. She was in an office park, but didnt know the exact location. In keeping with his FCC like devotion to family friendly emergencies, he made sure to bring up the cursing when putting in the call. The Star-Ledger Two victims of the Old Bridge Pathmark shooting spree: Bryan Breen, 24, and Cristina LoBrutto, 18. An internal investigation of the 911 operator was conducted, but no charges were made against her. At the very least, they'll call you back in an effort to find out what the fuck you're up to. Who thought a simple caterpillar could throw us into an existential crisis? "Afriend of mine who used to dispatch has the worst story I've ever heard. 911 Calls Gone Tragically Wrong - Reader's Digest Jerzak: Yes? Finally he answered. Unfortunately, the operator could not get a precise location through her cell phone, despite the need to urgently help the young woman. When Hurricane Katrina hit an operator got a call from a woman who was trapped in her house. Domestic Violence Through the Eyes of a Six-Year-Old. Knowing that the kidnappers were looking forher, shenarrated to the operator how theyhad beaten her, and would kill her if they found her. One of the hardest and emotionally tasking things they have to deal with is the fact that they never get to know what happened to the callers, or how the emergency situation ended. We also have very windy, unlit backroads. Dispatch: OK, he's going to finish up the call from that end then, OK? The eerie part about the call was the next dispatch shift I worked. He makes good on this threat. 911 OPERATOR: Eileen! Karen was alone with her baby when somebody tried to force their way into her home. But as I saw the name on the screen, my stomach immediately dropped. I looked up from my desk confused.. Jerzak: Right. Dispatch: AJ? I had to take a moment to decompress. Immediately dialing the number back, I waited for it to ring. 911 OPERATOR: OK. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Dispatch: OK, so we're missing two people? What could be more important than a potential stabbing? I believe there is someone else with her, I informed him. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. A 911 operator received a call from a terrified family that was travelling in a vehicle whose brakes had failed. Dispatch: Did they see any weapons at all or anything like that? He becomes increasingly disheartened as the smoke gets thicker, his breathing audible and labored. One such time was when Peter Tyler called 911 to explain why he pushed his three kids into a pond. Although firefighters did arrive before her car was submerged, they were blocked by the flood water until almost an hour after she first called. Did they know if he actually had contact with Jacob or anything like that? This wasnt the first 911 call young Lisa Floyd made over the abuse her mother faced at the hands of her stepfather, but this particular call has become a key factor in bringing awareness to the impact of domestic abuse on children. Im not sure what it is exactly. Hell hear me! she cried out. "Guy shot his wife after he found her cheating. Most Disturbing 911 Calls SSSniperWolf 33.3M subscribers Join Subscribe 363K Share 14M views 5 years ago Scary and disturbing 911 calls. "My mom is a dispatcher for Phoenix. I had grown accustomed to the shock. Adrianne Ledesma of Lincoln Park, Michigan learned this lesson the hard way. Dispatch: OK, can I talk to Merlyn again real quick? But the fun didn't stop there. No! All four passengers died on impact of blunt force trauma before the car caught fire. Seriously, we're asking. This usually means the responding officer got to the location or close to it. Her son, in turn, described how his cousin Sandra came in to the kitchen and stabbed her child who was only 3 months. By the time they could reach her car, Stevens had run out of oxygen and could not be resuscitated. Eventually, she was able to find a business sign, which the operator used to find the address and dispatch police officers. Ill spare you the gory details. Trevor: You bet. As anyone who has ever worked a customer service gig can attest, the general public is, for the most part, pretty damn boring. Also, our number is unlisted. For instance. The transcripts also detailed the frenzy of phone calls that followed the terrorist attack on the trade center: Trapped workers begging for an escape route from its 106th-floor restaurant . My arm. 911 calls describe horrific scene where children found dead Ill call you once I reach the site. And he hung up. Jerzak: What, our, our fire number is, my fire number is AJ80 and theirs is OK, I'm right next door, my fire number is AJ80. Which makes it hard when you work the night shift alone. You've got to help him! I dont think I have long till heor it finds me. He had a mask on. Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed under any circumstance. Did the intruder cut it off? CALLER: No. Also, the father lived. People have been known to call 911 for some pretty stupid reasons: keys locked in the car, slow traffic, loud fireworks, knife wielding ex-boyfriends breaking in the house threatening to kill them. Trevor: In the house here right now. That last one doesn't seem to fit the description at all! BF: It's getting bigger! Jerzak: (Asks boys.). When units arrived on scene, however, they discovered that the caller was a 17-year-oldwho had been shot in the face by his mother. The whole top of the hill is on fire now! CALLER: (gurgled screams) Its eating my leg in front of me! Dispatch: OK, and that's Dr. Jerry Wetterling? Because of her injury, Hall was unable to escape when the man appeared in her kitchen and punched her in the face. Jerzak: And some of their boys went down to Tom Thumb to pick up a movie and on their way back ah someone stopped them and ah, we believe that they have one of the boys because the, one of the boys did not come back with them. The woman filed a complaint, which didn't amount to anything more than the operator receiving two letters of reprimand. Seconds before plummeting to their death, someone in the car yells to hold on and pray before screams are heard and the call is cut off. The normal tan hue was now pale white and my pupils were dilated. CALLER: Kingman. Most other states allow free access to 911 transcripts, although the procedure for obtaining them varies. I'm a 911 Operator. These Are The Transcripts From The Most - Reddit Dispatch: OK, were you, were they picked up in a vehicle? But the shenanigans don't stop there.

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