pueraria mirifica forum

For transgender women, the benefits of taking Pueraria mirifica entails more than just breast enlargement. However, it stopped and never occurred again. they are so worried about the risks involved. Let me know if you are comfortable sharing info via email. I also did some research on signs of low estrogen/high estrogen/low-high progesterone. I was lucky that none of the blood clots came loose and killed me. Regards. I hate to admit it but although I tried concvincing myself that my body might be going through some changes and it was all part of the PM process, it scared me to death when my last period was so short and light, you could say it was a missed period. I'm pretty sure that Barbie11 uses only the Ainterol PM spray before noogling. Pueraria Mirifica works to promote blood circulation in the breasts whilst encouraging the growth of protein in the fatty tissues that surround the breast. I'm feeling a bit down today. Since January I have noticed subtle changes to my body finer hair, slightly softer skin, and my breasts now fill my 38A bra without padding. What Is Pueraria Mirifica? Discover 10 Benefits of Taking It Night sweats stopped in as little as six days. Powered by Invision Community. Never had those problems before taking the herbs. As regards other side effectsI really dont think there are any.Unless, you happen to have a particular medical condition of some sort. Depending on your genes, your age and your health, taking a sufficient dosage of PM may make you grow breast of a noticable . I have experienced penis atrophy due to prior effort with herbal anti androgens. My family is so against me getting implants. In the video below, a crossdresser shows the effects of taking Pueraria Mirifica for 5 months: This is our recommended Pueraria Mirifica supplement (Amazons Choice): Regular use of feminizing herbs can raise estrogen and bring testosterone even below baseline levels, causing Feminization Effects. If so I want to purchase peurira merifica from your esteem company. Forum Announcements. I am a Transvestite and have been taking oestogen and anti androgen tablets and applying creams to my breasts and nipples every day for a number of years through a company called Transformation UK Ltd. I'm going to do a little experiment using the PM cream by pueraria uk from ebay. I am looking forward to your response. MTF, FTM, friends and family members are welcome! Beware of DVT. So it you take this see a doctor it can kill you. I also don't take in that much caffeine. "If aging men take this medicine [they] will become strong like a young man," the text professes-adding that "the ingredient in the medicine is very easy to find, but the specification of the right plant is very difficult." Please, just simple replies. phytoestrogens and miroestrol, and it is much, much stronger than the other herbs normally used for this purpose. I wish I didn't order so much of it though. I thought i did my research about PM and fenugreek but i guess you learn more from other peoples experiences that what you read about them on the web. Where was the first time you have ventured out dressed? Every day we feature new photos of the members of Crossdresser Heaven. Pueraria Mirifica for Transgender Women? I never took PM, but just wanted to warn you about the estrogenic herbs. The studies further reported that the Pueraria Mirifica extract did not affect the levels of FSH, LH, total cholesterol, and triglycerides. It also makes me calmer so I dont get impatient or in a hurry such as in traffic mostly but also in other situations. Thoughts? Hi all! After that I had some very light bleeding. Transpulse & TransGender Pulse Forums Pueraria Mirifica? - Breasts - Transgender Radio - TgR The biggest use for Pueraria Mirifica in the transgender community would be for breast enlargement. But in the meantime, the herb's availability is still limited, and the American market may not quite be ready to embrace it. Pueraria Mirifica is most often used for Women's Health. Your OBGYN is right in saying that that herbs like PM can trigger other problems. I can't say enough good things about it. The first half of its moniker (also called PM for short) is simply the Latin term for what is locally called kudzu-a genus of green plants native to Southeast Asia. Pueraria Mirifica is a native Asian plant. Anybody? Did it make so far since you last posted on Dec 2 2019? Given it is considered an herbal hormone, it would work similarly to endogenous hormones, but more studies and research is required to establish its usage for transgender women. Pueraria Mirifica Plus Review - Is It Worth Trying? I am going to continue usage for 2 more months to see what happens! I have not noticed and change in my breast size btw smile. Traditionally, pills are made of finely ground root powder, but some commercial brands use the root extract [ 1 ]. In my case, even a small increase in breast tissue would solve what little I have left. Let's say you do have a hormonal imbalance: in that case, there is no way to know whether or not PM is the right thing to correct the imbalance. Im taking warafin for my blood thinner but I used to be on Coumadin. Enter Pueraria Mirifica (aka Kwao Krua): and affectionately referred to as simply PM. Click the links below to access the individual topic pages: This article makes use of information from the U.S. National Library of Medicine under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Whilst there are decent results to be obtained from a herbal route and it might be okay if you are unsure - for me it was a further 10 months of not being . Does Pueraria Mirifica cause Erectile Dysfunction? Wow you hear all these stories and you get so confused. It appears effective, but lacks blinded studies. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with you hormonally at all, but it's a bit naive of a doctor to dismiss concerns of a younger woman because she doesn't have hot flashes. Relative to this, dried PM root scores a more toxic 7-but when the root is administered in the form of a standardized extract, the score raises to 40, causing no animal deaths at all. 500mg of Pueraria Mirifica is safe and gives a high level of potency in one dosage. Transgender Heaven is an inclusive, welcoming and safe place to discuss topics related to gender transition. It serves as a "test drive" prior to conventional HRT. PMID: 17185797. But yes it will be a while before I try it. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Pueraria Candollei var. Thanks again for the good advice Heloise! I hope it did not cause it. Also, if you are far from menopause and have a regular menstrual cycle, it's not a great idea to try and "enhance" your estrogen with supplements, Herbs like the one listed in this thread are used medicinally for women much older than youself (from what I infer in this thread). We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Hi Maryjean. Usually, over here, there are instructions contained in the packet with the pills that tell you about all the side effects and which other 'supplements' to not take while taking them. You can find details on how to order this product-and be among the first on this side of the Atlantic to benefit from this breakthrough herb-in the Members Source Directory. Pueraria Mirifica is known to naturally increase the levels of estrogen within the body. At the very least the excess skin built up around the chest would sink to the stomach area and make that region Flabby. Comments and discussions in some online forums and blogs suggest that Pueraria Mirifica can help a Male to achieve better results when transitioning from male to female (MTF), however, consuming it in higher dosages may not be safe and can cause side effects. Soybeans and soy products contain some of the same phytochemicals found in Pueraria mirifica.The July/August 2009 issue of Human Reproduction Update included an analysis of the combined results from 47 studies that examined the effects of soy and soy-derived phytoestrogens on women's reproductive hormone levels and menstrual cycles. Amazingly, she still had the energy she needed to chase after her grandchildren. Although many share similarities we are each unique in our story and journey and thats what makes us special. A woman posted this on a forum called Breast Nexus. Please send contact no. I've read a few posts so far and I'm feeling a bit comforted. As an Amazon Associate, cesupplement.com earns commissions from qualifying purchases made through our links to Amazon. The study evaluated the ability of Pueraria Mirifica to lower the levels of testosterone and thus inhibit cancer growth. It all helps in breast enlargement and firmness. Mohamad, Jamaludin & Masrudin, Siti Saleha & Alias, Zazali & Muhamad, Airina. Epub 2007 Sep 24. I should also add that I am taking them with fenugreek capsules that I bought at GNC. Required fields are marked *. All I can say is thank God for Noogleberry. A scam? I have sense replaced that flab with muscle and now my ab area looks more feminine toned then flabby. Im not overweight & I dont have any other health issues! If you saw a naturopath, they wouldn't laugh at you. Pueraria Mirifica has recently been found to improve memory. admin--13-12-2011, 09:00 PM Normal Threads switch to purafem or ainterol. Take a look at our other articles to find out more about what this miracle plant can do for you. There were only a few human studies on P. mirifica. For centuries, PM has been working magic that (until now, at least) most of us have only seen in big-budget Hollywood films-or in our absolute wildest dreams. Beautifully worded, and I agree. What kind of pueraria? I will keep you posted on any changes that this pill may bring about in the next few months. If there is a RAW product you would like Item to carry Email Them at : pd@iherb.com. 2009-2023 The Rawtarian. im a transgender and the cap really work i have developed real breasts my leg and arm hair has stopped growing and my hair keeps growing and my face i starting to look fem. Pueraria Mirifica and Saw Palmetto (MtF) : r/TransDIY - Reddit I never embraced this idea with natural herbs and stuffI`ll never follow a naturist treatment. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Expiry Year: 2012. PM's property is. eachOMG my breasts are getting firmer and fuller, Ive gained 1 since I started.also much more relaxed and femme.these things are great so far Alexis, Hi Simone..Im on my 1st day of my 3rd week taking 2x 500mg of Pueraria.Im just starting to get a tingle feeling in my breasts and am starting to think much more femmeIm going to give it 3 months to see what happens.Im very excited about the possibilities Hugs, Alexis. All information in this website is for informational and/or entertainment purposes only, and is not reviewed by any qualified medical professional, and it is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. My plans for dressing as Shawna to work the whole next month for LGBT pride is going well,my family is for it showing I am a proud part time crossdresser.My co workers and boss are even for it. The analysis remains the most comprehensive to date on this . ). The herbs work with your prolactin levels - similar to women who are pregnant. What am I really? I go to planned Parenthood for all my women health crap. Pueraria Mirifica Plus is a female hormone supplement designed to promote women's health by relieving them of premenopausal or menopausal symptoms. I am a guy that is all. You must log in or register to reply here. Gyno you end up with big tits I am 58 and been on them for 4 years and have d cups I love playing with them. "3, But as they say, every rose has its thorn-and Pueraria mirifica appears to be no exception. The best medicine is often no medicine, and/or to remove the "offending" agent from your daily regime (heavy caffeine, foods that don't work for your body etc.). Quick view. Im not bothered at all. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. oz of pueraria mirifica cream and .05 oz of pueraria mirifica serum. Is there a sign that I can look for before testing to see if my estrogen level is too low? We hate spam too, unsubscribe at any time. I hope for the Greatest Feminization from this product. Feeling so good . I had some cramping similar to that of a period. I am male in late 60s, and have always had female leanings and desires (I hate being in male company, and dont like the effects of testosterone at all prefer oestrogen). Any man hoping to use the plant for significant breast enlargement will need to opt for an enhancement treatment for 3-6 months. I encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with like-minded, qualified health care professional(s). Hi All been lurking for a short while, so I though I would add my $0.02 worth! it could trigger other problems and that no herb can do such a wonder without having a negative effect on my body. Welcome to the forums, Creature! PM can provide a safer and gentler gateway into the world of FHT without all the costs and hassle associated with FHT. Hello everyone! Time now: Jun 1, 12:00 AM How could this woman (mtf) get such great results with nothing but This site will not function correctly unless Javascript is enabled. I agree with Yogi--I would hope that a benefit to eating a raw/living foods diet would be greater acceptance of one's body. Sep 18, 2012 #1 I just have some questions about PM. Like I said, people imagine that every ailment they get is caused from a tablet that is not sold by the American Medical Association. Theres really only one way for that, and thatss oestrogen. Tests carried out by Thailand's Chulalongkorn University found Pueraria Mirifica therapy was able to enhance breast size by up to 80%. Topic: Pueraria Mirifica - Crossdresser Heaven If it does work then the only problem is is that the cream doesn't last that long Hi Rachiex, I've never heard of PM causing weight gain and cellulite, but if you are afraid to try it..then dont. A place where people gather to learn about so called, "natural breast enhancement" through use of herbs, suctions cups, massage, etc. Crossdresser Heaven has a vibrant community, with more than 35,000 members and dozens of daily posts and crossdressing topics to explore. Pueraria Mirifica contains phyto-estrogens 3000 times more potent. I'm usually very skeptical. It appears to be a pseudo-estrogen that can help women in many ways. This can help with the development of the secondary sexual characteristics found in the female body. Obviously, Ive not noticed any breast growth yet but my moods are starting to change, i.e. I am going to see an endocrinologist later this year to see if there are meds that do the same or are better for my cholesterol and ulcer. Dr. Sandy detailed many stories to me: In one particularly memorable account he described an 82-year-old woman whose daily consumption of PM kept her hair naturally jet black, and her body as spry as a woman decades her junior. Get optimum benefits without any Pueraria Mirifica negative effects by using any best rated 100% pure Pueraria Mirifica product. No preservatives are added as well. The silicone ones, if they leak, can make you very sick. Example: I was 190lbs male and in Ok shape. Taking a larger dosage may not be safe and cause side effects leading to an increased risk of breast cancer. i dont know why but i do. Instruction: Take 2 capsules per day, will last for 1 and 1/2 month / 6 weeks. You might be right about the PM because most people who take it are menopausal or close to menopause. We can talk until we are blue in the face about it's attributes but if people begin taking it, and start worrying about it, they will blame every ache and pain that they get in their body on it and say it's no good and PM caused it. I want to do a lot a research first because it seems pretty powerful. For women in menopause, it needs to be taken every day, if you skip 2-3 days you get very heavy stomach cramps and bleeding. Note: It is strongly recommended not to take more than the recommended dose. This snake oil will maybe make you feel puffy but will not do anything positive. Raw foods balance your hormones over time. Thanks! i'm goin for them for the same reasons as you i.e. Surprisingly not that expensive. Zeina - You might want to be a bit careful with fennugreek, fennel, and any of those other estrogenic herbs. Qualcuno ha gi provato qst prodotto e sa dirmi qualcosa in piu? A collaboration between Crossdresser Heaven and four leading retail providers serving the crossdresser and transgender community. What could look like a trigger for potentially dangerous cell division on the surface would reveal itself to be increasing cancer-fighting cells upon closer inspection, he argues. It takes time but eventually what happens is you get an over all feminine physique. Using herbs to increase breast size involves manipulating your body and your hormones. On the LD50 test (which measures the dosage that would kill laboratory animals after 14 days, expressed in weight of material per kilogram of body weight), simple water scores a 16. Vicki - I have used Pueraria Mirifica - it was the main ingredient in a breast enhancement pill I was taking several years back. P.S. I'm sure no one will mind if you're weird, it's just a human thing that likely most here are used to, so no need to worry. I did experience some irregular bleeding but it stopped after two days. I started in January with full Soy and Flax seed isoflavones on cereals, and twice daily massage of my breasts/nipples with lavender and tea tree oils. What is Pueraria Mirifica? - WebMD there are no miracle herbs or magic potions. Just as important as PM's safety, though, is that it actually works. and the final results that buyers have submitted throughout community forums, reviews, stories, articles or blog posts, and other resources, we have found . Y the shrinking of that thing. There are some advantages to having smallish breasts which women grow to appreciate over time (they don't sag, you can wear some types of clothing more easily, and working out is easier). I began this process predominantly for breast growth. It's like $6 and the bottle contains all three of these elements. It balances the hormones in men and women. Rev Urol. If I am 21 years old, could this actually help me to age more slowly?? Ramp up your plan properly. Does age in Men affect your chances of proper breast growth? Of the 37 trial subjects, 20 were randomly assigned a dose of 50 mg of PM per day-the other 17 received a dose of 100 mg. Although you will no doubt find someone who swears by the effectiveness of the product overall I dont believe there is any evidence that there is a longer term feminising effect. Waterbaby mentioned that it did nothing for her breast size and this is the whole reason why i'm taking it. 2019 Jul;45(7):1352-1362. doi: 10.1111/jog.13982. It is nature's most potent source of. AINTEROL Natural Products USA, Inc. - AINTEROL Brand I am ts girl. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Keep in mind what you are all looking to do here requires a marathoners thinking not that of a sprinter! 11. Wish me luck, I am male 40 years old i need my breast enlargement it can help male breast enlargement, will the breast spray work on men I am 73, Im 72 Male and Im interested in my breasts growing Ive always wanted this but I have heard conflicting health reports on different things so could you recommend anything for me? Im happy with progress, and the next 3-6 months will be an interesting journey, especially as the PM kicks in. I am also using their PM breast cream twice daily, 3 times on the weekends. Now further along, a member asks for her measurements, to which she replies, "I started at 205 lbs and a 36" bustline, I'm now down to 140 lbs, and a 42C or 40D, depending on who you ask.". feeling much calmer and more relaxed plus my breasts are becoming very sensitive and tingly! In risposta a momoka_11730022. The fact that it causes irregular bleeding sometimes scares me. I'm not quite sure. Was this review helpful to you? Pueraria and Saw Palmetto are my combination of choice. Why You Should Avoid Taking Pueraria Mirifica - Livestrong Rigidity is stupidity, and tradition is a slur. 46. I would gladly say goodbye to it if it .want that my breasts are going to grow to a G cup or a little better. Thread starter SydKait; Start date Sep 18, 2012; SydKait New Member. Once youre happy with the enhancement and hormone changes, you should continue to use Pueraria Mirifica to maintain firmness. Gender. Questions about Pueraria Mirifica (Trans MtF) : r/asktransgender - Reddit Pueraria mirifica. What is the Recommended Dosage of Pueraria Mirifica for a Male? These implants can leak, shift, and just look like hell (not to mention the expense of the surgery itself). Today, you can still read the ancient palm leaves that are inscribed with the plant's numerous (and incredible) capabilities, which were translated into modern Thai by scholars in the 1930s. In some ways, it really isn't any more natural than getting surgery. The good news is that it works if you are a man and interested in increasing your breast size; then, Pueraria Mirifica is one of the best herbs you can use. I want to help other fitness enthusiasts in their journey to a healthier lifestyle and avoid wasting their time on ineffective supplements the same way I did in the past. Are you taking a particular kind of capsule? The results were positive-and began to show as soon as six days after treatment, leading study authors to conclude that "Pueraria mirifica demonstrates great promise in the treatment of climacteric symptoms among perimenopausal women. Monks used palm leaves to record the effects of . (2019). One benefit is that smaller breasts age better! Given the small amount of phytoestrogen in Pueraria Mirifica, it may not cause Male Breast Growth at normal dosage in a short time. AINTEROL PURE Pueraria Mirifica Capsules. Does Pueraria Mirifica help lower Testosterone? very helpful..now can you take this with the msm products? There are lots of discussions going on Eve's Forum these days about the right dosage of PM, that's why I am a bit confused. It may not display this or other websites correctly. I have not been RAW for long. Is a true that more phytoestrogens can intake estrogen in body ? (Or is she lying? I have heard of people gaining weight on PM because of the phytoestrogen composition of PM. You can buy a bag of the powdered root and make your own capsules, or do as we did, mix the powder into honey and eat a pea sized amount twice daily. Or you could ask Dr. Sandy, like I did. Use of Pueraria Mirifica MTF For Transgender Trans Women And if all that isn't compelling enough, imagine being able to combat breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer and prostate complications-all with this single "miraculous" herb. Please share Crossdresser Heaven with your friends and others who may benefit from our community. In fact, there have been hundreds of statements from men testifying the positive effects the herb has given to them. Last Post by Isabelle PMID: 31099163. Pueraria mirifica is most commonly taken orally, usually in pill form. Nobody can look at a person and accurately access the goings-on of their endocrine system. Oh I forgot to mention I'd like to go by They/Them. While some people report minor feminization effects from certain herbal formulas, only prescription-grade hormone replacement therapy (HRT) will provide meaningful feminization results. I've read a lot about this herb and supposedly most women see a change within three months of usage and that's why I'm willing to give it a chance. . But only one of them-Pueraria mirifica-has the astounding power to reverse the many effects of aging. Hi, I am wondering if the breast growth from Pueraria Mirifica is permanent or temporary. Thanks. Men take Pueraria Mirifica to develop a smoother skin, glowing complexion, better mood and an overall sense of well-being. Pueraria Mirifica - AINTEROL U.S Preservative Free Cosmetics What are the Results of Pueraria Mirifica if taken by a Male? I have been takin it for 2 weeks now. As we move into the new year we look forward to growing our community and giving more people a safe, supportive and welcoming place to be themselves.

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