joel osteen morning prayer

My craving for what I now understand as high church brought me to a traditional-minded United Methodist church. I attract enough income to pay for the lifestyle I want., 21. I must be honest I learned something here too but I think Joel Osteen and other men of God should be left out. God is moved by our faith. I really appreciate your opinion and your time. The enemy gets stirred up when you start asking God for big things. Melanie.I was encourage to read this because from the first time I heard Joel I didnt like his sermon style. Unfortunately, I feel you post uses Joels name to help you advance your own self intentions. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment today. In other words give your life to Christ and the things that he has in your future will come to you. Some people will be offended by that, and always will be. Thanks so much for stopping by to share your thoughts today. You've got to have this boldness like David and say, God, you promised it. I am thankful the ministry is impacting many for God all around the world, who can speak against that? I am beginning the Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults to join the Catholic Church next week and I could not be more joyful about it. I cant believe how this kind of gospel has crept into the church. Everyone wants the easy way and everything THEY want and arent at all concerned about what our Savior who gave His life on the cross wants to do or wants for us. He wants to show you his favor in a new way. He focuses on prosperity gospel, and is leading people astray. Joel Osteen- Watch Sermon: Pray God-Sized Prayers. Prosperity is drawn to me., 33. God has given you both wisdom and boldness, which is both awesome ans scarey at the same time. I dont think God wants us to create division? Today's Word: The Scripture says that when we acknowledge God in all our ways, He Read more. I will pray with you that God will give you the grace to wait for His perfect timing on that house. We need more evangelists to preach the word of God to the world. The times I went it he seemed more of a motivational speaker ALWAYS touching on the subject of wealth. In the past, its also been called, The Name it and Claim it Gospel. Pastors who []. You need to see everything that's holding you back, every obstacle, every limitation as only temporary. EVERYTHING he said made a difference in my life. Appreciate you stopping by to leave a kind comment today. He has been a member for over 30 years. Did his accident mean I had done wrong or am still doing wrong since he hasnt been healed? Hope you have a blessed day~ I really appreciate you and your encouragement today! That is what God commands us to do. Please pray for me to become stronger my faith in facing my difficultiesamen. Thanks for stopping by to leave a comment today. He is one of the most faithful, spirit -led people I know. The aircraft had only one seat on each side of the aisle. Joel was sharing a story in which God blessed his family. Dare to stretch your faith. You can check out the second article that I wrote to follow up with my biblical reasoning. Its much better to model our prayers after Jesus example. You may not be able to see it right now, but thats what faith is all about. They're sent to promote, increase and strengthen you. Sure do appreciate you! Hold my heart within yours, and renew my mind, body, and soul. She and her family moved to New York City back in the nineteen sixties from Puerto Rico. I have the power to attract wealth and money into my life., 8. It sounded like it was going to explode. Hope you have a great day today~ The bible is there to teach me and guide me and give me discernment. That means a great deal to me. Melanie. Most pastors dont live in million dollar house and pray in a way that says, This isnt enough. Your faith inspires me! It was freezing acid. It is the father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. What He promised is still going to come to pass. I appreciate your ideas and remarks. I have listened to that sermon and from my point of view Joel was giving a message that we should keep faith and embody our thoughts in abundance and you shall find abundance. Finally, I called him, and he was always either busy or out of town. Don't try to make things happen in your own strength. Just say, Lord Jesus, repent of my sins, come into my heart and make you my Lord and Savior Prince. May GOD richly bless you when HE is ready. So many people are in these type of posts. Preachers must also teach that sin is wrong and hell is real. I dont follow him anymore but I now have a very personal relationship with Jesus. Melanie. He knows when someone is going to be a distraction that will hinder us from our destiny. Now this helps me to start the new day. This by definition is a false prophet. And I agree with you that we should pray Jesus prayers and not Joels. Hey Colleen, I was hungry to hear and learn more about Gods word and coming from a sales and marketing background, it was like hearing self motivation stories in a church setting. . Melanie, So well said, Melanie! Hope you have a blessed day~ My hope is not to judge him but to challenge my readers to see both sides of this coin. Hope you have a blessed day. Remember thoughts, feeling, and actions. God may bless us with what we ask for; He may not. Im glad I stumbled upon your article. You come from the wrong family. Wrong answer. God has promised to meet all of our needs and not all of our desires. God, stop the sun. The desires of your heart as explained by Matthew Henry Commentary is this: to know, and love, and live to God, to please Him and to be pleased in Him. The only desire with guaranteed delivery in this life is God himself: Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you (James 4:8). I was turned against him the day I happened to see him and he refered to women as honey or baby. I pray that God will bless you as well. Today is a new day, so rise up and move forward into the victory God has prepared for you! Put your hope in God today! The tour buses roll up every week and his followers are almost cult-like in their focus on him. We are lead astray through the ear gate. Thank you, Erica, for stopping by today. One reason we don't see God do great things is we only ask for small things. As for the house, I am still praying for God to do His will and to send that home if He desires. And I heard about this old country farmer. Its great to comment with you. I think what Joel is trying to get people to do is to believe for good things and there is nothing wrong with that. And, yes, this post has ruffled some feathers, but I couldnt let it go. His motives and intentions are good . However, He certainly wont answer our prayers if we dont believe, stay positive and trust that God knows best. Ask me for children who will become history makers. So glad you stopped by. But I want a house, especially with us having to move out of our dream house since we cant buy just yet. Blessings, He said in verse twenty three, God, do as you have promised. One sweet lady I know, who had been a believer for many years, had a stroke and spend the last few years of her life angry and bitter because, as she said, God promised to take care of me and He didnt!. We thank You for the gift of life, and for the. Thats not Joels message. Search google for: drackos tricks. I soooo appreciate what youve shared here and I am so glad that you had the boldness to write it. I do still believe in the goodness of God and ask for His blessings. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to leave a gracious comment. I would have been so caught up in the excitement and I would have loved it so much, Im sure I just would have stayed right there at the university TV station. You were created to make somebody else's life better. Even if he would have been healed would I pray like I did before? Stay Thirsty | Joel Osteen - YouTube Sounds like something Joel Olsteen would say! Its not getting spent unless absolutely necessary. Nobody wants you to fulfill your destiny more than Almighty God. This top-selling prayer devotional available only at Guideposts. I tugged and pulled, and it still wouldnt come out. And, I hope you will stop by again and read future posts. She said, no, Paul, I've got two funerals to officiate tomorrow. It talks about the secret petitions of our heart, the hidden dreams that you haven't told anybody about. Hope you have a blessed day, I think I get where you are coming from, and I appreciate your honesty. I completely disagree, Joel Osteen is a phenomenal speaker. I can only pray if I have some kind of major catastrophe. Im from Texas and at one time I also like listening to Joel Osteen. God is a gentleman. I have faith in my confidence and confidence in my faith., 16. The bible is called good news for a reason! Melanie Redd and Ministry of Hope, 2019. So please, seek on your own and in prayer for the skills you may lack in each area of need And may God bless you and help you contribute to the Great Commission of helping others be saved so they can see Heaven and know God is our creator! Let one of my descendants always be on the throne. Because God knows best. Amen! This was not God not answering prayers. Some dont have jobs, or kids out of control, or have a relationship falling apart or just something so dreadful & hopeless. What she did was focus less on what they said and concentrate more on what the Bible says. Im proud of you for taking this stand and standing on the solid ground of Gods complete word. I say that because not everyone is receptive to hearing the word. These curses or blessing (not really sure what to call them) that befell me have not made me disbelieve in God, I still have heaven to look forward too no matter how difficult life gets. God is not Santa Clause and now he is not just going to give you a house because you prayed for one. God bless you. And you did nothing to achieve you just sat back waited for God to hand it to you? I used to listen to Joel. Part of releasing His help is through praying bold prayers. I can achieve anything I set my mind to., 26. Love this! I do pray that Joel will share the Gospel in its entirety and point people to Jesus. I believe one of the best prayers that we could ever pray is God, not my will, but your will be done. I pray it in some form every day: God, open up the right doors and close the wrong doors. If you will stay open to His direction, and follow your heart, God will protect you. I let go of the past and have faith in the future., 21. Blessings to you for speaking the truth in love. I fear for the people Joel Osteen leads astray. My advice to you people is, Read your bibles, meditate on them day & night, it is full of, hope, faith, health, love, positivity & prosperity, a reflection of what Joel Osteen preaches! I love the verse you referenced not because He promises to give us all that we want, but rather because as we delight ourselves in Him, He changes our desires and then gives us those. Monday through Friday 7:00AM EST - 12 Midnight This all on you sister and you need to accept that before you go telling a woman well sometimes God doesnt answer prayer This not about being happing. She was idolizing a house, which was wrong and she will hopefully, prayerfully learn from it, and grow in her relationship with Jesus because of it.

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