territorial seas ap human geography

Just as you wouldn't want your backyard looted and polluted, neither did coastal countries around the world. This new territory would allow China to control more water to extract natural resources, control more extensive trade routes, and extend areas where they could grow fishing practices to their benefit. Irredentism is distinct from expansionism, which is a policy or ideology of territorial expansion, and from imperialism, which is the policy or practice of extending a country's power and influence over other countries or territories. Students can develop skills in mastering the immersive curriculum, time management, and structured testing methods required to successfully pass an AP course. Here are some bullet points that summarize key elements of the Rimland Theory: The Rimland Theory suggests that the control of the rimland is crucial to the exercise of global power and influence. The current version of UNCLOS was completed in 1982 and went into effect in 1994. AP Human Geography is an introductory college-level human geography course. Despite its criticisms, Mackinder's work remains an important part of the study of geopolitics and has had a lasting impact on the field of geography. The classic example of a prorupted state is Thailand. It can be helpful to think of the prefixes "ex-" and "en-" when considering the meaning of exclave and enclave. The prefix "ex-" means, Spanish Courses & Classes in Dallas Fort Worth. Territorial sea Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster The international law of the sea dictates how countries are allowed to use the oceans and which pieces belong to them. These disputes can arise over the location of maritime boundaries, the rights to fish in certain areas, or the rights to extract oil, gas, or other resources from the seabed. Governments and other political actors may seek to defend their territory in order to protect their power and autonomy, and they may use their control of territory as a means of projecting their power and influence beyond their borders. Boundaries can be established for a variety of reasons, such as to protect property or resources, to mark the limits of a political entity, or to distinguish one area from another. The main challenges associated with these zones are how variations in geography affect where zones end and where new zones begin. The Organic Theory, also known as the Theory of Lebensraum, was developed by the German geographer Friedrich Ratzel in the late 19th century. 5030 of March 10, 1983, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The UNCLOS establishes the rights and responsibilities of states in relation to the use of the high seas, and provides a framework for the management of marine resources and the protection of the marine environment. Moreover, the territory of a state is unbreakable and may not be the object of military occupation or other measure of force. http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/nauticalmile_knot.html. Chelsie has been a private tutor and a peer mentor throughout her ten-year career as an environmental and fisheries biologist. 43 according to the U.S. State Department. It is often in the interests of the parties involved to try to resolve disputes peacefully, as disputes can lead to conflict, hostility, and resentment if they are not resolved. AP Human Geo - 4.6 Internal Boundaries | Fiveable It also allows the coastal State to build artificial islands, installations, and structures. States can conduct activities in the Area so long as they are for peaceful purposes, such as transit, marine science, and undersea exploration. The LOSC allows a State to conduct economic activities for a distance of 200 nautical miles from the baseline, or the continental margin where it extends beyond 200 nautical miles. This doctrine is no longer used because it had many issues, mainly it increased pollution and plundered natural resources. There are some theories that aim to explain this. All rights reserved. Territorial Sea = 12 miles of sovereignty away from coast Voting Boundaries in the US Districts set up based on population data from the census But lots has been done to mess with these boundaries in order to benefit different political parties gerrymandering = changing voting boundaries based on race, voting patterns, class, etc Islands do not need to be inhabited to create those maritime zones; they only need to be capable of sustaining human habitation or economic life. These disputes may involve issues such as the location of state or provincial borders, the rights to natural resources, or the allocation of tax revenues. Boundary disputes can arise for a variety of reasons, such as changes in political or economic conditions, conflicting interpretations of treaties or agreements, or competing claims to natural resources or strategic territory. Freedom of the seas is the doctrine in which coastal countries handle the topic of international waters; each of these countries has complete dominion of the waters up to 3 miles off their coast. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) extends no more than 200 nautical miles from the territorial sea baseline and is adjacent to the 12 nautical mile territorial sea of the U.S., including the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and any other territory or geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. According to the Heartland Theory, a government that controls Central Eurasia (much of Russia, some of Eastern Europe, and the Middle East) is likely to eventually dominate much of the world. Civil Suit Overview & Types | What is a Civil Suit? QUIZ NEW SUPER DRAFT. In general, a State has more rights in zones near to its coastline than it does further into the ocean. Unit 4 Vocabulary - Political Geography 2 .pdf - AP Human Which of these is an example of an elongated state? The U.S. 397 [hereinafter LOSC]. AP Human Geography: Everything You Need To Know! When and where did nations join together to divide up Africa? To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. Boundary Disputes & The South China Sea [AP Human Geography Unit 4 The cession may be the result of a dispute or conflict settlement. In some cases, boundary disputes may be resolved through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration, while in other cases, they may escalate into military conflict or other forms of violence. AP Human Geography: Practice Tests and Flashcards, A boundary between two states that is created in an area that is currently not populated is called a(n), If the political barrier between two states is the 50th parallel on the lines of latitude, then the boundary between those two states is known as a(n), A country that is completely surrounded by the territory of other countries and has no access to the sea is said to be, Alaska is an example of an exclave because it is a region of the United States that is completely separate from the main body of the United States. It resulted in the "Scramble for Africa," and the subjugation of African nations. As a result, the establishment and management of boundaries can be a complex and sensitive issue in many contexts. Since the ratification of the LOSC, there has been limited activity in relation to these provisions.13. For instance, under the law, the international community is allowed use of navigational features such as straits or canals, such as the relatively narrow Bosporus strait controlled by Turkey. Types of political boundaries include relic, superimposed, subsequent, antecedent, geometric, and consequent boundaries. With more 3.4 million square nautical miles (4 million square miles) of ocean, the U.S. EEZ is larger than the land area of all 50 states combined and is one of the largest EEZs in the world. In order to expand, China seized one of the island chains called the Paracels from Vietnam in 1974. However, the nation (or nations) controlling the strait regulates the way passages are made. One classic example of an exclave is Alaska because it is not part of the contiguous continental United States. The Law of the Sea provides rules for the use of the oceans by nations regarding topics such as how marine resources need to be managed and conserved. Ap Human Geography: Political Geography Vocabulary Answers - Flashcards The United Nations created the law of the sea to avoid conflict over the ocean by establishing laws that cover traditions and treaties. This is the primary distinction between internal waters and territorial seas. The Organic Theory asserts that a nation's power and prosperity are determined by the size and quality of its territory. Living resources, such as fish, are available for exploitation by any vessel from any State. The Heartland Theory suggests that the dominant power in the heartland will be able to project its influence over the rest of the world, including the surrounding "world islands" (Africa, Australia, and the Americas) and the "outer crescent" (the coastal regions of Europe and Asia). Which of these descriptions most accurately describes an exclave? So-called historic bays, such as the Chesapeake Bay, are exempt from this provision. AP Human Geography Workshop Devolutionary Forces Scott Dobler, WKU Human Geography: Landscapes of Human Activities, 12th Edition ISBN: 978--07-802146-6 Chapter 12: The Political Ordering of Space Chapter LayoutConcepts and Key Terms Introduction: Political Geography GeoPolitics National Political System . and multi-state . The dispute over the Gulf of Sidra illustrates the challenges posed by bays and straight baselines. Although the LOSC does not impose any limitations on fishing in the high seas, it encourages regional cooperation to conserve those resources and ensure their sustainability for future generations. | Contempt of Court Punishment & Examples. The EEZ provides a framework for the management of marine resources and the protection of the marine environment, and it plays a role in shaping the balance of power between states in the global maritime system. The LOSC provides no clear guidance on this emerging issue. 200 nautical mile (230 mile) exclusive economic zone. 0% average accuracy. This method allows States to draw its boundary 60 miles from the foot of the shelfs slope.8 This expanded continental shelf cannot, however, exceed (i) 350 miles from the baseline or (ii) 100 miles from the 2,500-meter isobath.9. Possible Answers: None of these answers is correct. These disputes may involve issues such as the rights to use or access certain land, the rights to natural resources, or the rights to build on or develop certain property. It contains a vast array of natural resources, such as seafood, critical minerals, medicines, and areas of significant ecological and conservation value. Friedhelm Gltenboth, Walter Erdelen, in Ecology of Insular . The term high sea means two things: 1) No state can legally impose its rule on any part of the water and 2) Every part of the sea outside a territorial boundary is a high sea. Chapter 3: Freedom of Navigation - Law of the Sea - Tufts University Ap Human Geography unit 4 study guide Flashcards | Quizlet To save this word, you'll need to log in. The Territorial Sea includes 12 miles of complete sovereignty away from the coast. Despite its criticisms, Ratzel's work remains an important part of the study of geopolitics and has had a lasting impact on the field of geography. At the same time, the control of territory can be used as a means of exercising political power, as the ability to regulate and control the use of a particular piece of land or water can give a group or individual a great deal of influence over those who depend on it. Geography. This dominion led to many problems between countries. The. The high seas are a vital component of the global maritime system, and play a role in shaping the balance of power between states. Spykman argued that the dominant power in the rimland would be able to project its influence over the rest of the world, including the "heartland" (the interior of the Eurasian landmass) and the "outer crescent" (the Americas and Australia). Local Government Boundaries: Cultural & Political Influence, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, Overview of Human-Environmental Interaction, Forms of Governance: Unitary & Federal States, What is Sovereignty? It was eventually discarded because of issues with increased pollution and the plundering of natural resources. A prorupted state is a state that has a primary body of territory that comprises most of the state, but that also has a long extension that can dramatically increase the territorial power and significance of the country. Territorial seas - definition of Territorial seas by The Free Dictionary Geography of Denmark - Wikipedia The economic rights within the continental shelf extend only to non-living resources and sedentary living resources, such as shellfish. Artem has a doctor of veterinary medicine degree. Here are some bullet points that summarize key elements of the Organic Theory: Halford Mackinder (1861-1947) was a British geographer and political scientist who is best known for his contributions to the development of the discipline of geopolitics and for his theory of the "Heartland," which proposes that the control of the interior of the Eurasian landmass is the key to global dominance. Territorial Waters. The convention established international norms for recognizing sovereignty, boundaries, and international relations. She has a bachelor of science degree in environmental management from Columbia Southern University and a master of science degree in coastal and marine environments from the University of Ireland, Galway. This presents a unique set of problems to the government and administration of fragmented states because there are physical barriers that prevent ease of transportation and limit the control that can be wielded by the centralized government. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Article 5, Dec. 10, 1982, 1833 U.N.T.S. AP Human Geography Unit 4. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration succeed. Provide either an example or an explanation is the chart below. According to the theory, the heartland is the key to global dominance because it is the most defensible and self-sufficient region in the world. Territoriality is the connection of people, their culture, and their economic systems to the land. Share. UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea). Law of the Sea - Study.com 160 Packard Ave. Sarah Appleton, National Geographic Society. Territory is a geographical area subject to the sovereignty, control, or jurisdiction of a state or other entity. When a line of latitude or longitude is used to delineate the political barrier between two states we call that boundary a geometric boundary. One famous example of a geometric boundary is the 49th parallel between the United States of America and Canada. Non-living resources from the Area, which the LOSC refers to as minerals, are handled differently from fish, since mineral extraction projects are capital intensive to build and administer. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Territorial Sea a belt of coastal waters extending at most 12 nautical miles from the baseline of a coastal state Terrorism the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear Ratzel is known for his work on the concept of Lebensraum, which he developed in his book "Political Geography" (1897). With bigger ships and oil tankers traveling across the world, the threat of serious pollution problems increased far more than was the case hundreds of years ago. Internal boundaries can be found in a variety of contexts, including geographic regions, political divisions, and organizational structures. It outlines the freedoms of each country concerning the use of the ocean; provides rules for the safety of countries using the ocean; and dictates which pieces of the ocean will be given to each country. Territorial seas synonyms, Territorial seas pronunciation, Territorial seas translation, English dictionary definition of Territorial seas. Much like internal waters, coastal States have sovereignty and jurisdiction over the territorial sea. Start studying Ap Human Geography unit 4 study guide. The EEZ is an important concept in international law, as it establishes the rights and responsibilities of states in relation to the use of the oceans and the exploitation of marine resources. Territorial Sea. An antecedent boundary may come to be more relevant in the future if people begin to settle in the area; this is what happened with the boundary between the United States and Canada in Oregon. In International Law the term territorial waters refers to that part of the ocean immediately adjacent to the shores of a state and subject to its territorial jurisdiction. This new doctrine specified who could pass through their waters. The United States government occupies the South Pacific island. Finally, rising sea levels threaten to alter the current demarcation of maritime zones. These elevations do not create any zones of maritime control on their own.21 If a low-tide elevation falls within the boundary of a States territorial sea as measured from the mainland or an island, that State may draw a baseline from the low-water line of the low-tide elevation rather than from the shore. Two classic examples of fragmented states are Indonesia and the Philippines because they are states comprised of a few big islands and dozens of smaller islands. As already discussed, rocks and low-tide elevations create much smaller zones of control than islands. Most African & Asian colonies became independent after WWII. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Accessed July 06, 2017. Finally, they cannot be used to cut off another States access to their territorial sea or EEZ. A conference regulating European colonization and trade in Africa, held in Berlin, Germany in 1884. answer. The practical effect of straight baselines is that they push a States maritime borders outward. This issue is most prevalent in the South China Sea, which is rich in resources and contains many maritime features that may or may not be islands entitled to large EEZs. It is easy to see why, depending on the type of feature. Spykman is considered one of the founders of the discipline of geopolitics and is known for his work on the concept of the "Rimland," which he developed in his book "The Geography of the Peace" (1944). It extended territorial sovereignty of each coastal nation up to 12 miles from shore and allowed each coastal nation a 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone that grants each nation special privileges with respect to resources, research, and some jurisdiction. While Grotius was able to win the argument in a court of law, saying that those waters were international and that the British should return the goods, the English did not concede as they were much more powerful during that time. Geography, Human Geography, Social Studies. This does not mean, however, they can do absolutely anything they want within those 12 miles. Gerrymandering History, Types & Examples | What is Gerrymandering? Mackinder is known for his work on the concept of the "Heartland," which he developed in his paper "The Geographical Pivot of History" (1904). AP Human Geography || Chapter 8 Flashcards | Quizlet Atolls are small, U-shaped islands or reefs which are made from coral. They are also an important source of food, minerals, and other resources, and are home to a diverse array of marine life. He studied political science and economics at Yale University and later worked as a professor and researcher. A c c o m m o d a . To prevent abuse of the continental shelf provisions, the LOSC established the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS). The Law of the Sea means each coastal nation has territorial sovereignty over 12 miles of water off their coast and maintains exclusive economic rights over 200 miles of water off their coast.. Although not a signatory of LOSC, The U.S. established an EEZ by Presidential Proclamation in 1983. The concept of an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) was adopted through the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Disputes can arise in a variety of contexts, such as in personal relationships, in business or commercial transactions, or in the context of public policy or international relations. One moose, two moose. In order to help settle disputes and concerns regarding the traditional three mile claim to offshore sea each nation had, the United Nations worked for 14 years with over 150 countries around the world to commission the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: Summary | StudySmarter Territorial Sea - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics This was a doctrine that took effect in the 17th century and customarily limited each coastal nation's claims to three miles of territorial water off of their coast. territorial sea synonyms, territorial sea pronunciation, territorial sea translation, English dictionary definition of territorial sea. Since they are not naturally occurring, artificial features do not create a territorial sea, contiguous zone, EEZ, or continental shelf. - Definition & Meaning, Political Power & Territoriality: Definition & Example, International & Internal Boundaries: Definition & Function, Devolution, Supranationalism & Democratization, Political Science 102: American Government, NY Regents Exam - Global History and Geography: Test Prep & Practice, Sociology 103: Foundations of Gerontology, Praxis Biology: Content Knowledge (5235) Prep, CAHSEE English Exam: Test Prep & Study Guide, Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading (5713) Prep, Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators - Writing (5723): Study Guide & Practice, FTCE General Knowledge Test (GK) (082) Prep, Praxis Chemistry: Content Knowledge (5245) Prep, Praxis Social Studies: Content Knowledge (5081) Prep, Chemical Safety: Preparation, Use, Storage, and Disposal, What is an Autoclave? The Spratly Islands have been claimed, fought over, and continue to be disputed by numerous countries, such as the Philippines, Taiwan, China, Malaysia, and Vietnam. National Geographic Headquarters 1145 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20036. What is the EEZ? - National Ocean Service Main Phone +1 617-627-3700, Disclaimer | When letters make sounds that aren't associated w One goose, two geese. What is the "EEZ"? A perforated state is a state that completely surrounds another state. The theory has been influential in shaping the foreign policies of various countries and has been used to justify territorial expansion and military intervention in the heartland region. Mackinder argued that the dominant power in the heartland would be able to project its influence over the rest of the world, including the surrounding "world islands" (Africa, Australia, and the Americas) and the "outer crescent" (the coastal regions of Europe and Asia).

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territorial seas ap human geography