send republicans to 're education camps

But youve been scammed in ways that have hurt the country we all love. I mean, Im serious, he says. Aside from the Robinson clip on "Morning Joe," the other came from former CBS anchor Katie Couric during an appearance she made last Friday night on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher.". And no, I'm not talking about Chinese re-education camps during the cultural revolution or America's re-education camps in Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib and dozens of secret facilities around the globe. While the Republicans and their followers are often labeled as radicals, its interesting to note that recently the left has introduced steps to expel Freedom of Speech and introduce re-education camps for Trump supporters. Democrats Propose Sending Republicans To Unity Camps Ill tell what, in Cuba, what did they do to reactionaries? Opinion | Republicans Did Something Most People Dont Like, So Biden faces fierce backlash over bizarre claim: 'Our nation's children are all our children! re Or how to pick a nice cantaloupe. There is no place for hateful rhetoric at PBS, and this individuals views in no way reflect our values or opinions. If you disagree with the party line, you get the shit beat out of you until you recant. Americans are so f---ing dumb. All rights reserved. Here are some tips. Over 165,000 died of abuse, starvation and torture. Dont laugh too hard I can bet you there would be Democrats literally dreaming about doing this. Couric, 64, a former co-anchor of NBCs Today show and later, anchor of the CBS Evening News, blasted the president as well as the GOP in general during an appearance Friday on HBOs Real Time with Bill Maher.. Second, to dampen that extremism, advertisers should stop supporting networks that spread lies and hatred, and cable companies should drop channels that persist in doing so. We will no longer be beholden to them but we need your help. Its a beautiful thing.. From the environment, to the economy to issues of war and peace, Republicans have proved Freud and Marx right and Friedman and Strauss wrong. Enjoy the REAL news at your fingertips. This was tried with the Vietnamese reeducation camps. Millions were imprisoned. But thats not the issue. What were her critics angry about? New definition of BLM=Biden Loves Minors! Let's teach Republicans how far off course they hi-jacked the nation. It's the difference between "obey" and "distrust". An undercover video released by Project Veritas on Tuesday shows a second organizer for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) campaign whitewashing the Soviet Unions gulags and fantasizing about Republicans being sent to re-education camps., Im ready to start tearing bricks up, says a man identified as Martin Weissgerber, a Sanders field organizer in South Carolina, according to hidden camera footage. WebThe FEMA camps conspiracy theory is a belief, particularly within the American Patriot movement, [1] that the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is planning to imprison US citizens in concentration camps, following the imposition of martial law in the United States after a major disaster or crisis. And, as I told my worried friends, dont hesitate to stand up for your conservative values. Leave the purity tests for God. In Nazi Germany, after the fall of the Nazi Party, there was a shit-ton of the populace that was fucking Nazified, says Jurek. Lets start with Michael Sam. But have we traded one prejudice and civil rights violation for another? this week recommended the high quality commentary of a Holocaust denier. Former NBC and CBS anchor Katie Couric became the latest left-wing figure to call for Republicans to be deprogrammed as she celebrated the second impeachment of President Donald Trump. BizPac Review is under attack by progressive Silicon Valley zealots. The overall topic of "big tech censorship" has become a mainstay of Fox News coverage over the past two weeks. Its time to start getting nervous about expressing your views publicly - if youre a conservative. This is a football team. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each I think its great that being gay is now openly accepted in America. Fox News ran several segments on Monday and Tuesday pushing a conspiracy theory on "reeducation camps" for Trump supporters. Or is that trading one civil rights violation for another? Next,Weissgerber is seen musing about whether Sanders should take over the legislative and judicial branches decision-making abilities on the issue of climate change. So, instead of following our instinct which would be to put Republicans in zoos, museums, kennels and pounds - to teach our children what happens when men and women of the Republican faith are allowed to attain power; bankruptcy, hunger, poverty, class war and a steep decline in the national sense of humor - but instead we've got to try and rehabilitate Republicans to at least the outer boundaries of what it means to be human. Democrats Just because you disagree with someones opinion, does your employer have the right to suspend you from your job? Michael Don Jones comments undoubtedly hurt Michael Sams feelings and were offensive to gays. Democrats Propose Sending Republicans To 'Unity Camps'. Republicans will never be like us - good, decent and sexy - but deep down Republicans are people too. Kind of reminds me of the old phrase; You will join my peaceful protest movement, or we will beat you to death. Charles Schwab and Other Big Banks May Be Secretly Insolvent, Proof: The FDA knew on September 17, 2021 that people who got the COVID vaccine were 2X more likely to be infected, FDA Study Finds COVID Vaccine Causes Spontaneous Abortions, One Health The Global Takeover of Everything. As a mid-level staff attorney, he did not speak on behalf of our organization, nor did he make any editorial decisions. They will be running the camps for him. In this Feb. 15, 2014, file photo, Missouri's All-American defensive end Michael Sam claps during the Cotton Bowl trophy presentation at halftime of an NCAA college basketball game between Missouri and Tennessee in Columbia, Mo. Please let us know if you're having issues with commenting. Wait.I thought that was the purpose of the government day prison system.aka da skoolz. There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogrammed. Make sure you see our stories daily directly to your inbox. I think the process would anticipate a little resistance. Katie Couric expresses desire to 'deprogram' Trump supporters, U.S. - Leading Democrats are pushing for unity in our nation, and they've found a new way to implement One glimpse of the conundrum: The G.O.P. When 80% of the people say the country is heading in the wrong direction, it's because we're heading in the direction Republicans have championed. The public will not see it and we do not share it. But the issue here isnt gay marriage, its freedom of speech. I know exactly how this story ended everywhere it was tried. PLEASE JOIN OUR NEW COMMENT SYSTEM! BERNIE CAMP EXPOSED: Another Worker Calls for Republican Re-Education Camps, Says Guillotine the Rich! posted by Hannity Staff - 1.21.20 Another undercover Theres nothing thatll make Republicans want unity more than a nice, relaxing stay in one of our Unity Camps, said Joe Biden. Americas 'Re-Education' Camps The fundamental core While the thought that re-education camps could ever be set up in this country seems preposterous today, you can never underestimate the vast propaganda But in this case, the ACLU is surprisingly silent. Want to know more about Michael Berry? Government is not bad because people are not bad. Take the case of Ayaan Hirsi Ali. They have exacerbated our problems. Ron DeSantis needs to ask himself this question - The Washington We love hearing from our readers and invite you to join us for feedback and great conversation. Its already reality. And remember, "democracy" to a Republican doesn't mean the same thing as to a real American. David Atkins I remember one summer, I was sitting in the pool watching my leg hair change color in the water. We She is a fierce critic of radical Islam and the way women are treated and mistreated in Muslim societies. The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor. Aleksandr SolzhenitsynsThe Gulag Archipelagoplaces the number in the six-figure range, up to 250,000. If its called progress and a sign of freedom that two men can openly kiss on national TV, what is it called when someone offended by that same kiss is fined and suspended from their job? This theme of punishing Trumps supporters isnt a new one for Atkins, who writes for Washington Monthly. Some of them. I guess this could be written on banners for antifa and Bow Legged Men. Only one G.O.P. So, conservative friends, fear not: Were not plotting to lock you up in detention camps. for the food stamp program. The ominous package on Tuesday Ron DeSantis needs to ask himself this question - The Washington Those efforts put Mr. Pences life at risk on Jan. 6, 2021, as a mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, chanting Hang Mike Pence.. Daily Kos moves in solidarity with the Black community. But half a century ago we didnt need the racist George Wallace wing of the Democratic Party, and today we dont need the wing of the Republican Party that embraces conspiracy theories and winks at violence. The Republican mantra is: "Get your own fucking toys, these are mine! Florida Lawmakers Clear a Potential Presidential Roadblock for "Well I know one thing, all of the Trump supporters are getting Ring doorbells so they can see who's knocking, because they think it might be some government goon coming to take them away because they voted differently than Eugene Robinson or Katie Couric," Huckabee said. Reeducation Is that free speech? By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider When a party loses a statesman and gains a kook, thats a bad omen. 2022 Blaze Media LLC. Do we just cease do we just dissolve the Senate, House of Representatives, the judicial branch, and have someone like Bernie Sanders and a cabinet of people make all the decision on climate? In short, Republicans are decidedly un-American and need re-education as regards both the human condition and the American project. ", In another segment earlier in the same show, host Harris Faulkner described "a new call from the left" to "deprogram" Trump supporters as cult members, citing an MSNBC soundbite from Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson on "Morning Joe.". Couric, who is set to guest-host Jeopardy!, dropped her straight news reputation to offer a distinctly partisan take. You know the citizens that paid the LEOs salary. They are taking away our advertising revenue, censoring our content,and threatening to de-platform us. "Heck, in my day, we'd have killed to go to camp. How can government be the enemy if we are the government? Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has suggested using forced labor at the camps, compelling Republicans to run on giant hamster wheels to generate enough energy to run the country under a Green New Deal. Many Americans were offended by Sam publicly caressing and kissing his boyfriend on national TV after his selection. I want to learn how to shoot and go train. "And the question is, how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump?". Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) was the lone vote in opposition. Re-education camps break the loyalty that prisoners feel toward their families who often offer an alternate system of values. Youve been hoodwinked, exploited and manipulated by con artists waving flags, casting lies and monetizing bigotry. Fox News ran several segments on Monday and Tuesday pushing a conspiracy theory on "reeducation camps" for Trump supporters. Thank you for partnering with us to maintain fruitful conversation. U.S. Says Chinas Repression of Uighurs Is Genocide Republicans need to find an incrementalist approach to abortion or lose to Biden in 2024, Energy Departments costly bid to regulate gas stoves out of existence inflames consumers, Pence blames Biden for bank busts and blasts bailouts, US military tracking another aerial object, Biden vows taxpayers not on the hook when bolstering banking system, Crenshaw dubs TikTok 'ultimate psychological warfare weapon,' signals support for absolute ban, McCarthy takes jab at Biden administration in address to Israeli Knesset. All that should matter is how well you tackle in the open field. 30 Apr 2023 18:46:24 America's Re-Education Camps Get his official bio, social pages & articles on KTRH!Full Bio. Employee Who Promised "Re-Education Camps Extremists enjoy free speech but shouldnt be buttressed by advertisers or our cable fees. DeSantis like every other Republican wading into the campaign, except maybe the two Chrises, Sununu and Christie seems to have drifted, almost by default, into the first camp. ABernie Sanders Presidential Campaign Field Organizer, Kyle Jurek, was secretly recorded bragging about his extreme leftist fringe views, calling for violence and death to those who oppose Sanders radical policies. The last camp I went to was boot camp at Parris Island, and Im not going. Worse, he wasn't fired for leading the battle, but rather just for writing a check to a cause he believed in. On that issue, Republicans have been more right than many Democrats. We are called a Union. Michael Beller was recorded in the undercover video saying it was great to see COVID cases spike in red states because hopefully more Trump supporters will get it. Jan 13, 2021 The latest investigation by Project Veritas has a PBS staff attorney on video calling for the children of Republicans to be put in reeducation camps. All rights reserved. Republicans believe in original sin. Well see signs openly displayed at businesses Republicans or conservatives need not apply.. Don Lemon out at CNN; 'stunned' former host blasts management in Twitter post, 'That young lady attacked me, and she went for blood': Teacher who fought back against HS student over confiscated phone defends her actions, Pirates call up 33-year-old infielder from the minors after 13-year wait, leaving him in tears: 'A dream come true', Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Conservative to Lib: Go ahead. The fundamental core principle of Republicans is: Government is the enemy. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. The Spanish Holocaust and the Cover-Up that Lasted a Generation Whether you are gay or straight should not matter. It What will happen is we send all the Republicans to the re-education camps, he added. The far-Left darling of the Now is the time. Is that progress? $bannerservice ='dc'; And You Deserve a Violent Reaction, he added. Thats kind of what all Bernies whole fucking like, hey, free education for everybody because were going to have to teach you to not be a fucking Nazi.. Were already unified. Maybe in 4 years next term. Democrats Propose Sending Republicans To 'Unity Camps'. Interior or Exterior - All Year Round Excited for this! You are allowed to express your opinions in America, even if others find them heinous. I don't believe government should be involved in "allowing" or not allowing marriage. THIS DAY IN HISTORY Ford factory workers get 40-hour week 1926, Working Mans Hedge Fund: New Design + Famous Liberty Quotes That Youll Want to Free up Some Time For, China Accelerates Global De-Dollarization, The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, The Real Crash : America's Coming Bankruptcy. Then theres the rubbish about the election. Free speech is no longer tolerated by the left. Wall Art to Perfectly Compliment Your It passed the house overwhelmingly on Tuesday by a vote of 407 to one. As a start, dont force people to subsidize Fox News by including it in basic packages. The Chinese and American models are not about education, but coercion. NOW WATCH: Fox News pundits are using white supremacist language tied to 'The Great Replacement' conspiracy theory, Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. All that Sensitivity Training planted the Psyco seeds for the current generation of Biden supporters. PBS lawyer who called for re-education camps for Republican The grand question: Without that wing of todays G.O.P., whats left? Leave the purity tests for God. Have the thought police successfully squashed dissent in this country? You must signup or login to view or post comments on this article. Project Veritas: Another Bernie Staffer Dreams of GOP 'Re Let us not seek vengeance on the men and women, unable to find love, respect and admiration from normal people, but only begrudged jealousy from their own kind as they measure the breadth and width of their callousness and cynicism. We need you to keep us honest. And no, Im not talking about Chinese re-education camps during the cultural revolution or Americas re-education camps in Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib and dozens of secret facilities around the globe. $349 - $449 - $649 - $949 + S&H It's not like we're trying to teach Republicans quantum Euclidean geometry. Another undercover expos from Project Veritas shed new light on Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign this week, with a different field organizer calling for Republican re-education camps while urging supporters to Guillotine the Rich.. But neither should your views on two men kissing. Or we will kill you. All Rights Reserved. ?>, Sean Hannity and 2023. When I told him he was wrong, he was astonished that I could be so poorly informed, and he helpfully advised, Dont pay attention to those liars in the mainstream media.. I personally think government should stay out of our boardrooms and bedrooms. But remember what Jesus said, "Love Your Enemy.". Here on our family farm, we received a direct mail appeal warning about Islam in Yamhill Schools and pleading for donations to protect Christianity. Enter your email address to subscribe to The Burning Platform and receive notifications of new posts by email. Congress advances bill condemning China re-education camps anyone who ever backed Trump Let me give a few examples of political correctness run amok. Fox News dedicated multiple segments on Monday and Tuesday to a new conspiracy theory, baselessly floating the false idea that Democrats, "big tech," and the news media are pushing for "reeducation camps" or forms of "reprogramming" in the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrection on Capitol Hill. Wed like to hear what you think about this or any of our articles. Reeducation camps. He has every right to believe and say what he wants. Reeducation camps, where our fellow citizens are taken away to be brain-washed into changing their views or attitude? Americanism and Republicanism are not two sides of the same coin. You know, most people are dumb.. Roy is a member of the far Im ready to throw down now. Please share BPR content to help combat the lies. Where is the public outrage? Beller also called for people to go to the White House and throw Molotov cocktails in the event President-elect Joe Biden didnt win the election in November. The Chinese and American models are not about education, but coercion. U.S.Leading Democrats are pushing for unity in our nation, and theyve found a new way to implement the unity in a mandatory way: Unity Camps, special institutions designed to teach and train Republicans to unify. Lindsey Graham? he asked. I didnt know speaking your mind, or expressing your opinions could result in the end of your career, or the confiscation of your property. after being elected speaker in January. It's a personal and religious issue. It's the soothing balm of a hypnotist's voice. Anyone can read what you share. Free Speech Has RepercussionsThere Are Consequences for Your F***ing ActionsYou Should Expect a Violent Reaction. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. I was horrified when a couple of old friends here asked if they were in danger for having supported Donald Trump. PBS put out a statement saying This employee no longer works for PBS.They add that There is no place for hateful rhetoricat PBS, andthis individuals viewsin no wayreflect our valuesor opinions., On the floor of the House yesterday, Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz pointed out that President Trump cant tweet or Facebook but the principal counsel for PBS can call for the government to steal children from Republicans and throw Molotov cocktails at the White House!. The ominous package on Tuesday relied on just two soundbites from liberal-leaning shows, including a Katie Couric appearance on HBO's comedy program "Real Time with Bill Maher.". While I realize is the Bee,soon,we be heading into reality. I remember one summer, I was sitting in the pool watching my leg hair change color in the water. We go for all the Republican voters, and Homeland Security will take their children away. Katie Couric expresses desire to 'deprogram' Trump supporters, co-host Dagen McDowell asked former Arkansas Gov.

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send republicans to 're education camps