fatigue after partial thyroidectomy

How long after surgery did you start using ScarAway. If joint or muscle pains or fatigue are getting in the way of your exercising, it may be time to check your thyroid hormone levels. I am one day post op. Anyone had to use oral steroids post op? So far, my levels have been fine. All I can say is dont worry. Life after surgery | Thyroid cancer | Cancer Research UK Im almost a week post-op. However, there are some things that everyone can expect with any type of thyroid surgery. This procedure, also referred to as a thyroid lobectomy or partial thyroidectomy, is performed to remove symptomatic or cancerous nodules. They have been monitoring me for 3 years and the right has been there concern. I tend to snap at people which is unusual of me. Went in for hemi with possible total if there are signs of cancer(lymph adenopathy with frozen section on lymph node showing thyroid cells). Good luck to you. The scar is hardly noticeable. The other nodule apparently grew 1 mmso now 1.3 cm. You vomit several times in a row. The small nodule on the right side has never changed in size. Both were non concerning, I received a diagnosis of postpartum thyroiditis but fast forward 6 months and my blood work is normal again, and Im 1 year postpartum. Im not sure you will have the same problem but nothing was coming out of my mouth. Thank you so much for this reply! I too agree that you need 2 weeks to properly recover. Hi! Im 50 years old and not nearly as fit as you are. I have follicular variant papillary cancer (highly suspicious for it after 2 biopsies). Hi My hormone levels all test within normal range and I have half a thyroid. Im very torn on what I should do. Methods: I had the needle biopsy prior to the surgery and it came out as benign. Im in good shape and energetic. Also, make sure you ask all your questions and have family member go with you for the surgery. I think the anxiety I felt beforehand was the worst part. Though They have grown a bit but not explore into the size of the last. Im thinking it would be considered a partial thyroidectomy, because the right side is surgically absenti. Copyright 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Have they done a chest X-ray to see if it is substernal? I can have a full and be done with it and never worry or need follow-up on anything (but more surgical risk and meds for the rest of my life). he hardest thing about the surgery is having to sleep sitting up, i the hydrocodon also makes my nausceous abs dizzy, i wish i could just get a good nap. Tsh .397 I thank the author of this article because this post encouraged me to get the surgery done. Thanks to this test they were able to see that although the cells in my nodule were not malignant yet, that they were mutating and had a 60 percent chance of becoming cancer; which is why my endocrinologist felt the need to approve my surgery. Have it removed while it is still benign and fine. As a result , on August 9th I had done the surgery and results were Benign and now Im recovering. Ive felt really well for the first 4 weeks post surgery, but now I feel quite wretched. .after 2days of operation i stop taking my pain killer. So. Do folks tend to work with endocrinologists afterwards to determine med needs? Calcium just a bit, runs around 9.9-10.1. How is your incision healing since you manipulated removing the glued protection off sooner ? it all started with a swollen thyroid gland my primary dr said it was no big deal that it would go away after my cold was gone. The surgery went well, minor discomfort only. doi: 10.1002/hsr2.1018. I took it easy and was fine after that. Hi Andrea, I did not have Dr Clayman. My nodule was 4.8 cm when it was discovered about 3 years ago. I think you should tell your doctor about your anxiety. I had an partial thyroidectomy on 14/01/2010 - I've tried to exercise and eat correctly - but I still have problems such as feeling tired. All in all, not a terrible thing to go through. I have a 4cm solid nodule and biopsy result is benign. I have talked myself out of going through with surgery too many times to count and am very concerned about too many things.weight gain, how I will feel immediately after surgery, the biospy results of removed section, whether or not I have to go back for a second round, damaging vocal cords, will I need mediction, what probs does meds present.etc There is not much I am not worried about. Fingers crossed I wont need meds!! Even 3 miles tires me out! I too had a large nodule left love growing down into my chest wall pressing and pushing my treachea. This is probably my number one complaint. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. While partial thyroidectomy is a fairly routine and simple (relatively speaking) surgery, surgeons seem to have different incision sizes. Aspiran biopsy reported indeterminate/ suspicious , findings of hurthle cells which the adpiran biopsy can not determine. Hello, Loving your news from across the globe, although not great to hear you had thyroid surgery, I do hope you are on the mend. Let us know what your outcome is. I am kind of surprised at the length of the scar under the tape it seems quite long to me (maybe 2 inches) given that its only a partial TT. If I knew how easy the surgery was, I would have had it done much sooner. Can anyone tell me why they remove the thyroid live entirely as opposed to just remove the nodule? You should insist on being tested for Free T4, Free T3 (not the same as Total T4 and Total T3), cortisol, Vitamin D, B12 and ferritin. Hi Linda, I still have not needed medication though there are times Ive wondered if I do, but my schedule is also a lot different now (more active) so I wonder often if Im just plain tired like a normal person. I went home the same day and other that being a little tired and tiring out faster than normal, I was good. Did you have a hoarse voice for awhile? I took 1 pain pill when I got home because we had a 4 hour drive due to very heavy traffic. But Im hoping that every day it will get better! Im sharing this to say you are not wrong to take seriously the difference between having no thyroid and half a thyroid. That was my reaction 3 years ago, when it was brought to my attention that I had a nodule. Starting to get nervous. But, everyone heals differently. Between the two years of pondering whether or not I should do this, biopsies and appointments with various surgeons, nothing really prepared me for how it really would go for me, which may be differentfromhow you will recover. I had the surgery on February 9th. The surgery itself went well and the day of was not bad. I have my fingers crossed for you that it is not cancer. So far, I can tell the silicone strips are working. I am so glad I had it done. from reading the other posts i think my headaches are probably anesthesia related. Also is bad timing since I just started a new job 3 weeks ago. My TSH numbers are fantastic. I had a follow up visit at my doctors office one week after surgery. This alarmed my extremely competent doctor and he immediately wanted biopsies, ultra sounds and my first born. I had a partial thyroidectomy to remove a large solitary non cancerous nodule just over 4 weeks ago. A list of national and international resources and hotlines to help connect you to needed health and medical services. General anesthesia is usually given before a partial thyroidectomy. Days 2 and 3 were the toughest between adjusting to swallowing discomfort and recovering from anesthesia. Im off pain meds already and planning to go back to work in a few days. I had my left thyroid removed 12/17/18. The nodules on the left doubled in size, suspicions shape and have microcalcification. In reality I think another doctor would recommend surgery. My calcium is fine this is not due to calcium, but rather to the nerve stimulator used during the surgery to protect the Lyrangeal nerve. You could not see it because I am a big guy. The procedure can be performed in two ways: 1. That wasnt painful at all either. Molly, Im petrified to have my whole thyroid removed as Im afraid to take medication for the rest of my life and long lasting symptoms. eCollection 2022. I was very nervous before the surgery but I am glad I went through with it. UGHHH I am really hoping that the nodules were causing the weight gain and I dont have to join the circus, but instead will return to my slender self again. Please note my Thyroid levels are normal. Its not common to remove a nodule thats 1CM approx 3 1/2 becomes suspicious and they suggest to remove. Once you recovery and the problem persist would advise to get a consult for an endocrinologist. I had my right thyroid removed 2 weeks ago today. It is not near as bad as it seems. I do spin class 4x week and run 2 days.this is just to maintain my weight since I ran a marathon last Oct. Mine was 7cm benign. After partial or total thyroid removal, you may experience some hypothyroidism while your dose is adjusted. Hi Robin, I felt pretty good but took it easy for about 2 weeks. Did you gain any weight during the wait time? When did the exhaustion start to subside? Still a tad swollen above the incision. Why Am I Losing Weight After Thyroidectomy? | Paloma Health I just remember hoarsley saying to the nurse when I got up, I dont sound like a man, yay! Lol, I am so happy to see this thread! Biopsy wad suspicious for cancer but they didnt have enough of whatever to tell. The presence of low serum calcium levels for >3 months after thyroidectomy was associated with worse energy (odds ratio 1.26 [confidence interval 1.02-1.54]) and substantial fatigue (odds ratio 1.49 [confidence interval 1.21-1.84]). After it was out they found it was malignant on the biopsy so 3 weeks later I had a completion thyroidectomy. I was pleasantly surprised that the surgery and recovery was not bad at all. I had a goiter for 10 years and had been last measured at about 5.5cm. Mary, great advice! This is day five after surgery and I have a bit of edema in my feet, loose bowels, and Im quite content to just chill. Many people wonder whether or not theyll need medication. Its now 5 and a half weeks after my op and Im feeling fantastic have a huge amount of energy (which has been lacking for sometime) and easily able to work. Thank you, thank you for your post. My first thyroid level tests have shown that my levels are good. And I wanted to know if anyone has experienced being slightly depressed after having the surgery. Today, my throat is feeling sore and overall Im feeling more aches coming out of the anesthesia so am taking pain meds. The cat scan showed that the nodule had some tentacles that were growing down along my trachea . Thyroidectomy - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf My experience was very similar to yours. Keep in touch praying all goes well feel better. Sometout a minimally-invasive technique with very small incisions. I will have my partial thypidectomy on July 8th, I have put this off for months. I can drink and eat as normal. It was very reassuring, and I read it daily leading up to my surgery. Not sure if I should postpone my surgery until after. I had my left thyroid removed in December, 2008 because of a nodule. Thank you again. I just came across your website, and am very grateful you posted. I just need to hit the gym! The edema went away after about 5 days. I slept for a couple days and now feel tired in the afternoon and evening. We tapped the CDC for information on what you need to know about radiation exposure, Endocrinologist Mark Lupo, MD, answers 10 questions about thyroid disorders and how to treat them. There is a technique called radiofrequency ablation I hope to be a candidate for, if not I will have 1/2 of my thyroid removed. The biopsy came back negative but I was advised due to its size that I might want to have it removed because they couldnt guarantee it wouldnt keep growing. I know exactly what you mean. Your thyroid gland makes hormones that regulate your metabolism, body temperature, and heart rate. My voice is not completely back to normal (I sing) but its getting there. I have been monitoring it for 18 months now, and it finally got bigger. Thank you so much for this article. so you can imagine im biased towards skipping a second one. I lost my mom & brother to cancer, and my dad had his thyroid removed. There has never been any signs of cancer, but I wonder if it could turn cancerous if I dont have it removed? I have a rather large incision due to the fact that the nodule was so large. God bless. My thyroid levels are normal at the moment and Im praying the left side keeps up and can do the job. Overall, Im doing way better than I thought 3 days after surgery. My dr sent me for blood test, again it was normal. I am wondering if anyone has had the same symptoms and procedure with any weight loss afterwards. The results came back as suspicious for malignant papilary carcinoma. I had the same thing, even the trachea deviation! Thank you! All Rights Reserved. Symptoms caused by too much calcium in the blood may go away or greatly improve after this procedure. You feel a bit tired for about 2 weeks but nothing terrible. Thus, there is a need to review conventional replacement therapy after thyroid surgery. I use to be up by 7 am now I cant wake up its hard to sleep my neck hurts not the incision. Im so thankful for this thread. Its easy to cover the incision with a scarf or turtle neck in the winter, plus staying out of the sun will reduce scarring. Im about to have this surgery and needed to find someones feedback about what is going to happen.I have the full understanding that everyone is different, however up til this point, Ive been coming across a lot of complaining about the process. And if so, did it return to normal? Use of imaging tests after primary treatment of thyroid cancer in the United States: population based retrospective cohort study evaluating death and recurrence. I am fearful also of hypothyroidism as I dont need any weight gain and feeling sluggish, etc as I work full time. (1) So if you have hypothyroidism, have had a thyroidectomy or partial thyroidectomy, this means you! Had my partial lobectomy, The right lobe and the isthmus removed. Youve done the biopsy, thats the hard part. INITIAL ADOPTION OF RECOMBINANT HUMAN THYROID-STIMULATING HORMONE FOLLOWING THYROIDECTOMY IN THE MEDICARE THYROID CANCER PATIENT POPULATION. Ct scan showed it had deviated my trachea and esophagus to the right and was compressing both. The operation went smoothly and I was pleasantly surprised by the easy recovery. My nodules were found by accident on a chest CT of my lungs and the biopsy said suspicious and atypical so we really had no choice but to remove them. Easy. Mine was 7cm x 4cm x 5cm on the right side. When it comes to hypothyroidism, fatigue that often follows is one of the most common symptoms. You may need a partial thyroidectomy if you have thyroid cancer or a lump on your thyroid. No throat irritation (except the day of surgery) but Im having trouble singing. What happened in the end? In the weeks after your thyroid surgery, you may have neck pain, soreness of your vocal chords or a weak . I feel so very cold and sleep with my electric blanket on, but if I get too hot the breathing is made worse. Even my ears hurt. The easiest way to lookup drug information, identify pills, check interactions and set up your own personal medication records. Amanda! Also, even though we dont all know each personally, we do care what happens to each other. Im extremely exhausted but from previous posts that seems to be normal. The only surgeries Ive had were c-sections. But, theres no way that Id recommend you chew a steak or anything like that in the days afterward. I wont need to take thyroid medication. Im looking forward to a full recovery, and hopefully negative for cancer. Has anyone experienced any other bodily adjustments during early postop. Thyroid levels are normal. Your body is busy adjusting to having one lobe that now has to compensate for the missing half. I am 68 years old and NEVER had surgery; you can imagine how frightened I was. A partial thyroidectomy is surgery to remove part of your thyroid gland. The reported incidence of hypothyroidism ranges from 5% to 49%, with most between 15-30%. This is called a conventional thyroidectomy. Two surgeries together into one. Although I was terrified, I sailed through it! How long does the swelling and your neck go down it feel like some of the goiter is still there. My module were found by accident. I suffer from severe depression. I love to workout and do yoga, so want to go back as soon as possible. Hi, Molly, I agree with your doctor. My challenge is I am allergic to many medications and other allergens including pain medication and most antibiotics. The surgeons are supposedly going to do this minimally invasively and say I will go home that same day, and will only need to take a week off of work. Hi, I have Hemi thyroidectomy surgery scheduled for 8th April, 2016 to remove 4.5cm (non toxic) nodule and a left thyroid, mid section and slither of right. Swelling The incision will be slightly raised and there may be swelling and light bruising at the incision site. Ive read so many scary posts about managing hormone levels and poor quality of life issues after full thyroid surgery, etc. In addition to multi-toxic goiter, I have hyperthyroidism. The pillow pile on the bed is helping but any movement hurts right now. Biospy FNA was inconclusive, wouldnt attempt second FNA as too vascular and dr was concerned I would hemmorage. I know this is forever ago, but how are you? My doctor says I may not even need medication if the left side does fine without the right. I am scheduled for surgery next monthscared.If anyone can email me with words of wisdom I would be greatfulThank you in advanceAnnMarie. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. I am having my right thyroid removed 8/22/18 along with one of my left parathyroid glands. Thanks!! Im so grateful I had it during the winter, Ive been wearing scarves ever since and I love those silicone strips. Having a conservative Endo and supportive wife helped. I am having surgery next Tues 1/29 for a 4cm nodule on my isthmus. The scar faded so nicely that Im not even sure I needed it. The wound is healing perfectly although there is still sense of tightness around it. Went to endocrinologist who sent me for a ultra sound and it appears that my thyroid grew back and it us growing substernal. They dont want to see me for a year now as my tests all came back normal (even before I even went under) Not even for blood checks etc, which I find a bit weird. I have a friend who was an assistant for an endocrinologist and she kept saying its the months later that may shock you. Banerjee M, Wiebel JL, Guo C, Gay B, Haymart MR. BMJ. I had my thyroid function checked and it is in the normal range. I needed a hemi-thyroidectomy (left side) due to a large multi nodular goitre that was suspicious after FNA. If the dose of thyroid hormones are too low, you might experience symptoms such as tiredness, involuntary weight gain, and difficulty focusing. I understand completely. Still feels like I have something tied around my neck. My throat always seemed goopy and I would take menthol cough drops to help clear it. From what I have been told, its common(?) I had my partial in February. Hi Paula Thanks so much for your replies- I really appreciate it and find it helpful. My surgeon used Dermabond and wants to meet in 2 weeks to see how I am healing. i was just wondering since it was so big was it cancerous at all. i can talk fine and sing fine too so happy the surgery hasnt affected none of that. Inconclusive biopsy, no other cancer-like symptoms or family history and normal T3-T4. this years biopsy did not get conclusive samples, so he gave me two choices a) plan for the partial thyroidectomy and the pathologist will do a real-time analysis during surgery to determine whether to remove the whole thyroid or b) do a second biopsy. However, I daresay it is not worth postponing this procedure even though it can be scary. After you enlighten yourself with the research you will be more confident about your situation and better able to consult with your doctor. Im so glad I just scheduled and had it done. All benign thank God!!! I did stay overnight, which is standard. Total or near-total thyroidectomy: This involves the removal of all or most of the thyroid gland.This surgery is often indicated for large thyroid cancers, large goiters, and Graves' disease. Ive had a great surgeon and actually just had my blood work done today praying for good results. My bloodtest result in my thyroid is THE SURGERY & recovery So great to read this because everything else I I have read has scared the you-know-what out of me. Just like a bad throat infection. Youll probably have a blood test 4-6 weeks out to see if things are normal hormone-wise. Though thyroid levels are in normal range. I had been having difficulty breathing in spin. Sorry for unloading and I feel like a wuss. I hope all goes well for you. I did a CT which confirmed where it was sitting, and that it needs to come out. I fell asleep at my desk. However, due to the size of one nodule (1.2 cm) they ordered a biopsy. I had it done at Thorntons new hospital the Jacobs Center which is incredibly modern and well equipped (and the rooms are gigantic!). Im just wondering how necessary it is. I kept asking if the tumor grew at a fast rate, and all the Drs are telling me that it wasnt a factor, but honestly who knows? Im a mom of three boys and this is not anything like Ive ever experienced before but Im not sure if its just because Ive had a month off and this isnt my Norm or if there is truly something off balance. No less than 50spf suntan lotion if I do, for at least a year! I had a 4.9cm nodule on my left lobe. I am on 60 mgs of Cymbalta daily. It was benign. Basically, the early hospical arrival involved checking in, changing, reviewing medical history, meeting with the surgeon one last time, and getting hooked up to an IV. Even if it grew slowly over the yearsI could end up with a real problem down the line. After that If I started to hurt I took Tylenol and it was fine. Hi, Don, Your experience is similar to mine (one year ago). Your thyroid gland is shaped like a butterfly. He assures me I will get better soon. i didnt have any pain in the surgery area but i didnt take pain killers just in case. Mine is a pretty good, clean scar but 2 long and visible above a t-shirt (!!!) I am still feeling miserable. Now there is a suggestion that I do a CT to see better whats going on. This site was so helpful for me as I mentally prepared for my partial thyroidectomy. Didn't find the answer you were looking for? I was worried about all of the above just as you areespecially voice and weight. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. The relationship between treatment for differentiated thyroid cancer and patient-report of decreased energy and fatigue remains unclear. Bit confused! I could do a little bit here or there during the second week, but not much. You will experience some discomfort at the incision site as well as a raw or sore throat from the breathing tube that . Thanks so much, Linda. You must know your hormones are at a stand right now for still for several weeks. I was told that all surgery is minimally-invasive if you have a good surgeon because they will get in and out quickly with minimal damage. Ive still got swelling in my jaw and chin but its pretty much only noticeable to me and anyone who knows me well. It seems like a lot of people dont get it back for 2-3 weeks. 7 weeks after partial thyroidectomy and request help with test and levo dosage. I wasnt nervous and dont really care about scars. Id also tell people not to worry about this surgery. I had a partial thyroidectomy on June 12th, about 7 weeks ago. I have periodic tingling sensation the incision site. well i was just tired of laying around bcuz im a very active person. Drugs.com provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. Maybe you could ask for something like Xanax to take the morning of or perhaps the night prior to ease your nerves? Highly nervous and such. I had a partial thyroidectomy nearly 6 weeks ago, I have a follow up appointment in 3 days time. I had surgery on a Thursday and was back at work on Monday. I hope this info can help others , i just had partial thyroid surgery yesterday in la jolla. I had my follow up last Friday (11 days after the surgery) and the incision was healed, the biopsy came back 100% benign. If so, what med and dosage? The doctors are always like oh yeah youll be back in the swing of things in no time! Its very frustrating and definitely not as easy as people told me it would be. My surgeon says he expects my vocal chords to make a complete recovery over the next few months. I was wondering what people thought of this. If you have a sedentary job fine. You may instead be given local anesthesia to numb the area. Energy level and fatigue after surgery for thyroid cancer: A - PubMed Its a safe procedure. I had a partial thyroidectomy 3 days ago, on Feb 17, 2016. Ask how big yours will be and where it will be. A hemithyroidectomy is the removal of half of the thyroid gland. Yes your primary care doctor understands your history but you need a specialist. Hi Linda! Endo/surgeon says I am so borderline hyper its not worth mentioning. I first resembled someone that had been tripped by a washing line or a mug victim(everybody always wanted to know who slit my throat ;) ) - but today its just a thin line - which is not noticeable really until I tell you I had a partial thyroidectomy. So happy to hear you ok. Any responses would be SO appreciated! Of the 2,584 respondents, 988 (38.2%) reported much worse or somewhat worse energy and 1,310 (50.7%) reported moderate to very severe fatigue. 2019 Nov;166(5):895-900. doi: 10.1016/j.surg.2019.05.035. Neck was sore just like they told me it would be from the angle during surgery. I had PT left lobectomy Nov 14for suspicious Hurthle cell cancer was scheduled for follow up with surgeon Nov 30 and was told to schedule with Endo one week after surgery date but only date available was same Nov 30. Thank you Jewels x, Hi. For 20 years I took Armour and it worked great. Extreme Fatigue post thyroidectomy bigmama2336 I had total thyroidectomy 6-12-2012. She helps readers plan San Diego vacations through her hotel expertise (that stems from living in a Four Seasons hotel) and local connections. Im just hopeful.

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fatigue after partial thyroidectomy