continuous motion offense basketball

To quickly recap the progressions, here they are: 1. 3. 3. DIAGRAM 2: Slice-Cut offense (Option A). 1 makes the pass to 2 on the wing. This 4 out, 1 in motion style offense is not a patterned or continuity style offense, but rather a set of rules designed to give players the ability to read and react to the defense. The wing player must cut baseline so that the help defenders must move and rotate out of position. All 5 players get to play all 5 positions, which is excellent for player development. On the other hand, if 1 is not open, then 1 simply fills the left side corner while 5 fills the vacated area at the top. 4. MOTION OFFENSE - FastModel Sports Instead of cutting, 1 decides to set an away screen. Also, after 3 throws the ball, preferably as a chest pass, 3 could cut back towards the right side corner. 2. 6 Best Basketball Offensive Strategies to Help You Win - Red Bull 4 Out 1 In Motion Offense - FastModel Sports The Wheel offense is a basketball offensive strategy that utilizes cutting and screening actions alongside continuity patterns to create scoring opportunities near the basket or near the high post elbow areas of the court. 1. 5. The Princeton offense is a basketball offensive strategy that utilizes the fundamental skills of cutting, dribbling, passing, screening, and shooting as well as three unique series of actions known as Chin, Low and Point to create scoring opportunities near the basket or from the perimeter. 1 screens for 3 making sure that they set the screen at an angle that allows the 3 to cut to the rim. The 1-3-1 Patterned Offense is a simple offense that can be useful as a starting set for young teams or can be the basis of a number of variations for more senior teams. If youve got a quick team that shoots a high percentage, the offense can focus on flare screens and on-ball screens. In this option 3 is now the point player and 1 is at the left-wing spot. If the defender anticipates the screen and cheats over, the player receiving the screen can back cut to the rim. Also, as that happens, 5 lifts up from the low post to the high post area. One of the advantages of this offense lies in its continuity. 3 uses 1s screen and cuts to the left wing area. 2. In this article I will mostly focus on breaking down the version of the zone that keeps the post player on and below the low post as this is the best version for youth basketball as it keeps the lane open for dribble penetration. 1 will then basket cut making sure they step within the charge and then replace 2 on the weakside wing. (1) $10. Views: 11136. If 1 doesnt have an open shot he or she looks to pass the ball inside to 5. DIAGRAM 7: Slice-Cut offense (Option D). This particular set comprises four guards that will primarily play near the perimeter and one high post player that will typically set screens and roll to the basket. Following that, 3 cuts to the basket via the back screen set by 5 and could receive the ball from 2 if open. 2. 5. Motion offense. This is the second flex offense option. 2. For high school and above, feel free to use both options. Next, 4 cuts to the basket via the screen set by 5 and could receive the ball from 2 if open near the basket. You could run the flex offense simply by passing guard to guard continuously. This assumes youre only being denied one pass away from the basketball. It is derived from Motion and Quick Hitter Offenses Against a Man or Zone Defense by Mark Few, the current head coach at Gonzaga University. This is an example of a scoring option within a continuity ball screen offense which utilizes a 1-4 high formation. 1. Make sure your players are practicing making a floater. 2 and 4 read their defender and get themselves open on the perimeter. 2. If youve got a tall and athletic team, the offense can focus on curling off screens and back cuts. On any pass into the low post, the ball-side wing player must cut to the weak side. Constantly stress to your player that they must never hesitate. For youth basketball, I recommend only using the back cut option every time one player dribbles at another. When this happens, the post player must get to the front of the rim. Basketball Offenses, Motion Offense, Plays, and Tips PDF SpreadOffense Playbook(Brad Underwood) - The Basketball Playbook 2. On a pass from 3 to 1, that triggers 4 to go and set a down screen on 2s defender. 5 Out Circle Motion Continuity Offense #CircleMotionTips 4. After 5 receives the ball at the top, 3 executes a backdoor cut to the basket. Even the weaker players. Before implementing this action, you must decide whether you want the player being screened to always curl, or whether youll give them the option of cutting to the top or curling. 1. 5 cuts across the lane to continue being on the weak side of the floor. If the defender is trailing them, curl to the rim. Once your team is comfortable with the cutting phase (making the correct cut 80% 90% of the time), its time to introduce the action of screening away after a pass instead of cutting. If the defender is two steps or further away from the line of the basketball, the offensive player should blast cut towards the basketball. This screen can occur on a slot to slot pass or a slot to wing pass. It will take away the defenders ability to get a deflection which leads to the opponents fast break. It can be a great offense for a youth team simply running cuts, or a great offense for a professional team by utilizing all the different actions and reads. And the 7,000 word 4-out 1-in motion guide has come to an end! You never know when youre going to get a mismatch and want to take advantage of it inside. Im not a fan of players holding the basketball for too long, but since this offense relies so much on cutters and off-ball screens, its important that the player with the basketball see the cutters and is ready to make the pass if its open. As 3 receives the reversal pass from 5 1 breaks through the lane and sets a cross-screen for 4. 1. To set up the defender and get open on a front cut, after passing the player should take one step away from the ball and then explode to the ball-side of their defender on the cut to the rim looking for the basketball. 5. If 4 is being overplayed by their defender, they immediately back cut looking to receive the pass from 3. 1 takes 1-2 steps forward and then flare cuts off 3s screen. The only deviation from this is on a baseline drive from a wing player. 2. If the shot is taken from inside the three-point line, encourage players inside the key to fight for offensive boards and those outside the three-point line to transition back on defense. Jacob -If you look at the very first diagram 4 can Bump 5s defender as he sets the screen.. 5 the rolls with him looking for the pass. 4 must ask for the ball as he bumps/screens for 5You can always downscreen and seal the low posts defender this works really well IF they are switching all screens.Hope this helps. At the same time, 1 cuts up to the right side slot while 2 dribbles to the left side slot. A continuity ball screen offense is a basketball offensive strategy that seeks to create scoring opportunities near the basket or from the perimeter by utilizing ball screens or pick and roll action with a constant sequence on both sides of the floor. After that, 1 would execute a backdoor cut and the continuity pattern would keep going indefinitely. Then all players are back in position for the next action to be made. The simplest thing you can do is get the basketball to your best playmaker or scorer, and then sprint your post player out to set an on-ball screen for them. 5. 'Slice-Cut' continuity motion offense carves up defenses 3receives the basketball and elects to drive towards the baseline. As that happens, 2 initially cuts toward the basket and afterwards, 2 cuts to the top via the elevator screen set by 4 and 5. 3 then fills out to the weak side wing (the position they started in). To start, 2 receives the ball from 1 and afterwards, 1 cuts to the basket via the back screen set by 5. 1. 2. For the perimeter players, there are 4 spots around the three-point arc that are primarily used in the 4-out 1-in motionoffense. The post player must have rules theyre required to follow. This is my favorite way to utilize the post player when running the 4-out 1-in and will be the option I refer to throughout this article. This Motion Basketball offense can be used with most high school Basketball teams looking to run an advanced play to keep your opponent guessing. With proper timing, this flex action will often turn into a double-staggered screen as you will see in the diagrams below. Interested in reading the print issue of Coach and Athletic Director? 3. 4 looks to hit 1 coming off the screen. Also, at the same time, 5 cuts behind 2 towards the top. (2) $29.99. 5. 4 takes 2 dribbles to improve the passing angle and then passes to 1 on the wing for the shot. DIAGRAM 1: Slice-Cut initial 1-2-2 alignment. 2 and 3 both slide down to the corners to open up passing angles. The 4-out 1-in motion offense (also known as '41') is one of the most popular and versatile basketball offenses in today's game at all levels. The only time this cant happen is on a wing to slot pass as theres no perimeter player the opposite direction to screen. Afterwards, 5 could receive the ball from 2 and score at the basket if open. Views: 2155. After the ball reversal occurs, 4 executes a shallow cut to the right side high post and then pops out to the right side wing. When this happens, the alternative cut is to make a Laker cut. 5 Out Motion Offense : Basic Concepts and Simple Examples - Hoop Student The point guard (1) passes to 2 and cuts off 4s backscreen. 5. If 2 receives the ball but does not shoot it, that essentially triggers the continuity action of the offense. After setting the second screen 1 clears out to weak side slot. If the middle player of the zone steps out to help the middle of the zone will be open for cutters to receive the pass for an open layup. If 4 doesnt receive the pass, they fill to weak side wing while 3 fills to the next slot position. Its a fantastic base offense with a lot of different options out of it depending on the skill levels of your players. When in the wing and slot spots, the players will be about 18 feet apart. 3-2 Patterned Motion Offense - Functional Basketball Coaching If it is not open, then 2 receives the ball from 4 while 1 cuts to the left slot via the screen away action of 4. 5 stays low to be open for the dump-down pass. To begin, 1 executes a dribble handoff with 3 while players 2 and 4 interchange spots on the court. For those you dont believe are ready, keep them on the weak side and encourage them to improve their post game. This occurs as players start to learn the strengths and weaknesses of their teammates and make decisions accordingly. Its imperative that the perimeter players are watching these cuts and are ready to feed the basketball inside if its open. Never pass and stand still. The other four players crash the boards. This is close enough that the offensive team can make sharp and direct passes, but far enough away that one defender cant guard two players. Gonzaga Continuity Basketball Offense - YouTube 2 clears to the corner. If 2 is not open on the basket cut, then 4 can dribble away from the zone towards the right side wing area. Begin from 4-out 1-in alignment 1 passes to strong side wing 5 dives to strong side block 3 begins to walk the defense down 4 and 1 set a staggered screen for 3 Make sure your players understand how they should decide which cut to use. 5 Out Motion Offense by Hardwood Texas. If 4s defender sags and provides help against the lob pass then 2 must read this and quickly hit 4. DIAGRAM 12: Double option (B). Establishing offensive rebounding position and transition defense is crucial if youre going to run the 4-out 1-in motion offense well. Easy to teach due to progressions One of the best things about the 5 out motion offense is that it can be taught in progressions. A lot of coaches who run the 5-out motion offense make it a rule that on each pass to the corner the passer sets an on-ball screen. Let your team know that when theyre not cutting, they must be in one of these 5 positions. When your post player does flash to the basketball and establishes position, theyre allowed to hold their position for a maximum of 2 3 seconds before they must quickly retreat to the weak side again. The screener stays behind to play safety. If that is not open, then 3 fills the right side low post block. Immediately after setting this screen the post player takes a few short steps to the wing and sets and on-ball screen for the player with the basketball. One notable advantage of a continuity offense is that it could be fairly easy for coaches to teach the basic concepts of the offense, primarily due to the various patterns built within the offense itself. The post players can move in a high low . If forces all defenders to rotate an extra position and stay with their player. For it to be most effective and easy for the players to understand, we want to do our best to stay within the structure of our current offense with minimal changes. If 2 is being denied by their defender, they must back cut through the paint looking for the pass. This is one of the most popular offenses at all levels of basketball for a very good reason. Following that, 1 executes a shallow cut near the left side high post and then pops out to the left side wing. These perimeter spots should be a step outside the three-point line to maintain ideal spacing. 1. Save the dribble. Note The nail is the spot at the very middle of the free-throw line. 3 uses the away screen and cuts to the basket looking to receive the pass for the easy layup. Part of the reason the flex offense is so popular and so effective, is because it's based on a screening action that is very difficult to stop, even when you know it's coming. Continuity 2 2. Just setting screens and moves one side to another. Great American Media Services and Coach and AD. Once your players are comfortable with cutting and screening away, next up is the action of setting on-ball screens. 2 curls off the staggered screen to the ring looking for the basketball. Share on Twitter Continuity Ball Screen Offense : Basic Concepts and Examples - Hoop Student 5 stays low and reads his defender who must help on the drive. 1 and 3 both slide down to the corner to open up the passing angle for the three-point shot. However, if the opposing team implements a zone defense strategy such as the 2-3 zone, then the pass and cut series may not be as useful. 3 and 1 also fill towards the basketball. 5. Not everyone is suited for intense exercise or weight bearing exercises. The dribble at action can be used when the opposition team is putting on a lot of denial pressure. There are 5 spots that must always be filled unless players are performing an action like screening or cutting. Use a different keyword to trigger this option (I use cold) and once again call this out with about 5 7 seconds left in the shot clock. Motion offense is a basketball offensive system that primarily utilizes at least one of the fundamental elements of passing, cutting, screening, or dribbling while also incorporating player movement and ball movement to create scoring opportunities near the basket or near the perimeter. Also, as that occurs, 2 fills the right side wing area while 5 cuts to the left side high post elbow area. At the college level, Maryland and Gonzaga have popularized the flex offense. 1 and 2 cut down to get themselves open for the pass. Views: 2166. 2. This, in turn, opens up the low post, which also influences the low post defenders to play away from the basket. 1. 3 passes to 2 and makes a cut to the basket off the backscreen set by 5. After 3 has used the screen, 1 pops back out to the same spot that they set a screen from. When a player makes any pass during the offense, they can step up and set an on-ball screen for the player with the basketball. If running a hand0ff, the other offensive players must read this and stay in their spots. I recommend all youth basketball teams (below high school) get this player to curl off the screen every time so that theres no confusion. All players will be involved and must contribute to the teams offense. After 3 sets the screen for 5 he or she loops into the lane and receives a downscreen from 4. If 1 is open, then 1 could receive the ball from 2 near the basket. What Is A Motion Basketball Offense - YouTube But they must cut to the rim since they were screened. From there, when the players execute those offensive actions repeatedly, it could potentially increase their skills and possibly create above average basketball players over a period of time. Not great for teams with one dominant player If you have one or two dominant players that contribute the bulk of your teams scoring, this might not be the offense for you if you want your team to continue to play that way. 4 passes to 2 and then cuts through the paint to the rim and then out to the weak side wing. For example flare screens on the post players side of the floor and back cuts on the open side of the floor. If that is not open, then 2 receives the ball from 4 while 1 cuts to the left slot via the screen away action of 4. This allows the players to gradually learn the concepts of the 5-out motion offense without being overwhelmed with the entire offense all at once. 4 passes to 2 in the corner and then sets an on-ball screen on their defender. Even if the offense doesnt get a great look from the flex option, you will notice now that all five spots are now filled and the team can move on to the next action of the offense. If the cutter decides to pop out to the perimeter, the screener will cut to the rim and then fill the corner. Additionally, at the same time of the ball reversal action, 2 runs the baseline to the left side short corner, receives the ball from 3, and could take the short corner jump shot. 4. The first progression involves basic passing, basket cuts, and filling the spots around the perimeter. 3 is being overplayed by their defender so they cut immediately without hesitation. This is an example of continuity scoring options within the Horns offense that could be potentially useful for teams with three-point shooters as it features the elevator screen to create possible scoring opportunities near the perimeter. 4 must hold this screen for as long as they can legally and then pop out to fill the wing. To begin, 3 receives the ball from 1 and after that, 1 cuts to the basket. We want the low post player to receive the basketball with their low foot above the low block so that theres space for the baseline cut and possible bounce pass for the layup. Right wing5. When this happens, the two offensive players involved (the dribbler and the player theyre dribbling towards) have two options. This means attacking just outside of the defenders hips which keeps the dribbler in their lane and keeps great spacing. 4. This is an example of continuity scoring options within the 4 out 1 in offense that could be beneficial for guard-oriented teams and/or undersized basketball teams in general. 3. Always catch the basketball ready to shoot if the defense isnt quick enough. You can teach this by adding defenders and getting them to play dummy defense switching between normal denying or overplaying the passing lane. Can be used as a delay offense If your league doesnt have a shot clock and you want to hold up the basketball, the 5-out motion offense will provide movement and keep the defense honest while not looking at scoring options. Once your players understand the basic cutting and filling movements, its time to add dribble penetration to the offense. This can be used when a player with the basketball is being heavily pressured and the only options to pass are being denied well by the off-ball defenders. Following that, 3 could receive the ball from 1 and take the three-point jump shot if open. Start by setting out 5 cones at the 5 fill spots on the court. Once 3 fills the left side corner, 2 receives the ball from 5 and from that point, 5 could cut to the basket. Creates positionless players All 5 players on the court are required to pass, cut, dribble, shoot, screen, etc. If the outside shot is taken from the wing, the weak-side wing player must sprint in to rebound on the weak-side while the post player fights for position in front of the rim. 2 hits 4 at the top of the key and 2 cuts down toward the baseline and sets up a double-screen with for 1. The Slice Cut gives you the opportunity to control the ball in an organized manner while working for a high-percentage shot. These spots should be on the NBA three-point line which is about 2 feet behind the regular three-point line used by all other levels. 4. For the screen to be effective, the player with the basketball must be patient and wait until the screen is set before using the screen. If the defender is within one step of the line to the basketball, the player must v-cut to get themselves open on the perimeter. Sometimes this is a few weeks, sometimes it takes a few months, but dont rush this progression. 4. If the player penetrating passes out and the shot isnt open, all players must communicate and adjust to the original 4-out 1-in positions. 1. Share on Linked In UCLA Screen to On-Ball Screen Celtic. This is an example of continuity scoring options within a zone offense strategy that utilizes the short corners of the court to create scoring opportunities against the 2-3 zone defense. A continuity offense is one of two main categories of basketball offenses, the other being motion offense. On the other hand, if 5 is not open, then 3 receives the ball from 2. Since this is a motion offense it can be run continuously or to get a basket within the first few passes.Helpful Drills: Reading defense drills; Passing drills; Shooting drills; Finishing drills.View on our website: a comment and let me know if theres anything you see that could help other coaches.If youre looking for more quick hitting coaching resources and animated basketball plays like this join our Coaching Program and use the code YOUTUBE to save 30%.Website: Coaching Program has:- Basketball plays for all situations and skill levels.- Basketball drills to add energy to your practices.- Practice plans for all ages.- Worksheets to help with the non-basketball related stuff (i.e. If the offensive player is always between the ball and the basket, its going to be very hard for your perimeter players to penetrate and get a high percentage shot which is where most shots will come from in youth basketball. Next, 2 can cut to the basket after making the short corner pass and receive the ball from 4 if that is open. Reading Others on the Court While I believe it is easy to learn if taught correctly, it can be difficult for young players to execute during games because the offense relies on players reading the other 9 players on the court and making decisions. Add Back Cuts to Pass, Cut, and Fill3. The screen should be set on the back hip of the on-ball defender so that they cant slip under the screen. dealing with parents, etc).- Courses to make your coaching life a whole lot less stressful. This can occur in either of the wing positions or slot positions. This is an example of continuity scoring options within the 3 out 2 in offense that consists of simple pass and cut action as well as a variation of the standard down screen, known as a pin down screen, near the basket. 3 steps up and sets a flare screen on the blind-side of 1s defender. On the other hand, if 3 is not able to receive the ball, then 3 fills the right side low post block. 3. 2. If youre coaching an experienced basketball team, you can give the player being screened the option to curl or to pop out to the perimeter and receive the pass. 4. On a top to wing pass, the passer basket cuts all the way through the key and fills the opposite corner. If 4 did not receive the ball from 2, then the chin series flows into the continuity pattern, which would be executed on the opposite side of the floor. When you implement ball screen continuity . As that happens, 2 executes a cut behind 4 towards the basket. There are 4 passes and cuts that can be made during progression 1. A continuity offense is a basketball offensive system that incorporates specific patterns of cuts, screens, passes, or dribble actions executed in a continuous manner on both sides of the court to generate the highest quality scoring opportunity near the basket or near the perimeter. When theyre a little more experienced at reading the defense and knowing when to flash to the basketball, you can increase this to two flashes per possession. You can view the diagrams and video of the flex offense below. And then when the post comes to perimeter you can use the "pressure release" option to keep him/her from catching the ball on the perimeter. This Motion Basketball offense can be used with most high school Basketball teams looking to run an advanced play to keep your opponent guessi Show more Show more Shop the Basketball. This set works best when at least one of the post players can shoot a bit. 1 V-cuts as if he or she were going to use 3s downscreen and cuts hard across the baseline using the double-screen and popping open on the right side. When performing hand-offs, the player with the basketball should rotate their hands so that theyre on the top and bottom of the basketball. The best way to end a possession is with a ball-screen from your post player. As the basketball is swung around the perimeter the post player should establish a deep post seal on the inside zone player. Rick Pitino leaves Iona for St. Johns on 6-year deal, Adams resigns from Texas Tech following racial remarks, Iowa student section ejected for bullying refs, NFL player hosts AAU basketball team training sessions, Vermont girls basketball team forfeits game against team with transgender player, 2012 NIAAA Video: Requiring Photo ID At Events, The Overlake School: When Seniors Dont Make The Varsity Team, Haase: Coaching At Arrowhead: A Dream Come True. Staggered Screen for Weak Side Wing Stag. 2 fill cuts to the slot from the wing. Once 2 has cut through, 3, 5, and 1 must all fill up the positions closer to the basketball. From there, 5 could receive the ball from 4 and score near the basket if that is open.

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continuous motion offense basketball