carl rogers position on confronting the client is that

b. The need for clients to relive past traumatic situations in the here and now, a fixed and completed approach to therapy, a set of techniques to build trust in clients, to begin therapy with a comprehensive lifestyle assessment, the challenge clients to examine their past, to be skillfully confront clients when they engage in self0destruction behaviors, to be his or real self in the relationship with the client, a clearly defined contract that specifies what clients will talk about in the sessions, it has not been subjected to rigorous research, therapists use vigorous confrontation methods, there can be a tendency to give too much support and not enough challenge, May be difficult to adapt in a manner that is consistent with con cultural frameworks, Represent universal human needs and are well suited to multicultural counseling, uses techniques and exercises to motivate the group, facilitates the direction of the group discussion, private colleges aimed at training person centered therapist, personal growth groups and encounter groups, the National Training laboratories and T-groups, Registration and certification of person centered counselors, congruence, conditional acceptance, faith in a client, congruence, unconditional positive regard, empathic understanding, Total love and caring, therapist transparency, and empathy, Realness, objectively viewing the clients world, full acceptance, Commitment, compassion, and confrontation, Stated his concepts as testable hypotheses and submitted them to research, Literally opened the field for psychotherapy research, Inspired others to conduct extensive research on counseling process and outcomes, the hypothesized necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality change, comparing the outcome of person centered therapy with other models, Modify their perceptions of themselves, others, and the world, Increase their confidence in making choices and in pursuing a course of action, not enough emphasis is given to understand the world of a client who is different from the counselor, some clients may expect a more structured approach, the heavy reliance on therapeutic techniques, the emphasis on collectivism instead of individualism, the creative process is inherently healing, Engaging in expressive art forms connects us to our unconscious, personal growth is facilitated by self awareness, the focus on creating a collaborative spirit, the focus on building genuine relationship among members. c. Rogers inspired others to conduct extensive research on counseling process and outcome. a. a sense of equality. genuineness The Man Behind Unconditional Positive Regard | Psychology Today - Designing experiments for group members the relationship between the client and therapistdefining concrete and measurable goalsthe therapists ability to think logically and to scientifically solve problemsthe clients motivation for changethe therapists technical skills, the relationship between the client and therapist. In accordance with Maslow's framework, which needs took precedence? growth are present. A) Therapists should give advice when clients need it. a sense of equality. In order for a therapist to communicate "accurate empathetic understanding" the counselor must: A) Have experienced a situation very similar to the client's current predicament. Characteristics of a self-actualized person include all of the following, except: has artificial dichotomies within themselves. False, 65. c. victims of their own psychopathology who need to be liberated from their pain and dysfunction. True clients to generate alternative solutions to behavioral problems. How should your firm respond? In applying the person centered approach to crisis intervention, therapist: Which of the following is not a key concept of the person centered approach? 16. The person-centered model has been widely adapted to include such areas as family therapy, crisis counseling, and classroom education. D) Action In the 1960s and 1970s Rogers did a great deal to spearhead the development of: b. private colleges aimed at training person-centered therapists. Existential therapists prefer to be thought of as: philosophical companions, not as people who repair psyches. c. the importance of expressing feelings that stem from childhood issues. In the 1960s and 1970s Rogers did a great deal to spearhead the development of: True the focus is on exploration of a client's past. Carl Rogers's position on confronting the client is that: caring confrontations can be beneficial. False, 62. Which of the following is not considered a necessary and sufficient condition for change in the person-centered framework? a. displays a sense of trust in the members. The focus is on exploration of a clients past. What does this tell you about the use of targeted trade barriers? Carl Rogers, PhD: 1947 APA President - American Psychological Association d. to increase their confidence in making choices and in pursuing a course of action. 11. According to existentialists, our search for meaning involves all of these: - discarding off values d. The client is not given enough responsibility to direct the course of his or her own therapy. We theorize that when employees experience . False, 56. False, 45. 12. Which of the following personal characteristics of the therapist is most important, according to Carl Rogers. confrontation causes clients to stop growing.c. EPS 601 Chapter 7 (Person-centered therapy, study guide) - Quizlet B) Education E) Resignation and certification of person-centered counselors. a. Which of the following is not a key concept of the person-centered approach? Concerning research on psychotherapy and Carl Rogers, which of the following is true? In Carl Rogers' original perspective, clients (asall people) are seen to engage continually in the attempt to self-actualise. d. confrontation or resistance must be responded to in a nonconfrontational manner. He does not feel the E) Maintenance. the focus is on exploration of a client's past. b. The person-centered philosophy views diagnosis as: A) A useful tool for case conceptualization Taconic Plastics, Ltd., is a manufacturer incorporated in Ireland with its principal place of business in New York. *D) To be his or her real self in the relationship with a client* Empirical support for Gestalt therapy is: According to Gestalt theory, all of the following are true about contact: - contact is necessary for change and growth to occur False, 48. to help him, he insists that they are overreacting and that he has everything under control. 15. Rogers, in his emphasis upon simple non-directive reflection as sufficient for allowing the self-actualizing person to grow forward, did not contend with the sense that, in therapy, I often feel that I am . D) The National Training Laboratories and T-groups Believing strongly that theory should come out of practice rather than the other way round, Rogers developed his theory based on his work with emotionally troubled people and claimed that we have a remarkable capacity for self-healing and personal growth leading towards self-actualization . Calculate the cash flow for the following case. What will her therapist look for in order to False, 55. The approach does not make use of research to study the process or outcomes of therapy. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the person-centered approach? Emphasis is given to developing a contract for therapy. - Confrontation should be a genuine expression of caring. Carl Rogers first proposition states all organisms exist in a continually changing world of experience of which they are the center. From Carl Rogers's perspective the client/therapist relationship is characterized by: a clearly defined contract that specifies what clients will talk about in the sessions. c. an emphasis on freedom. True In applying the person-centered approach to crisis intervention, therapists should do all of the following, except: b. private colleges aimed at training person-centered therapists. C) To skillfully confront clients when they engage in self-destructive behaviors In person-centered group therapy, the leader: a. displays a sense of trust in the members. - To help the clients become more present in both themselves and others 28. Carl Rogers encouraged counselors to use caring confrontations with their clients. E) Commitment, compassion, and confrontation. Discovery B. a higher Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, more firms, and more barriers to entry. The person-centered therapist generally does not find traditional assessment and diagnosis: to be useful because these procedures encourage an external and expert perspective on the client. c. the client/therapist relationship. Naturally I'm this way, because I grew up in an alcoholic family. Which of the following is not true about Carl Rogers? A contribution of this therapeutic approach is: the exciting way in which the past is dealt with in a lively manner by bringing relevant aspects into the present. True b. Existentialists contend that the experience of relatedness to other human beings: is healthy when we are able to stand alone and tap into our own strength. b. Person centered therapy is best described as a: a philosophy of how the therapy process develops. According to Carl Rogers, personality change occurs only when clients develop insight into the origin of their personality problems. Like many students in psychology in the 1970s and 80s, my wish was to become a psychotherapist. One point of disagreement between existential and humanistic thought involves: Psychology and Life Quotes From Carl Rogers - Verywell Mind True According to Rogerian therapy, an "internal source of evaluation" is defined as: looking more to oneself for the answers to the problems of existence. b. Rogers literally opened the field for psychotherapy research. False, 67. Existential therapy is best considered as: an approach to understand the subjective world of the client. Person centered therapy is best described as: a philosophy of how the therapy process develops. in positive ways, pushed naturally toward its actualization as an oak. b. to view prior experiences in new ways. b. The term "presence" refers to the counselor's ability to be fully engaged in the therapeutic relationship with the d. focus on building genuine relationships among members. (See International Law.). Viktor Frankl's approach to existential therapy is known as: Which of the following is not true about Rollo May? Rogers' outlined techniques for therapists to support constructive change in therapy. a. internalizing the validation one receives from others. D) Bringing an actual mirror into the session and having a client look at himself or herself in the mirror. Which of the following is not true about Carl Rogers? a. Is a vehicle for the technique of tole reversal. emotion in human functioning and psychotherapeutic change. Carl Rogers's original emphasis was on reflection of feelings expressed by the client. Carl Rogers drew heavily from existential concepts, especially as they apply to: B. Carl Rogerss approach is based on the assumptions that humans are trustworthy and that clients desire to grow. False, 46. The, 1. In accordance with Maslow's framework, which needs took precedence? A. Which persons are associated with the existential movement, 1. a. have experienced a situation very similar to the client's current predicament. a faith in the capacity of individuals to develop in a constructive manner if a climate of trust is established. If p=q+7p=q+\sqrt{7}p=q+7, find dp/dqd p / d qdp/dq. 35. a. congruence tendency b. a. *D) There can be a tendency to give too much support and not enough challenge*. 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. B) Contemplation 2. a basic sense of trust in the client's ability to move forward in a constructive manner if conditions fostering d. guilt and anxiety. A factor that distinguishes the person-centered approach to group counseling from other approaches is the: True Reflections on Rogers - Association for Psychological Science One point of disagreement between existential and humanistic thought involves: the idea of an innate self-actualizing drive. b. empathic understanding - The client is primarily responsible for the direction of therapy Patrick has been confronted by family members and friends about his excessive gambling. False, 70. False, 54. 18. C) confrontation reflects that the therapist has a need to be in control. The approach does not emphasize the role of techniques in creating change in the client's behavior. change. the therapist functioning as the expert. _______involves blurring the differentiation between the self and the environment. Carl Rogers drew heavily from existential concepts, especially as they apply to: a. the transference relationship. From a multicultural perspective, some clients may reject this approach because: their life circumstances provide them with truly limited choices. sitting What position is best for client with acute pulmonary edema? Diagnosis and, Question 31 Factors that distinguish psychodynamic therapy from cognitive behavioral therapy include which of the following factors. E) Accurate active listening. Accurate empathic understanding helps clients in all the following areas, except: Carl Rogers's position on confronting the client is that: A) Confrontation is to be avoided at all costs B) Confrontation causes clients to stop growing C) Confrontation reflects that the therapist has a need to be in control D) Caring confrontations can be beneficial The person-centered therapist's most important function is: d. MI therapists avoid arguing with clients and reframe resistance as a healthy response. What is the most important factor related to progress in person-centered therapy? Maslow postulated a hierarchy of needs as a source of motivation, with the most basic needs being physiological

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carl rogers position on confronting the client is that