baseball acronyms explained

Hard% = Hard Contact Percentage) Percentage of hard-hit batted balls. Lets take a look at the top 100 baseball terms and stat acronyms commonly used during games that every player and fan should know. NP = Number of Pitches A pitchers total number of pitches is determined by all the pitches he throws in live game action, including strikes, unintentional balls and intentional balls. Methods of reaching base that are considered to have higher scoring potential are weighted more heavily. If the notation is for offense, the "S" could mean "Sacrifice" (as in a bunt or fly ball), it might even be a "steal," although that is usually noted as "SB." Some scorers note strikeouts as "S" but those are usually written as "SO," or, more typically, "K." And it wouldn't surprise me if "S" stood for "Single." This stat records the percentage of time a pitcher is credited a save when given a save opportunity. BB = Base on balls A base on balls (walk), is awarded to the batter when a pitcher delivers 4 pitches out of the strike zone during an at bat. GS Games Started: GS tallies the total number of games in which a pitcher throws the first pitch for their team, regardless of how many at-bats or innings they remain in the game. Thanks for stopping by and see you next time ~Jeremy, P.S. It's meant to combine how well a hitter can reach base, with how well he can hit for average and for power. On-base Plus Slugging (OPS) | Glossary | On-base Plus Slugging (OPS) Definition OPS adds on-base percentage and slugging percentage to get one number that unites the two. A player's WAR value is claimed to be the number of additional wins his team has achieved above the number of expected team wins if that player were substituted with a replacement . Corked bat: An illegal bat that often has a cork core in the wooden barrel. Slugging Percentage (SLG) | Glossary | Thanks for dropping by ~Jeremy. I have never really understood all of the baseball meanings, but man you really explain it here. Baseball Acronyms - A MLB box score is absolutely jam-packed with abbreviations. Baseball Stats Abbreviations What Do They Mean. wRC+= Weighted Runs Created+ Measures all phases of production at the plate and adjusts them for ballpark and league environments. BB Bases on Balls: The number of times a player is walked or awarded first base after four balls are thrown during an at-bat. A balk occurs when the umpire calls the pitcher for an illegal and deceitful motion on the mound. BB9/W_IP: Walks per nine innings pitched. Baseball Slang - Baseball Lingo - Terminology - And every issue builds on itself, one leading to another, growing from year to year. What Is A Foul Ball? K or : Strikeouts when a batter fails to successfully make a hit. With all of the stats thrown around in conversation, I still sometimes get the feeling people are talking a language I dont understand AB = At Bat An at bat is an official plate appearance that does not include a walk, being hit by a pitch, obstruction, sacrifice, or an interference call. Wins Above Replacement or Wins Above Replacement Player, commonly abbreviated to WAR or WARP, is a non-standardized sabermetric baseball statistic developed to sum up "a player's total contributions to his team". With so many acronyms and abbreviations, its easy to get a bit confused. These numbers tend to focus on a single element of an individual players performance. OPS = On base plus slugging A batters OPS is their on base percentage plus their slugging average. GF = Games Finished A pitcher is credited with a game finished if he is the last pitcher to pitch for his team in a given game, provided he was not the starting pitcher. Soft% = Soft Contact Percentage Percentage of soft-hit batted balls. In the past several decades, the baseball industry has become more enlightened -- thanks to an assist from advanced metrics. SO = Strikeout Commonly noted as a K, the pitcher is credited with a strikeout when the batter receives 3 strikes during an at bat. Just wanted to tell you keep up the excellent job! Putouts are rarely used as an independent fielding metric, but they are an important input used to formulate a number of advanced fielding stats (such as?). (They didnt make it to the next base before a defender tagged them out). Baseball Stats Abbreviations Let's get started with batting and then work our way through 1B = Single - A single is scored when a batter hits the ball and successfully reaches first base without a defensive error. strictly for entertainment purposes. GO_AO Ground Out to Air Out Ratio: The ratio of ground outs vs fly outs for a player during the given season. I/GS Innings Per Start: I/GS calculates the average number of innings a starting pitcher will throw before exiting the game. When a runner who is already on base is able to advance due to a hit ball, the batter is awarded with a SAC fly or SAC bunt. K%-BB% = Strikeout Percentage minus Walk Percentage The percentage differential between K% and BB%, often a better indicator of performance than K/BB, which can be skewed by very low walk rates. APA. View their position numbers to understand how to score defensive plays. If you need a hand with anything else, please let me know. Also a pitching category. If you know a pitchers average Pitches Per Start (P/GS), you can keep an eye on NP to determine when they are likely to grow tired and eventually be pulled from the game. XBH Extra Base Hits: The total number of hits other than singles. Abbreviations | YourDictionary PB = Pass Ball A catcher is given a passed ball if he cannot hold onto a pitch and as a result at least one runner moves up on the bases. CS = Caught stealing A runner is considered caught stealing each time they are tagged out when trying to steal a base. Take the hill: When a pitcher steps onto the pitching mound. have different values. A Assist: Fielders are awarded an assist when they touch the ball before a putout is recorded by one of their teammates. Double: When a batter makes a successful hit and reaches second base. A Guide to Baseball Scoreboard and Scorecard Abbreviations Baseball for Beginners | Understand Game Terms | PBS | Baseball & The It is very difficult to rank highly in terms of innings pitched without being a strong starter with the ability to pitch deep into a ballgame. Definition. Beginner's Guide: How to Read a Baseball Scoreboard Pitchers with a high SVO tally are often put in high-pressure game situations, indicating their managers have a great deal of faith in their abilities to maintain a crucial lead late in the game. CG = Complete game A complete game is when a pitcher is the only player to pitch for their team during an entire game. Barrel A batted ball with the perfect combination of exit velocity and launch angle, or the most high-value batted balls. Baseball Gear & Equipment, How to Help a Kid Throw Faster in Baseball, Understanding Catcher Signals in Baseball, Travel Baseball: A Guide For Parents & Players, What Is The Best Pitching Machine For The Money, Is The Pocket Radar Ball Coach Accurate? SO/K Strikeouts: The number of times a pitcher throws three strikes, resulting in an out before a batter can hit the ball or is walked to first base. 2B Doubles: The number of times a player hits the ball and safely reaches second base without fielder error or sacrifice. In recent decades, baseball statistics have been entirely overhauled by the advent of advanced formulas and calculations that attempt to capture detailed predictive insights about player performance and game scenarios. Battery or Battermates: A pitcher and catcher pair. prohibited. Drilled: When a batter is hit by a pitch. (Hits+Walks+Hit by pitch) / (At Bats+Walks+Hit by pitch+Sacrifice Flies). 2B = Double - A double is scored when a batter hits the ball and successfully reaches second base without a defensive error. WHIP Walks & Hits Per Inning Pitched: WHIP is calculated by finding the sum of a pitchers walks and hits divided by their total innings pitched. 3B = Triple A triple is scored when a batter hits the ball and successfully reaches third base without a defensive error. WAR = Wins Above Replacement Measures a players value in all facets of the game by deciphering how many more wins hes worth than a replacement-level player at his same position (e.g., a Minor League replacement or a readily available fill-in free agent). Abbreviations and Numbers for Baseball Field Positions When one team is at bat, their opponent has nine players in the field. A Complete List of Baseball Statistics. Bunt: When a hitter holds the baseball bat in front of him to lightly hit the ball instead of taking a full swing. This scenario most often occurs when a ball is fielded by one player and thrown to another (as is the case with most ground balls). SIERA = Skill Interactive ERA An ERA estimator that attempts to more accurately capture a pitchers performance based on strikeouts, walks/HBP, home runs, and batted ball data. Enter the game with the tying run on-deck, at-bat, or on the bases. NP Number of Pitches: NP is a comprehensive pitch count that includes every single pitch thrown, regardless of outcome. WHIP: Walks + Hits/Innings Pitched the number of walks and hits allowed by the pitcher over the innings they have pitched. GRSL: Grand slams occurs when a batter hits a home run while the bases are loaded, resulting in four runs scored. Female "groupie" known to "be easy" for baseball players. Valuable for evaluating not only how often a player is likely to get a hit, but also the quality and relative value of those hits. High fly ball rates can be predictive of a pitchers tendency to allow lots of home runs. DP = Double Play When two offensive players are ruled out within the same play. PK Pickoff: PK tallies the number of baserunners a pitcher picks off by throwing the ball to the fielder guarding the bag of a baserunner who has led off the plate before the runner can return to tag the plate. XBH = Extra base hits Extra base hits are any hit by a batter where they reach second base, third base, or home safely, without a defensive error. BF/TBF/BFP: Batters Faced the number of batters who have faced the pitcher. It is fairly simple to calculate once you know the catch probability. I hope you found everything you were looking for and if you have any other questions, please let me know and Ill be happy to help. 3 Ways to Read Baseball Statistics - wikiHow It is measured in revolutions per minute. When comparing pitchers across leagues, note that ERA values in the NL tend to be significantly lower thanks to lack of designated hitters in the batting lineup. ERA Earned Run Average: Easily the most widely referenced pitching stat, ERA indicates the average number of earned runs conceded per nine innings pitched. BB/9 = Strikeouts per 9 innings Average number of walks per 9 innings. Utility player: A player that can play multiple positions. Stalker Jugs Comparison. High I/GS rating indicate a highly successful pitcher who is also consistent. to go ahead and give you a shout out from New Caney Tx! Im not too familiar with cricket, but it looks really interesting to me. LOBB = Leadoff walk (1st batter of inning), LOBBS = Leadoff walk that scored (1st batter of inning). Offensive players have several different statistics that are used to demonstrate how good or bad they are at hitting. very nice, very info related, gives me some ideas. does not target any individuals CS: Caught stealing when a runner tries to steal a base but is tagged out before reaching the base. Thank you and You are most welcome. ERA tends to be more useful when measuring the abilities of starters vs relief pitchers. The concept of these metrics is the same, but the formula to calculate them differs slightly. CBO: Combined shutout when a pitcher is part of a shutout even if they did not pitch the entire game. It is defined by calculating the total number of putouts and assists a player has made divided by the total number of fielding chances (to include putouts, assists, and errors). BK = Balk When a pitcher makes an illegal motion on the mound that the umpire deems to be deceitful to the runner(s). nine Ken Griffey Jrs.). SAC is commonly used to denote that a batter has been credited with a sacrifice hit. Fly ball or Pop fly: When a batter hits a ball high into the air. It relies on a players ability to get on base and hit for extra bases, compared to their total opportunities. BABIP Batting Average on Balls in Play: BABIP calculates a players batting average on balls hit into the field of play, excluding at bats that result in strikeouts, walks, or home runs. The above box score would represent a player's season total batting . K/BB Strikeout to Walk Ratio: K/BB provides a ratio that compares how frequently a pitcher records strikeouts vs walks. (A barrel has a minimum Expected Batting Average of .500 and Expected Slugging Percentage of 1.500.). If you feel like youre losing control over your gambling Definition. She became obsessed with Cubs and then Phillies first baseman Eddie Waitkus. 2S+3% = % of PA in which batter sees 3+ pitches after 2 strikes. G/GP: Games/Games Played the number of times a player has appeared in a game. Uncle Charlie: Another word used for a curveball. DH is the abbreviation for that slot. H: Hits when a batter successfully hits the baseball into fair territory and reaches a base.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'baseball_tools-box-4','ezslot_2',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-baseball_tools-box-4-0'); HR: Home runs, when a pitch results in the batter making a full circuit of the bases and scoring a run. More than any other sport, the pace and structure of MLB baseball suits itself perfectly to detailed statistical analysis. For the uninitiated, a first glance at MLB stats can be an overwhelming experience. L Loss: Pitchers receive a loss when they are attributed a run that gives the opposing team a lead from which their team is unable to recover. Fishing: When a player at-bat swings at a ball that is outside of the strike zone. These abbreviations apply to softball as well. GB% = Ground ball percentage The percentage of a pitchers balls in play that are ground balls, calculated as GB/BIP. on, as they do vary. HR/FB= Home Run to Fly Ball Rate Percentage of a pitchers fly balls that go for home runs, calculated as HB/FB (even though some HR are line drives). Southpaw: Refers to a left-handed player. The Best Super Bowl Betting Promos & Bonuses for 2023, The Hypocrisy of Pete Rose Placing the First Legal Bet in Ohio, NFL Over/Under Bets: Strategy for Betting Totals On Football, NFL Player Prop Bets: One of the Best Ways to Wager Explained, NFL Overtime Bets: How to Wager Under the New Rules, 11 Top Gambling Quotes to Live (and Bet) By, Calcutta Auctions: A Brainy Spin on a March Madness Bracket, Find the Best Sportsbook Customer Service for You, How to Avoid Getting Kicked Out of Your Sportsbook. MLB Lockout Cheat Sheet: Revenue sharing, service time, Super Two and TBF Total Batters Faced The number of batters a pitcher has faced, akin to plate appearances. OPS+ On-Base Percentage + Slugging Plus: OPS+ attempts to normalize every players OPS rating across the entire league, accounting for external factors like ballparks and weighting numbers to as a perfect league average. APP = Appearance A pitcher is credited with an appearance if he pitches in a given game and faces at least one batter. FLB% = Fly ball percentage The percentage of a pitchers balls in play that are fly balls, calculated as FB/BIP. E Error: Players receive an error when they fail to force an out on a play that an average fielder would have made, or when they make a fielding mistake that allows one or more baserunners to advance. BB% is considered the most accurate method of determining the frequency with which a pitcher tends to put batters on base by walk. Enjoy risk-free action while you wait at SBD Play. ERA: Earned Run Average the average number of runs earned against a pitcher through nine innings. Advanced Stats. I am a fan of baseball so I knew most of them but not a couple were new to me. FPCT Fielding Percentage: This is a comprehensive stat that evaluates a fielders success rate each time they are presented with an opportunity to make a play. BS Blown Save: This statistic is specific to relief pitchers and tallies the number of games in which they enter in a save situation to ultimately allow a tying run to score. teams present their bullpen more save opportunities than others. Line drives are excessively difficult to field, making a high LD% of the biggest red flags when evaluating pitching ability. wRC+ Weighted Runs Created Plus: This weighted version of RC makes adjustments for external factors such as ballpark, making it a more accurate metric to use when comparing players from different teams or eras. TB: Total bases the number of bases earned by runners against a pitcher. Air mail: When a player throws the ball over the head of another player. The pitcher credited with a W or L is the pitcher of record for a given MLB game. If the bases happen to be loaded at the time, the batter is also credited with a run batted in. Maybe Ill get you on some of those A batter's OPS is what you get when adding a percentage for a batter's ability to reach base successfully, with another figure that indicates a hitter's power. Take a look at both when comparing two players to get a second data-driven opinion on each players overall fielding abilities. HLD = HOLD A hold occurs when a relief pitcher enters the game in a save situation and maintains his teams lead for the next relief pitcher, while recording at least one out. If you have any questions, please let me know, Im always happy to help. CG Complete Game: The number of start-to-finish games pitched. This is tracked for all Batted Ball Events outs, hits and errors. As a comprehensive number capturing a pitchers ability to prevent batters from reaching the basepath, WHIP is one of the best metrics for a pitchers overall defensive value. Baseball Acronyms and Baseball Abbreviations - List of 1.9k xwOBA = Weighted On-Base Average, Expected An estimation of what a hitters wOBAshouldbe based on things like exit velocity off the bat and launch angle. TB = Total bases Total bases are the number of bases a batter reaches safely. This is a based on the official scorers judgment. HR = Home Run A home run is achieved by a batter who hits a thrown pitch over the outfield fence, or hits the ball and successfully touches all three bases and home plate with no defensive errors (In the park home run). K% Strikeout Rate: K% indicates the percentage of the time that a pitcherretires batters with a strikeout, defined as total strikeouts divided by total number of batters faced. How to Determine a Foul Ball, How Many MLB Teams Are There? I hope this helps to clear up some confusion. You are now ready to talk ball with the best of them. L = Loss A pitcher is given a loss if they were pitching when the opposing team had and kept the lead, and went on to win that game. BF Batters Faced: The total number of plate appearances the pitcher has faced during the season. 2023. A = Assist An assist is the number of outs recorded on a play where the player fielded the ball. Pitch Types | Glossary | For scorekeeping purposes, each of the main baseball positions is written as a standard number instead of an abbreviation. Baseball Abbreviations. Starters are credited a QS when they pitch at least six innings and allow three or fewer earned runs. Courtesy of the MLB, I was able to find what is considered to be a standard baseball statistic and an advanced baseball statistic.The lists below are a complete glossary of all of the statistics in baseball and these lists are split up into two sections - the "Standard Baseball Statistics" section and the "Advanced Baseball Statistics" section. But what exactly is sabermetrics, and how did it come about? IPS: Innings per start average number of innings pitched per game started. Infield Fly Rule Explained - Surely one of the most confusing rules in baseball but yet so simple. IFFB% = Infield Fly Ball Percentage Percentage of a pitcherss fly balls that were infield fly balls, calculated as IFFB/FB. EV = Exit Velocity Measures the speed of the baseball as it comes off the bat, immediately after a batter makes contact. IBB: Intentional walks occurs when a team intentionally puts a batter on first base instead of letting him hit.

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baseball acronyms explained