6 essential elements of information

Two factors can make terrain key: how the friendly commander wants to use it, and whether the enemy can use it to defeat a friendly COA. Introduction to the Intelligence Cycle - Federation of American Scientists The highest terrain normally provides the best observation. What behavioral health assets can HHS OPDIVs and ESF#8 partners roster and deploy as necessary after landfall? Avenues of approach normally incorporate key terrain or deny its use to the enemy. These decisions and assessments produce new questions that address the changed situation and future command decisions. 4. Execution information is information that directs, initiates, or regulates action, conduct, or procedure. CCIR include priority intelligence requirements (PIRs) and friendly forces information requirements (FFIR). B-18. The intelligence cycle is a tool used in intelligence operations to help the commander answer his intelligence needs. You follow the process, and measure those items that are critical to quality. They also consider the missions of adjacent units to understand their contributions in relation to their own units. The elements of an information system are customers, business processes, product services and communication technology. : Small platoon to company size combat force committed in to one or more of the battalion battle positions. B-34. The handful of simple questions contained within the Commanders Critical Information Requirements guide the intelligence collectors and analysts towards providing the commander the information needed to make timely and accurate decisions. For example, bad weather can favor the attacker by concealing a moving force while making construction of fighting positions more difficult for the defender. B-78. The C2 system cannot reduce judgment to procedures or rules. : Where will the Donovian commander commit his breaching force? B-15. These teams regularly update terrain information to reflect the effects of combat, as well as of nature. Original content is published under aCreative Commons Licenseper ourTerms of Use. Answering this question, however, is the goal of the rest of the process. What is the plan for behavioral health surveillance of assets deployed by HHS for ESF#8 missions? He has written several articles forSmall Wars Journalon a wide range of subjects. 25: More Chinese Ferry Tales: China's Use of Civilian Shipping in Military Activities, 2021-2022, Hospital Ships: A Vital Asset for SOUTHCOM and South American Navies, The Goshen Massacre and the Specter of Cartel Spillover Into the US, Dangerous Alliances: Russias Strategic Inroads in Latin America, Year Ahead Emerging Technologies and the Collection of Battlefield Evidence, How Does Matter Matter In International Conflict and Security? Have evacuation/relocation sites been identified? From the Collection Battalion to the Army Service Component Command (ASCC), PIR (and the analysis that goes into answering them) are one the most important tasks of the Intelligence enterprise. Based on their situational understanding and recommendations from the running estimates, commanders make decisions and revise the CCIR as needed to fill gaps in information needed to make future decisions. Terrain that offers cover and concealment limits fields of fire. Applicable to both the friendly and enemy situations. It is based on experience, expertise, and intuition. This in turn prevents the enemy from successfully breaching the battle positions and ultimately defeats the enemy attacking force. Here are 6 essential elements to include when creating your very own branded infographic: 1. This information is known as indicators. Commanders designate EEFI and transmit them to their staffs and subordinates. What are the safety and health recommendations for facilities that cannot be evacuated (if requested by the state)? B-50. B-64. Once significant events are determined, it is important to template the events and to analyze them for their political, economic, psychological, environmental, and legal implications. Effective commanders and staffs know how much time and space their units need to plan, prepare, and execute operations. Weather can create opportunities as well as difficulties for each side. hospitals, urgent carefacilities, EMS service, local/state public health departments, and mental health clinics). Other events are disasters from natural, manmade, or technological sources. What behavioral health services are available and where? However, civilian organizations may possess specialized capabilities that they may be willing to share with military forces. IM is a dynamic process that supports commanders in the fast-moving operational environment. Examples of key civilian areas are-. These visits also provide insights into the intangibles that data and reports cannot capture. B-13. The colors in the spectra show dips, the size of which reveal the amount of these elements in the atmosphere of a star. Time-sensitive. Execution information takes many forms: including, orders, plans, directives, memorandums, and regulations. From this, commanders can determine how organizations and military forces can work together toward common goals when necessary. The size or make up of a force might also be an indicator of what type of element it is but there could be some danger in using an indicator like this. As both processed data (information) and analyzed and evaluated information (knowledge) about the enemy and environment, intelligence is crucial to commanders' achieving situational understanding. From the Collection Battalion to the Army Service Component Command (ASCC), PIR (and the analysis that goes into answering them) are one the most important tasks of the Intelligence enterprise. What are the locations/contact information for the facilities/providers? B-68. Individually or collectively, people can affect a military operation positively, negatively, or neutrally. 52 likes, 5 comments - finekigali_tours & Adventures (@finekigali) on Instagram: "Nyandungu Urban Wetland Ecotourism park is a 120 hectares of surface area, Rwandan . What number of FDA-regulated establishments (food, feed, drugs, medical devices, cosmetics) require inspectional follow-up by FDA? What is the status of behavioral health care facilities in the affected communities? A more appropriate way to ask the question is, How will the Donovian commander use his fixing forces? As will be illustrated in the later sections of this piece, answering this question as apposed to the previous one can provide more detailed insights into the enemy commanders thought process and can trigger the blue force commander to make a decision. Commanders can save more time by using standing operating procedures (SOPs), tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), and habitual relationships. Essential Elements of Information (EEIs) are the key pieces of qualitative and quantitative data necessary to develop situational awareness for decision-making. Using the example PIR above How will the Donovian commander use his fixing forces? and previously developed enemy courses of action, EEIs are used to identify all the possible locations the Donovian commander could feasibly use his fixing forces during his attack. Information, in the general sense, is the meaning humans assign to data. B-70. Does it include at-risk needs? B-62. It asks for information regarding: the number of partners that reported requested EEI (which can be divided by the number that reported An appreciation of terrain-the ability to analyze its impact on operations-is one of a commander's most important skills. B-23. B-74. Two small fixing forces are moving towards 1-5IN and 3-21INs position and the larger breaching force indicated by its size and composition is headed towards 1-24INs position. Key Terrain and Decisive Terrain. (See FM 22-100.). Consequently, commanders never assume their operations will unfold as planned. Avenues of Approach. To visualize enemy forces, commanders need detailed intelligence, such as, speed of advance, tempo, and strengths and weaknesses. The analyst realizes that all the elements of the Priority Intelligence Requirement have been satisfied thus answering the overall PIR of where will the Donovian commander commit his breaching force? The C2 system collects data from various sources to answer IRs. Commanders consider the effects of their decisions and their forces' actions on public opinion. They are constrained only by those control measures that ensure necessary coordination. What is a Priority Intelligence Requirement? In the context of the cognitive hierarchy, knowledge is information analyzed to provide meaning and value, or evaluated as to implications for the operation. Essential nutrients are compounds that the body can't make or can't make in sufficient quantity. This appendix expands the discussion of information in chapter 3. These questions require staffs to modify IRs and commanders to modify their CCIR. Commanders decide what IRs are critical IRs based on their individual cognitive abilities and commander's visualization. The commander designates determining whether the enemy has discovered the location and movement of the friendly reserve as one of the CCIR. Potable Water, Wastewater and Solid Waste Disposal. Column 2, Essential Element of Information The category/functional element of data to be collected. What is current status of potable water within the damaged area? If the military's mission is to support civil authorities, civil considerations define the mission. During planning, CCIR are established by WARNO. But as can be seen in the example above once those EEIs are answered the blue force commander will have a clearer understanding of the battlefield which will allow him to make an effective decision. Once all the EEIs of a given Priority Intelligence Requirement have been confirmed the analyst can confidently state that a PIR has been answered. Events are routine, cyclical, planned, or spontaneous activities that significantly affect organizations, people, and military operations. Where? Relevant Information Production and Flow. They consider both friendly and enemy perspectives. Part 3 - Indicators: How does the analyst know he or she has answered an EEI? Climate is a longer-term but more predictable phenomenon than weather. Number of hospitals, dialysis centers, residential long-term care facilities, etc. They look for possible assembly areas, routes, axes of movement, assault positions, ambushes, and battle positions. PDF ART Identify Essential Elements of Friendly Information Therefore, tactically and technically competent subordinates and staffs must recognize it as vital. Most Military Intelligence Brigades, Theater [MIB (T)] have an Analytical Control Element (ACE) and Collection Battalion supporting the Army Service Component Command (ASCC). Engineer Obstacle Clearing Tracked Armored Vehicle Russian (MR-2 IMR-2M1). Cover and Concealment. EEFI establish information to protect, not information to obtain. Examples of these include multinational corporations, United Nations agencies, US governmental agencies, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), such as the International Red Cross. The answers the Program Delivery Manager received from the Applicant while asking questions from the Essential Elements of Information questionnaire during the Recovery Scoping Meeting produce documentation requirements in Grants Portal EEFI are often key factors in designing military deception operations. What is the projected requirement for the pre- and post-hospitalization regulating of patients (including at-risk), in order to integrate patients with transportation assets and definitive care facilities? 6 Essential Strategies for Teaching ELLs | Edutopia Cite. SAMSHA for consultation and technical assistance. When assigning missions, commanders ensure all their subordinates' missions support the decisive operation and the higher commander's intent. They also include support from Department of Defense and Department of the Army civilians, and contractors employed by military organizations, such as, the Defense Logistics Agency and the Army Materiel Command. Situation-dependent-directly linked to current and future missions. B-69. Part 4 - Specific Information Requirements: The last part of a PIR is the Specific Information Requirement (SIR). Essential elements of information refers to the most critical information requirements regarding the adversary and the environment needed by the commander by a particular time to relate with other available information and intelligence in order to assist in reaching a logical decision. Figure B-2 shows the relationship of IM, RI, and IRs. B-32. Essential elements of information - Definition and more | THE Figure B-3 illustrates the relationships among the cognitive hierarchy, IRs, and CCIR. Because sources of information are imperfect and susceptible to distortion and deception, IM includes carefully assessing information quality. Figure B-2. What is the status of the need for behavioral health support to the FMS: diagnoses, occupied beds, vacant/available beds, types and amounts of psychotropics used, and patient contacts since last report? B-11. What is the projected requirement for blood product support? They are a factor in all types of military operations: offense, defense, stability, and support. However, commanders may determine that they need to know whether one or more of the EEFI have been compromised or that the enemy is collecting against a designated EEFI. The two broad categories of EEIs to be collected are Incident Specific EEIs and ESF #8 Functional Element EEIs. In some circumstances, brigades and battalions also have to interact with these organizations. Commanders do this through designating CCIR. If integration did not occur, commanders would be overwhelmed by bits of data or overloaded by a staggering number of factors. Terrain is normally analyzed using the five military aspects of terrain, expressed in the memory aid, OAKOC: Commanders consider all five aspects when analyzing terrain. Standard supporting plans, such as rear area security plans, are a form of TTP. Whenever possible, commanders perform a personal reconnaissance of the terrain where they plan to operate. This holds particularly true for civil considerations, where careful preparation can turn parts of civil populations into advantages for friendly forces and disadvantages for enemy forces. B-24. (See FM 5-0.) By its nature, identifying exceptional information relies on the initiative of subordinate commanders and the staff. Safety and Security of Human Drugs, Biologics, Medical Devices, and Veterinary Drugs. All the essential topics in information theory are covered in detail, including . Examples of events precipitated by military forces include combat operations, deployments, redeployments, and paydays. These may include church groups, fraternal organizations, patriotic or service organizations, labor unions, criminal organizations, and community watch groups. Differences in mobility, protection, firepower, equipment, morale, experience, leadership, and training make some units more suitable for certain missions than others. The GMTI indicates that a company size formation is moving towards 3-21IN and 1-5INs positions and a larger battalion size element is moving towards 1-24INs position. PDF Essential Elements of Information Include a Call-to-Action (CTA) How to Make The Most of a Welcome Email (3 Tips) 1. The mission statement defines the who, what, when, where, and why of the operation. Existing structures can play many significant roles. Always established by an order or plan. Under mission command, commanders ensure they provide subordinates with the right mix of troops and support to accomplish the missions they assign. COMMANDER'S CRITICAL INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS. What is the status of safety and security of human drugs, biologics, medical devices, and veterinary drugs in the affected area? It is a continuous process consisting of five phases. For example, a commander may determine that if the enemy discovers the location and movement of the friendly reserve, the operation is at risk. Having campaign PIR however, in no way prevents the analyst from bringing forth a topic not covered by them. Civil considerations generally focus on the immediate impact of civilians on operations in progress; however, they also include larger, long-term diplomatic, informational, and economic issues at higher levels. Specified by the commander for each operation. As information that answers IRs is collected, soldiers in the C2 system enter it into databases maintained in C2-system INFOSYS. Slide 12 (Phase I - Plan and Direct) B-77. In Evaluating Immunities before a Special Tribunal for Aggression Against Ukraine, the Type of Tribunal Matters, Chinas Ferry Tale Taiwan Invasion Plan Is A Legal Nightmare, China Maritime Report No. When the enemy has the initiative, all friendly reactions to enemy actions result in an enemy counteraction. In all cases, the fewer the CCIR, the better the staff can focus its efforts and allocate scarce resources. Rate: Favorite: EEI ensures incident personnel gather the most accurate and appropriate data, translate it into useful information, and communicate it with appropriate personnel. Time available varies with unit size and mission. IRs must be related to the unit mission; unfocused requests may provide plenty of data, but not much RI. A/B Test Everything 3. What is the status of each FMS: occupied beds, vacant/available beds, supplies & equipment, patient contacts and capacity for at-risk populations since last report? Anticipation and preparation can often overcome these effects, or even turn them to friendly advantage. What is the plan for transitioning behavioral health care back to the state and local commuinities? The Information Cell is responsible for completion of the matrix with the assistance of the Department/Agency (D/A) or OPDIV/STAFFDIV identified to provide input. As commanders allocate tasks and resources to subordinates, they ensure their decisions support the decisive operation and the higher commander's intent. During planning, CCIR focus on information needed to determine which COA to choose. Enemies always have opportunities to unhinge them. Focused on predictable events or activities. Column 3, Specific Information Required - The question to be answered or data to be provided byDepartment/Agency (D/A) or OPDIV/STAFFDIV identified in Column 4.Column 4, Data Collector(s) - The Department/Agency (D/A) or OPDIV/STAFFDIV responsible for providing the requested information to the Information Cell.Column 5, Data Source(s) To be completed by the Data Collector. Still, many of the teachers I spoke to said this simple change is vital. What response elements (if any) have deployed, including ERT-A, Human Services Assessment Teams, etc.? A PIR is composed of four parts which build upon each other. Enemies react to every friendly move. Stable weather conditions favor the use of chemical and biological agents. Identification of EEFI is the first action in the operations security (OPSEC) process, which commanders use to determine measures to protect this information (OPSEC measures). What behavioral health assets can HHS OPDIVS and ESF#8 partners roster and deploy for prestaging? Capabilities include those areas in which the populace may need help after combat operations, such as, public works and utilities, public health, economics, and commerce. Preparedness and Response. They are crafted as described above in order to assist the analyst in supporting the commanders decision making. B-16. EEFI are neither IRs nor part of the CCIR. The personalities of subordinate commanders are also important: A bold commander may be a good choice for a pursuit mission. What are the Federal recommended levels of supply? The commander and staff tailor their display for resolution and content appropriate to their echelon of command and the mission. An information system can have internal as well as external. The mission is the task, together with the purpose, that clearly indicates the action to be taken and the reason therefore (JP 1-02). Percentage of students that have medical necessities provided by school nurses. (See figure B-2.) In stability operations and support operations, Army forces work closely with civilians of all types. Copyright 2023 | Site by 3C Web Services, The Importance of Priority Intelligence Requirements to the, Most Military Intelligence Brigades, Theater [MIB (T)] have an Analytical Control Element (ACE) and Collection Battalion supporting the Army Service Component Command (ASCC). They should also help highlight recovery issues and barriers to recovery. B-61. With responsibility in most cases for an entire continent, Army Service Components must accurately prioritize their information requirements or risk being overwhelmed by information. What activates, operations, transnational organizations, networks, and/or entities within Atropia pose the greatest threat to regional security/stability? What damage has occurred in the affected area (including injuries/fatalities)? Information systems (INFOSYS) now available provide commanders at all levels with near real-time RI on the current situation in the form of the COP. It is essential to identifying exceptional information. Examples of these type of PIR include: When considering the scope of a Combatant Command (COCOM) and the potential actors operating within their Area of Responsibility campaign PIR are vital to focus the analyst on the events and personalities that their commander believes are important. : The last part of a PIR is the Specific Information Requirement (SIR). Descriptive Title and Subheads. The EEI are written out in advance as questions by consumers of the EEI information. B-47. Intelligence does not come as raw data; to be RI in C2, it must come through the intelligence cycle. The Importance of Priority Intelligence Requirements to the Army Part 2 - Essential Elements of Information: The first subcomponent that a PIR is comprised of is the Essential Elements of Information or EEI. The host nation or other nations might provide these resources and services. So, an indicator of where the enemy commander is going to employ his breaching force is the location of the IMR-2, a very distinct looking piece of equipment, within the enemy force. These EEI refine the Priority Intelligence Requirement. If you want to give a successful presentation, you need to connect with your audience. CCIR and IR are the categories used to prioritize collection asset allocation and information processing within the C2 system. The activities of a force-or individual members of a force-can have far-reaching effects on the legitimacy of all military operations-offense, defense, stability, or support. The best indicators are things that are unique about a formation. Organizations involved in recovery should develop EEIs to support their situational awareness and assessment efforts prior . Corps and divisions routinely interact with other US agencies, host-nation governmental agencies, and NGOs. By definition, commanders need it to make a decision. The commander and staff must address exceptional information before the operation can continue. Please enable scripts and reload this page. Customers are beneficiaries of products . For example, cross-compartmented terrain favors the defender and hinders the attacker. Why Identifying Essential Elements of Information Improves a - LinkedIn Consideration of time available further includes the time subordinate commanders and units require to plan and prepare their own operations. Where is the enemy and what is he going to do? Increasing assets in one area may compensate for a shortage of assets in another. An analysis of people should identify them by their various capabilities, needs, and intentions. Essential Elements of Information - emilms.fema.gov Many people make the mistake of trying to encompass more than one question into a PIR, When and where will the Donovian commander used his fixing force? This question is asking two distinct things, when will the commander use his forces and where will he use them. Essential Elements of Information Essential Elements of Information (EEI) consists of the required information and documentation necessary to develop, review and process a Sub-recipient's grants. People are the most often overlooked and most important part of a computer-based information system. With responsibility in most cases for an entire continent, Army Service Components must accurately prioritize their information requirements or risk being overwhelmed by information. Terrain and weather are relatively neutral; they favor neither side unless one is better prepared to operate in the environment or is more familiar with it (for example, fighting on friendly territory). Build rapport with your audience. For example, an enemy breaching element will likely have with it some sort of engineer asset designed for clearing obstacles. Because collection assets are limited, a method of prioritizing collection and processing is required. The second factor to consider is the enemy-dispositions (including organization, strength, location, and tactical mobility), doctrine, equipment, capabilities, vulnerabilities, and probable courses of action (COAs). An immediate priority for command and staff action. It provides a means for communicating a clearly understood vision of an operation and its desired outcome that guides subordinates as they carry out decisions. They are the second way FEMA informs Applicants of required project-specific documentation. The analyst digests these indicators while working towards answering the Essential Elements of Information. It is always the first factor commanders consider during decisionmaking. Does it include at-risk needs? The approach intentionally privileges productive language skills "from the beginning," she says.

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6 essential elements of information