vampire diaries monologues bonnie

However, once Bonnie is saved, they go back to being friends as if nothing happened. Bonnie tells her that she has every magic, the spirits, expression, and the "darkness". Sheila tells Bonnie that Jeremy's death was the will of Nature. Later at the Gilbert House Elena explains Bonnie everything, from the existence of vampire to Stefan and Damon. Caroline and Elena rush over to help her but they can't seem to open the door. Her experience with Kai and her time in the prison world, however, drastically changes her. Opening her eyes, Bonnie is happy to see that it was Stefan. He claims he'll just rip his way out of her again and then passes through Bonnie painfully as the other Travelers do so too. However, Damon mysteriously hears Elena's voice in the Armory's vault and is easily drawn to it despite Enzo and Bonnie's protests over the phone to try and stop Damon from following the voice. Even at his lowest point with his humanity off, where he was willing to let her die, she continued to love him and that she continues to have the capacity for forgiveness. She muses that Mystic Falls attempt to be "hipster". Matt later on calls her again and he tells her that Lily is gone and left with Enzo. Bonnie runs towards Enzo, tears in her eyes and screams his name. She's apprehensive about doing it and admits that it feels weird. Damon is upset because he knows now that Katherine was never in the tomb. He asks what she feels; se tells him rage and anguish. Later, Stefan is dreaming about his time within the stone and can hear Bonnie and Nora performing the same spell to release his soul from the stone. "It's true, Elena. Bonnie trying to light a candle. Much to both her and his shock, it turns out neither of them solved it and they figure out that someone else is stuck with them in this dimension. They turn away and being to head straight for Bonnie, who is shocked to sense they are heading for her. Bonnie takes pictures of Jeremy's tattoo which also tells the story of Silas and Qetsiyah, who was in love with him. So if you're done, if you have none, then BE done " and leaves Damon alone in the parking-lot. Bonnie apologizes to Matt for the time delay and admits Matt was right the day before it was her fault, she helped kill Malcolm and it was her idea to stop his heart. They are also close in friendship, until Damon feels that desiccating himself in a coffin to wait for Elena's return is the right thing to do. Bonnie points out that Jeremy's ring won't work because he was hurt by a Human, not a supernatural creature. At some point, Damon must of told her that Kai was going with them, so Bonnie must have come up with a plan to get rid of him and leave him behind in the prison world. She stabs the syringe into his side and injects him with the cure. Bonnie is sitting in on the floor surrounded by a circle of lit white candles and chants a spell. Enzo smiles and continues to watch fondly over her. She didn't even tell her father, who presented them with their diplomas, the truth. Soon, Stefan convinces her to help out. Bonnie finds The Bennett Talisman and asks if it's the one that Caroline got it from Damon. Bonnie pleads for someone to help and that is when Stefan and Elena enter. Bonnie puts in her ear buds and ignores them for the rest of the ride. This only strains Damon and Bonnie relationship even more, but they ally together anyways. Damon: This is reality, and there's no such thing as werewolves. Enzo takes the tuning fork and he and Bonnie prepare to leave. Kai's smirk disappears. She delivers Enzo's words to Damon and is annoyed because of constantly being followed by him since he found out about the destruction of the other side. She confesses that it was wrong of her to have returned his necklace. He tells her she needs to come with him, and that they are going to "register for classes.". 2023 TV Fanatic Sheila tells her, "You can do that, expression is a manifestation of your will, you can do anything, I don't like it but sometimes there are no choices, but you are strong enough, you can do this". She tells him that it isn't about Kai, but the others that are in the prison are a million times stronger than him and them, and how they would have fun with a newly turned human Elena. Ten minutes later she wakes up startled at the realization of what happened. However long it takes. Annoyed, she tells him okay, that they'll rescue everyone but themselves, again. She tells him that he wanted to be human with Elena, he would've told her about the cure by now. Puddles of candle wax rings around the candles as she's been at this tirelessly. She is fickle, idealistic and flighty when it comes to the opposite sex, while Bonnie in the TV series barely has a boyfriend. Luka starts by apologizing if his father was being too much of a snoop but that they just needed to be careful. They invite her to sit with them and seeing that Jeremy had not arrived yet, Bonnie sits down. Bonnie once stated that she can't cook, like her friend Elena. In The Sacrifice, Bonnie and Luka's friendship seems to grow every day. She is next seen getting out of Damon's car at the Mystic Falls Medical Center, where she takes pain pills and antibiotics while treating her arrow wound. She thanks him for the lesson and leaves. She takes a breath and calls out to her Grams saying, "If I ever needed you to hear me, hear me now." She finds Elena's spirit but before she could rescue her, Grams interfered and does not allow Bonnie to help Elena. In this episode Jeremy and Bonnie's relationship gets deeper. Bonnie asked him how he is healed and came to know that it was Silas who fixed his broken leg. She remarks that his memory was remarkable, saying that he even got the sweater right. She is sitting with her mother while she goes through the transformation. He sees no other choice and proceeds inside to save Elena anyways. I didn't get the girl, remember? Grabbing her head he asks if she's alright. Once Elena finds out, Bonnie tells Caroline that Elena will never forgive her. Virginia told her that if she was a Bennett then the Armory would've found her a long time ago, making Bonnie tell her how she was taking pills to hide her magic so that the Armory couldn't find her. Night comes soon and Damon and Elena set off the explosion in the Grill, therefore, killing dozens of Travelers. Not being able to shake it, she follows her senses and comes across Lucy. It is decided that Jeremy and Matt should go back to Mystic Falls, seeing as they're human and the spell won't affect them, while Damon and Elena will go in one car and Stefan, Bonnie and Caroline should follow. Eventually, Luke also arrives and Bonnie immediately thinks of him and Elena hooking up only for Elena to say he's gay which in turn, Bonnie says Damon'd be cute with him too. Bonnie refuses her mother's answer and tells her that "There must be a way. It hurts. With the help of Damon, they find her. Because in the end, when you lose somebody, every candle, every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing you have left is hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be. They are very close and would do anything for each other. She also tells her that Johnathan never actually invented these magical devices but that Emily had put spells on them so he thought he had. Bonnie is seen casting the powerful spell to unseal the vault, the strain visible as her nose bleeds due to the sickness, taking longer to perform the spell. Sign up with Email. Also, Bonnie wanted to explore herself after realizing she has changed as a person. As she opens the doorway, she sees a woman in old-fashioned clothing standing before her. Concerned, she asks Alaric again, "you did destroy it like you promised me, correct?" She returns his necklace by telling him if it means something more than her love. Includes dialogues/monologues from The Vampire Diaries. After she's done, she asks him if the syringe is enough though he doesn't respond. Bonnie then tries again, this time she is successful by stopping Klaus' heart and effectively desiccating him. She reveals that she can see and feel him, resulting from the psychic link from entering her mind. Bonnie, annoyed, chips in her own opinion about it happening fast. Later, Bonnie and Alaric are at the morgue of Whitmore Medical Center. In the 2007 flashback, Bonnie is first seen throwing a snowball at Elena, who declares war on her. At the police station, as Shane is being questioned by Sheriff Forbes, Bonnie asks her father why he had Shane arrested and he tells her that Shane is responsible for manipulating Pastor Young to kill him and eleven other people. She sees the coffins and Stefan tells her that he needs her to put a spell on the coffins so they will disappear. Bonnie, and Katherine talking at the diner. He explains that Jenna has been taken. In the teacher's lounge, Bonnie attempts to break the spell and Klaus threatens to kill Jamie. Bonnie agrees and tells her that there is only one way to find out; for her to jump them both in and for them to see for themselves. Lily lunges at her and Bonnie causes pain infliction on her and Lily then throws a piece of tableware and it embeds in Bonnie's neck. Elijah explains that the sacrifice will happen in stages - the Werewolf will be killed, then the Vampire, and then the Petrova Doppelgnger. He tells her that Alex told the Armory to bring her in and before she can protest he tranquilizes her, saving her from the Armory. Before leaving She argues with Damon about helping him take down Rayna. Taking matters into his own hands, Stefan races into the tomb and tosses Jeremy out. Damon asks her is she can talk to Kai because he wants to apologize to her for what he did to her in the Prison World. I intend to be your last. Bonnie complies and tells her that they will leave, though Seline mentions the weapon that they were looking for, the Tuning Fork. Elena notices Bonnie's quiet mood and wonders what is up with her. However, she tells her that it's a hindrance. Bonnie and Jeremy are seen talking in private again. She did her best to keep her spirits up but she ended up setting the Christmas tree she put up alight, showing that she is losing hope that she'll ever get out. I can do this! When Bonnie was in the initial stages of learning magic, she would visit her grandmother on the weekends. After Ric receives a phone call about "making a bomb" from Stefan, they decide to head back home only to learn that Caroline and Stefan had bargained away their home (all of Mystic Falls) to Lily and her children, the Heretics, leaving the town a ghost town as they had to evacuate everyone in town to save them from the Heretics - making anyone human in the town boarder fair game for them. Caroline tries to help Abby deal with her new status as a vampire. They reveal themselves to be vampires, due to the curse changing her memories and forced to attack them to defend herself; staking one and breaking the other's neck. Jeremy thanks him for everything he has done. Damon walks into the Boarding house to find Bonnie is still unconscious, revealing the previous sequence of events to be Bonnie's dreams. Later, Alaric calls Jeremy, who is at the Gone With The Wind screening with Bonnie and Caroline. After some discouraging words from Damon, Kai, after some mild flirting with Bonnie convinces her to just tune Damon out and concentrate. Once Mason is next to her, Bonnie uses her abilities and soon Mason is grabbing his head in pain. Though Bonnie tells him that she would rather have the memories of loving him than having memories where she destroyed them. Calling Bonnie, Elena tells her what almost happened to Jeremy. He says no and Stefan reveals that she must be attacking his subconscious as that was how she manipulated Damon mind. A while later, Bonnie stays at the cabin with Enzo, candles placed on various surfaces as she and Enzo sit on the floor, their back up against what remains of the couch. And right now you are my only buddy available to drink. Bonnie begins to chant a spell that makes the flames low, long enough for Stefan to save Damon. Two months have since passed and Damon and Bonnie have developed a routine where he makes pancakes every morning for breakfast. Just as Bonnie is about to reveal to Damon there is no spell to save her or The Other Side,Jeremy arrives before she can say anything. Bonnie trying the message spell, with Jeremy. That night, Abby performs a memorial for Enzo, to return him to the Earth, in Bonnie's honor. After returning from the prison world, she is struggling to adapt to the real world and hide all the pain and loneliness she felt with angry and hate. She informs Damon of this new information, which he proceeds to kill another incarnation of Rayna. Silas awaits.". They happily hug and Bonnie then shows him video of the mysterious woman. Bonnie finally agreed to Virginia's promise as she learns the seriousness of the contents of the The Armory's Vault. Just then, Enzo walks in, and Bonnie notices Liv's dislike of him. Without Sybil, Bonnie confirms that she was right, that Stefan will always protect Damon and that she has no power to help Enzo. Bonnie continues to have hope more determined now that she knows Enzo is fighting the monster's control, leaving clues for her to find out about the enemy and wants their help in fighting it. Don't forget that.". Later on, Bonnie and Caroline arrive at the Salvatore Boarding House to say their goodbyes to Elena. She seeks out the girl Liv and begs for her help, but soon discovers that she has no practice or control over her magic making her task more complicated. She's tells Bonnie it's beautiful but is taken aback by what's in the centerpiece. Bonnie then starts to use her magic and the weather goes all hectic, and the power goes out. Bonnie notices that her grandmother seems more than just exhausted. Damon smiles at her and compliments her on solving the puzzle. Knowing that Enzo's words are true in her heart, she teaches Lizzie and Josie the spell needed to save them --Phasmatos motus incendiamos!. Bonnie tells her that she knows she can't expect Elena to take sides but as long as she's with Stefan, she can no longer be her friend. In Hello, Brother, Bonnie is seen writing in her diary to Elena. Telling her they will figure it out, Bonnie shoves the stone into her purse and walks away. The lights go out at the medical center, and Bonnie finds Kai waiting for her in the hallway. He kisses her on the forehead and they part ways, Bonnie heading inside her home. Turning around, Bonnie is confronted by Katherine. Bon (by everyone)Child (by Sheila Bennett)Honey, Baby (both by Abby)Cuz (by Lucy Bennett)Bon Bon (by Katherine and Damon)Little Witch (by Kol)The Bennett Witch (by Klaus, Qetsiyah, Silas and Alex)Bonnie McCullough (an alternate identity)Witchy, Judgy, Wicked Witch of the West, Medusa, Bonnie the Teenage Witch, Destroyer of Dreams, Bonica-Magica, Sister, Rayna 2.0, Crazy Bitch Bonnie (all by Damon)Bonster (by Kai and Damon)Town Witch (by herself)Cute Witch (by Julian)Bonnie the Good Witch, Silly Witch (by Enzo)Love (by Enzo and Klaus) Having learned of her engagement, she decorates the bedroom in yellow balloons and wants to toast with champagne. Bonnie is concerned and says they're not letting them out, but he says he might've reinforced that possibility as he already gave Lily the Ascendant for safe keeping. I'd be honored to be your maid of honorand not just because my main competition is in a coma until I die. Bonnie and touched by his passionate words and they kiss. The Vampire Diaries Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Bonnie told Virginia that if the vault was the key to her freedom, then she couldn't make any promises until she knew what was in it. Bonnie tells him they will find a way and that he hasn't lost her but she must let him go. Bonnie is described to be highly flirtatious and coy. Bonnie is freed and removes the stake from Enzo's chest. Bonnie is glad that Enzo came home to be with her, and she is seen comforting him. Kai intends on killing Damon. She says that she didn't do it for him and walks away. Tammy calls from the living room for him to "come in" and Bonnie objects, given his history with Sybil and her mind control. And a buddy. With Elena the only person she has a psychic link to through Kai's spell, she knows she's endangered. Caroline takes this time to question Elena about her relationship with Damon. Bonnie refuses to talk about Jeremy when Elena asks her about it. Moments later Bonnie emerges and Bonnie tells Enzo "Nice to see you too." In Our Town, Bonnie proceeds on opening the coffin, using different spells but they don't work. She tells him that Elena called and said they found Caroline, but didn't mention anything about a cure for vampirism. #vampire About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . She continues to pressure her, bringing her vampire side to lose control. He expresses that he does listen to her, but also the dangerous world around her, and that whenever he feared for her life, he wasn't afraid to speak up for her. Later, she calls Caroline, who informs Liz that Jeremy is alive.Jeremy returns home and searches on the internet for "back from the dead". She is stopped by Matt via tranquillization, just before she was ready to end Damon's life. Convincing her to listen to him, Damon wants to sincerely thank her for her help in undoing the spell on the device. Later, Bonnie is discussing the fact that Jeremy is seeing Anna. You owe me big.Alaric: I miss you too, buddy. And a buddy. Despite great effort on both her and her friend's part to save the Other Side, it eventually imploded on itself as Bonnie and Damon spent their last moments together. Greta heads over towards them, but Damon breaks her neck. Sybil decides she doesn't like the new turn of events, that Bonnie chose wrong and that she'll have Damon kill Bonnie unless Enzo turns his humanity off. For Season 7, they are closer than ever and Damon looks to protect her (and her vice versa). Bonnie decides her grandmother is right and leaves the necklace on, but she just wishes it was a little bit prettier. As they reach the inner part of the house where the gas tank exploded, Bonnie takes command of the spell forcing the entirety of the explosion up through the chimney and expels it from the charred house. Bonnie finally agrees to help him since it involves Elena and she wants to help her friend. In For Whom the Bell Tolls, Bonnie is watching Jeremy who is working out. In The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You, Bonnie and Enzo are together once again after the latter was saved from Sybil's grasp a second time. Sometime later, during the night, Jeremy is abducted by a strange man, leading Bonnie to do a locator spell to find him. Elena offers to talk to her parents about Bonnie staying with them because the girls have never celebrated Christmas apart. Not having a chance though because they are soon joined by Luka. Seline suggests a compromise, she has a piece (the bell) and they have a piece (the tuning fork) and that she's trying to make amends. When she walks in, she is shocked to see candles lit everywhere. Bonnie asks what's the first thing Damon will say to Elena when they get out, to which Damon answers, "Sorry I killed Bonnie" and that she was useless and couldn't do magic. In The Killer, Shane helps Bonnie get past her guilt and fear. He grabs her and kisses her, lifting her onto the bed. He tells her to ask him herself and motions for her to sit. Alaric and Bonnie take Jeremy to the witches' house and Bonnie tries to use the power of the old witches to revive Jeremy. In Today Will Be Different, Bonnie, while play her guitar, is still going through the previous crime scene photos that were left by Enzo, looking for more clues. After realizing it is a warning that the Huntress will find them, they discuss a way to stop her, that if her friend's lives are in danger, that she is not going to stand by and do nothing. Bonnie says that she doesn't care about herself, but the ones close to her who are over there. Bonnie sobs as she believes Jeremy is dead for good, but then he wakes up. Bonnie however is still trying to solve one word in the crossword puzzle she's never managed to solve, much to her annoyance. To free Damon she needs Enzo's palm for the scanner to work. She exclaims that she no longer belongs to the spirits, but herself and she leaves the house to save Elena and Jeremy. He tells Bonnie that she is the key to everything and he will not let anything bad happen to her. However, in exchange, they want Bonnie to unseal the Armory's vault that was magically sealed by Lucy. She screams for Bonnie to stop when she sees the fire reach Damon. Because of Bonnie's opinions about vampires and their way of living (since vampires have to feed on humans and human blood for survival, thus increasing their chances of harming innocent people), this often makes her look like a prejudiced and judgmental person from time to time. This breaks Bonnie's heart and this severely damaged their friendship. He tells her that he did hear it but it sounded like a tuning fork where she replies that it gave her a splitting headache. So Im gonna die? Bonnie smiled with tears still in her eyes then her countenance changed as she angrily slammed the door in his face. She's again seen at the end of the episode, calling Jeremy with him not picking up. The Founder's party seems to be in full swing when the girls gather to see if Bonnie can figure out what kind of magic is attached to the necklace. Resisting at first but soon Luca starts to talk. They were in the living room trying to call Bonnie when she finally arrived. Bonnie loosing all hope that she may never get out. Bonnie walks away and bumps into Elena/Katherine to complain about Damon. When Kai awakens tied up, he says he is on the same side as them, but Bonnie says that is doubtful as allies don't kill each other. But please don't ask me to . Theyre both in the cemetery again, only without anyone of their friends and family around them. Enzo: You never lost me, Bonnie Bennett. When Bonnie asks him if he's sure, he says it's for Caroline they should get it over with. The figure was only a representation of his true gift to Bonnie; he tells her that he's taking her to Paris and calls her a "Silly Witch". After seeing JO's lifeless body, she tells him that she will try to bring her back. Soon Bonnie begins to chant the spell and Caroline senses the change in the atmosphere. You want me to face the truth? Jeremy is overprotective of Bonnie; probably because he doesn't want to lose her like his past two girlfriends. While attacking, Damon she's shown great anger towards him more than any one else, mostly because of his betrayal of choosing to dessicate himself until Elena wakes up, without telling her face-to-face first. Bonnie asks him why he's been watching her like a hawk after they've returned from Paris, that he trusts her and this attitude isn't like him. Sybil tells them that she can get them in through the "back door" of his mind, his subconscious. In One Way or Another, Bonnie is seen in another group session, talking about her feelings regarding Damon, and how he abandoned her and now that he is back, how he hasn't contacted her as yet. Her grandmother explains to Bonnie that the seal has not been broken and that any Vampires entering the tomb will not be allowed back out. It's Christmas and they are exchanging gifts. In Let Her Go, Bonnie has returned from Nova Scotia and goes to the Salvatore Boarding House. Figuring out what Jeremy's plan was, Bonnie tells him that until she speaks with Elena, their romantic relationship can go no farther. There, she meets Alex St. John, where she provides Bonnie with information to Rayna's creation and the Everlastings. Bonnie is seen hiding her pills and asks Virginia why the Armory is looking for her. When Rayna finally accepts to give up her last life to Bonnie, she has added hundreds of names to the list for Damon, and company, to kill before the exchange. Bonnie encourages Caroline to give away the secret that Damon revealed to her about Stefan. Legacies Promo: A Favorite from The Vampire Diaries Returns! their trip to Paris. The man tries it on with her so Bonnie burns his hand with her magic and responds with "sorry, I'm hot". She begins her chant Phasmatos incendia movet, phasmatos incendia moventur, ego ex vos, vos ex unos, phasmatos incendia entrare at the Armory. Jeremy heads off with Luca to show him the office while Bonnie looks on. Enzo came into the room, and Bonnie laughed as she jumped into his arms and he spun her around. Later, she is seen in the kitchen and when Jamie comes in, he said he talked with Caroline, which Bonnie answers by saying that "Caroline lectured him". I don't want these sketches. Enzo and Bonnie toast she attacks him, breaking his neck, kicking him into the fireplace. Although she has shown that she is generally a positive and optimistic person, she has also shown that she is capable of being depressive, withdrawn, martyring, and apathetic. She even reminds her that she asked her to be her bride's maid since she was ten, and that this is going to happen.

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vampire diaries monologues bonnie