distinguished honor graduate award bullet

. PFC Love assisted in over 15 tower maintenance details, ensuring that the $1.5 million system was fully operational. He was responsible for the welfare, accountability, and mission readiness of two Soldiers. Honor Graduate. SGT Doe deployed in OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM 08-09 and OPERATION NEW DAWN where he completed a wide variety of missions ranging from conducting mounted combat patrols to Company Intelligence Support Team lead analyst. There are two broad categories of medals: those awarded for (1) meritorious service (honorable service over a long period of time) and (2) achievement (a single significant act such as a difficult deployment, rescuing people, or completing a self-help project). Professional Military Education (PME) EPR Bullets While SGT Bobo was deployed to FOB Falcon, he was sought out by his peers and supervisors to head the installation of the gun turrets that were not equipped with OGPK protection kits. His unique skills and can do attitude greatly contributed to mission success. SPC Randolph's attention to detail and dedication ensures that all personnel were in accordance with the 645th RSG's Billeting Policy, by implenting an outstanding Standard Operating Proceedure that greatly improved working conditions. SGT Gonzalez' expertise in the area of military awards was evident as she effectively instructed Human Resources Specialists in the area of Federal and State awards. The PT award brings recognition, but usually is individual. He assumed responsibility for team's Property Book containing over $3.2 million worth of equipment. Honor grad is meaningless outside of NCOER bullet point if it doesn't come with at least a COA or AAM+. These missions were performed by mobile training teams traveling to several CONUS and OCONUS locations. Nominations are accepted for those forty years from graduation or greater in each given year. Her knowledge of tactics, techniques, and procedures contributed to the success of the company's mission. His expertise in the field of automation is far above that expected of a Specialist. SPC Henderson tracked required training and was the Combined Federal Campaign manager for RHC-P Headquarters staff. - Aced 120-hr formal C2 crs; expanded MAF plng/employment/execution knowledge--awd'd Distinguished Grad Throughout his tenure he has held several positions of great responsibility. With his outstanding leadership, professional skills, and ceaseless efforts to ensure mission success, SSG Snuffy planned, coordinated, and conducted 15 funded events over two quarters, as well as developed an intricate and crucial network of educators in five schools that increased station production by 75%. His excellent technical skills resulted in SPC Doe performing the duties of the Assistant Mission Commander's (AMC) driver. As a result, the company maintained active and fluid communications with senior and subordinate units while participating in 2HBCTs rotation at the Joint Readiness Training Center. SPC Carter distinguished himself by his exceptional conduct in transporting over 50 tons of ammunition and other class VII supplies as a Motor Transport Operator during the Yakima Training Center Japanese CALFEX exercise in September 2010. SPC Rice technical proficiency assisted in saving the National Training Center and the Army over $300,000 in parts and labor by troubleshooting and repairing components, as opposed to replacing major assemblies. . SGT Bozeman's proficiency and understanding of the AFATDS operations was critical to the Division Fires Cell as he often instructed and taught subordinate units. His pursuit of excellence and personal involvement in ensuring this time honored tradition was carried out in a remarkable way, is a true testament to his commitment to the unit and the NCO Corps. Student Status NCOER Bullet Comments - ArmyWriter.com He volunteered over 100 hours planning, networking, and organizing 10 events that lifted the morale of the 950 Soldiers and civilians stationed at North Camp. SPC Hernandez demonstrated a high degree of profesionalism skills. SPC XXXX without hesitation, voluntarily took on the extra responsibility of being the sole dedicated Electronic/ Mobile Technician for XXXX. So just something to think about. SPC Joe was chosen over 12 of his peers to assist the 412TH ASB motor pool in Shop Office operations. 2017). The AA distributed nearly $35,000 worth of supplies and managed a fleet of short term rentals that covered over 3000 miles without incident or accident. Distinguished Graduate Award | US Air Force Academy AOG & Foundation SPC Jon showed his expertise when he gave a H966 Bucket Loader class during Sergeants Time Training. SPC Doe continuously worked during his personal time to ensure the Brigade flowed smoothly through the Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration of over 3,600 Soldiers while in Kuwait in preparing for combat operations in support of OIF 06-08. Despite not having a relief in place with the previous CA element he/she still took the responsibility of teaching (xx number) of Host nation Soldiers weekly, eventually teaching (xx number) of Soldiers. To be a distinguished honor graduate a Soldier must possess a variety of Army knowledge, exhibit outstanding military bearing and character and be physically fit, Flucas said. SPC DOE served as a fire direction specialist for six live fire exercises. SPC Blank was in charge of checking all fire extinguishers, checking all exits in the clinic to be sure they were functional and unblocked, monthly checks of expiration dates and functionality of fire extinguishers, and ensuring all fire extinguishers were unobstructed from view. In addition to conducting several hands-on blocks of instruction, SGT Gonzalez discussed important topics such as proper award routing and regulation and policy updates. Supervised over 100 Afghan military personnel and ensured all were trained to standard. In certain situations when taskers came out with a suspense date, it was either swim or sink; not only did SSG Acevedo swim, he also carried others on his shoulders to safety. Using her knowledge of intelligence analysis and technical skills, SGT Doe become the CTB/G2 expert on Microsoft FrontPage and trained 5 additional individuals to use the software. Mastered ALS w/prestige; awarded coveted "John L. Levitow" honors--promotion well deserved! His skills, competence, and leadership played a vital role in the success of the completion of all tasks required for the S1 Department. XXX Doe displayed a high level of aptitude, flexibility and achievement while representing both the XXXD EN CO (MRB) (DET 1) and Northern Michigan University ROTC as a simultaneous member. SPC XXXX was instrumental in spearheading the implementation of a very much needed new method of data communication for XXXX. Army Achievement Medal Award Bullet Examples - ArmyWriter.com His extensive knowledge of various Army topics, attention to detail, and impeccable military bearing set him ahead of his peers and was instrumental in him winning the board over seven other Soldiers from the Squadron. The distinguished honor graduate must meet all the criteria for Honor Graduate and have the highest academic average in the class, 95% or higher. He showed great attention to detail and ensured all flight records and Standard Operating Procedures were kept in an orderly fashion, dedicating most of his time to making sure that his unit was able to perform its ISR support mission abroad. SPC McQueen continued to sustain a high standard for herself as she strived for self improvement. He responded to over 300 Rapid Response Team and Code Blue calls during his tenure. PFC Land diligence in rendering up information to RCP39 patrol leader was instrumental to the 72nd MAC CO. completing its mission, contributing to a more stable Afghanistan Government. Examples can be contributed using the form below. SGT sonso conducted over 200 technical inspections and unscheduled maintenance on an entire fleet of engineer equipment. John Lancaster (Photo by Aisha Rupert) John Lancaster '67, '74 J.D., a Vietnam War veteran and pioneering advocate for disability rights, was honored this spring with the Notre Dame Law Association's Father William Lewers Award.. Judge Thomas D. Schroeder '84 J.D., president of the NDLA Board, presented the award to Lancaster at the board's spring meeting on March 24 in recognition . By doing this Spc Doe had inspired the command of the 69th signal battalion to contact the 2-28 Cco command and announce their appreciation for the classes that were given while also awarding a coin where Spc Doe had given to the company demonstrating his own appreciation for the chances he recieves to adhere to his duties. His sound technical expertise and can do attitude was demonstrated when he led his team during a very complex mission which they completed ahead of schedule and attained certification from the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency with 99.9% accuracy in all data gathering such as three runways profile and surveying 85 obstructions and Navaids. He successfully orchestrated a diverse team of intelligence analysts and planners to develop a comprehensive, multi-disciplined intel scenario, and extensive intelligence architecture, and produced over 200 MSELs, which prepared the Infantry Division commander and staff for their rotation to Iraq in support of OIF II. SGT Doe went above and beyond his duties as FO during the Platoon STX following the LFX. Distinguished honor graduate Stock Photos and Images During the 95-02 NTC rotation, the 4th FSB TOC was overran by OPFOR Forces, SGT Canman took charge of the MASCAL operation and oversaw the immediate evacuation and received several commendable comments for his actions from the 4th FSB chain of command. PFC Gibson, was instrumental in the success of over 100 route clearance missions in the United States Division-East area of operations during OEF 12-13. Outstanding Thesis Award. Awards and Decorations EPR Bullets During Operation Enduring Freedom, SPC Berdan continuously volunteered to work above and beyond his peers during his down time to ensure the Platoons Howitzers were fully mission capable. Made daily coordinations with several Task Forces, increasing interface between middle managers and senior leadership. He resolved over 500 personnel discrepancies ranging from complex pay and entitlement issues, to multifaceted Soldier's personnel actions. He made it his own mission to perform the vital checks on the crew system every time anyone in the company left for a route clearance mission. - Received Distinguished Graduate award--best profession of arms, communication, and leadership in PACAF - #2/24 ALS; earned Academic Achievement and Distinguished Graduate Awds--head & shoulders above peers! SPC XXXX set the example for all other soldiers to emulate at the Regimental Engineer Squadron's Soldier of the Month Board. She attended college at University of Maryland and Central Texas College completing 42 college credits and maintaining a GPA of 3.0. Set up the following units for success. Volunteered as a driver to shuttle the leadership to important meetings with the local Assembly; always ready to pick up incoming and drop off outgoing personnel at the airport. SGT Gonzalez distinguised herself during the 2012 G1 Human Resources Workshop. His high level of proficiency and knowledge regarding his acting ability were critical in ensuring the overall success of the 7306th E&E Cell. He exemplified all of the leader attributes and competencies during countless hours spent planning, organizing, and communicating with participants in order to make this event a success. Silver: These cords are typically awarded to graduates in medical science, as well as physics and agriculture. Can something already on a 1059 be put on your ncoer : r/army - Reddit Due to SPC Doe's outstanding knowledge of the MSRs, choke points, and tactics for Deliberate Combat Logistical Patrols he successfully navigated the most challenging roads in Iraq regardless of illumination or weather conditions, without loss or damage to equipment. His expertise and knowledge as a Heavy equipment operator has being instrumental to the company's readiness, while serving as a drivers training monitor in conjunction with the company Master Driver. His sucessful training exercise support and rigorous work ethic resulted in 12 Soldiers being well trained, attaining enhanced knowledge in their MOS, and being confident in all tasks and missions. He created, found, and used a variety of materials to challenge the squad and stimulate growth, as well as breaking down the training into appropriate segments for the time available and the ability level of the individual members of the squad. PV2 Snuffy's diligence in providing up to the minute information to Warfighters was instrumental to the 105th MP Co. completing its mission, contributing to a more stable Iraqi Government. The AAM is awarded to any member of the Armed Forces who distinguished himself or herself by meritorious service or achievement of a lesser degree than required for award of the Army Commendation Medal. His enthusiasm and willingness to help during the Regimental transformation to the Force on Force fight was invaluable. His actions and support contributed to raising over $7,400.25 for the Transportation Battalion to use for organizational and morale building events. SPC Henderson showed sound tactical awareness during all operations by acclimating correct security posture, individual movement techniques, and proper escalation of force. Has anyone ever received an ARCOM for achieving Distinguished Honor Grad from a NCOES school? His knowledge of routes and vehicle capabilities allowed the AMC to focus on the mission. The teams trained several thousand personnel with weapons qualification success rates approaching 100%. This facilitated and directly impacted the company's ability to meet battalion suspenses in advance so time could be spent on other taskings. CGSC Graduation Awards. Your head and motivation are in the right place. During his time with the XXXnd, XXX Doe was critical in the success of numerous operations. This outstanding achievement demonstrates her initiative and dedication to the Task Force Maverick team. The Distinguished Graduate Award is the Senior Award that a graduate can receive. Army Achievement Medal Award Bullets. SGT Alvarez distinguished himself by exceptional meritorious service, demonstrating to all that he is a professional Soldier, dedicated to excellence in his field of expertise. In addition, the First Sergeant and Company Commander relied on him for assisting in training and mission requirements. SPC K's diligent commitment to professionalism and supply discipline set the bar for HHBN. SFC Cox effectively led 6 Soldiers to establish a centralized company Command Post which facilitated, for the first time, the ability to track the Scenario Based IED Lanes for ECT. She was able to maintain over 900 lines of back shops bench stock supply. Chaplain Leiter completed resident and online courses while staying fully devoted to Soldiers and family members, keeping himself available during unexpected crisis and family issues. SPC XXXXX distinguished himself from his peers by exceptional service as an Emergency Room Medic from November 2015 to January 2017. He served as a representative to the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard which help build joint service Esprit de core for all maritime services. The BLC prepares Soldiers to lead team size units, by providing an opportunity to acquire the leader skills and knowledge needed to be successful noncommissioned officers. Specialist Snuffy inherited duties and responsibilities far above his rank and completed all required tasks with proficiency. Displaying exceptional competence and professionalism SSG Pardon-Varde was influential during all phases of planning and preparation. While serving as an RTO for Task Force Shield & Team MOI, PV2 Snuffy monitored radio traffic, blue force tracker & mIRC transmissions for over 250 combat & logistics patrols. SGT Longhair was responsible for the system modernization of the Transmissions Section. Do You Get Promotion Points For Being The Honor Grad Or Is - Reddit Her extensive interaction within Camp Bondsteel and 21st TSC ensured aircraft parts were ordered and tracked in a timely and efficient manner. This enabled everyone to expeditiously provide and receive vital mission information. He is an excellent Soldier who has the professional and personal attributes necessary to perform at the Senior Noncommissioned Officer level. SPC Ross made significant contributions to the overall success of the unit's redeployment to Operation Enduring Freedom XI. She was responsible for the food safety, security, and quality assurance programs in support of -- DFACs, -- AAFES facilities, and -- MWR facilities totaling ---- facility inspections. As Quartermaster and Chemical Equipment Repairer SPC Richardson performed over 45 field repair missions, 40 Annual Services, and installed countless O2 parts bringing more than 35 generators and other equipment off the NMC report. Specialist Smith's willingness to step up to the plate and share his detection asset knowledge and experience was instrumental in the initial instruction of the detection assets to the new soldiers of 2nd platoon, providing them with the standard skills necessary to operate the equipment, resulting in the success of the mission. SPC Doe was given the complex task to replace both tail wheel bonded washers on a UH-60A tail wheel yoke. Contact editor@armywriter.com Disclaimer. Concurrent with OIF planning, CPT Doe supported a key NATO Exercise by developing the threat database, Intelligence Estimate, Order of Battle, and the Intel Annex for command and staff participation. She attended class, learning the operation and maintenance of the upgrade which included the Quad-Multiplexer as well as the upgrade to Tactical Fiber Optic Cable. SPC Doe's outstanding performance and dedication to duty was a major factor to the success of the Brigade Tactical Operations Center. The S-6 shop completed over 2,500 trouble-tickets and SPC Isbell processed over 1,000 of those communication and automation issues with the majority of them being handled in less than 30 minutes. NCO earns distinguished honor graduate award. His attention to detail and commitment to keeping his vehicle systems mission capable allowed the detachment to maintain a 95 percent operational readiness rate with heavily used equipment. SGT XXX endlessly pursued strategies aimed at advancing the overall capabilities and readiness of the organization. While there, he was responsible for tracking down parts, doing on the spot maintenance repairs for the Squadron Commander and Squadron Command Sergeant Major's PSD vehicles. SPC Smith assisted in conducting Arms Room duties that resulted in zero deficiencies for monthly inventory inspections for a period of 9 months. SPECIALIST XXXX's PROFESSIONALISM, LOYALTY AND COMMITMENT TO THE MISSION'S SUCCESS ARE IN KEEPING WITH THE FINEST TRADITIONS OF MILITARY SERVICE AND REFLECT DISTINCT CREDIT UPON HIMSELF, XXXX COMPANY, XXXX DIVISION, AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. He delivered 428 tons of critical Class I-IX cargo over the Main Supply Routes (MSRs) in Iraq servicing fourteen forward operating bases. He superbly managed all Soldier transactions, personnel actions, and developed tracking systems which ensured that the Battery exceeded established standards for timely submission of personnel actions. SPC Hend was among the few in the Cold Steel Company that was allotted to work with a seven hundred million dollar piece of equipment. CSR Serbentas' aggressive determination and unrivaled performance contributed to winning two Cadet of the Semester Boards, Cadet of the Year, and the Scholar Athlete Award. - Attended EPR seminar--enhanced writing ability; completed 2 leadership crses--crucial in new . On short notice and with little assistance, he developed the key intelligence products for the extensive Intelligence Estimate Briefing presented to the senior foreign commander in charge of the exercise. As a Patrol Supervisor, SGT SoSo expertly performed and directed law enforcement support to the USAG Baden-Wurttemberg Community and USAREUR Headquarters. XXX Doe's involvement with the Honor Guard has left a positive and lasting imprint with the Families of deceased Veterans, showing great admiration and honor to the United States military. I graduated with DLA and SAA. SFC Thompson's tireless work ethic, knowledge and guidance and attention to detail contributed greatly to the overall success of the RRB mission that followed and fostered an environment of mission and equipment readiness. SSG Snuff, during his tenure here at 108th BDE, 3rd Battalion 4th Air Defense Artillery Regiment distinguished himself greatly by performing his duties as the BDE S-4 Assistance NCO, BDE UPL, Property Book NCO, HHB and Echo Battery Supply Sergeant. This dramatically improved operational awareness of the deploying and redeploying of 300 Soldiers, procuring and size testing of vital PPE for 28 COVID Test Teams and planning for and scheduling with civilian providers COVID testing for Soldiers. In addition, he was selected over his peers to serve as the NCOIC of seven Medium Tactical Vehicles (MTVS) and the movement of 90 pax over a span of five days.

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distinguished honor graduate award bullet