rpcclient enumeration oscp

change_trust_pw Change Trust Account Password SMB2 Windows Vista SP1 and Windows 2008, nmap -n -v -Pn -p139,445 -sV, smbclient -L \\$ip --option='client min protocol=NT1', # if getting error "protocol negotiation failed: NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED", # Will list all shares with available permissions, smbmap -u jsmith -p password1 -d workgroup -H, nmap --script smb-enum-shares -p 139,445 $ip, smbclient \\\\\\C$ --option='client min protocol=NT1', smbclient \\\\\\admin$ -U t-skid, # Connect with valid username and password, smbmap -R $sharename -H $ip -A $fileyouwanttodownload -q, smbmap -u Administrator -p aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:e101cbd92f05790d1a202bf91274f2e7 -H $ip -s wwwroot -R -A '. How I Won 90 Days OSCP Lab Voucher for Free, https://github.com/s0wr0b1ndef/OSCP-note/, These notes are not in the context of any machines I had during the OSCP lab or exam. (MS)RPC - OSCP Playbook NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED or NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME), # returns NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED or even gives you a session. DFS This will use, as you point out, port 445. Host script results: Obviously the SIDS are different but you can still pull down the usernames and start bruteforcing those other open services . When using the enumdomgroup we see that we have different groups with their respective RID and when this RID is used with the queryusergroups it reveals information about that particular holder or RID. | grep -oP 'UnixSamba. OSCP Guide | Rikunj Sindhwad - Xmind List of SMB versions and corresponding Windows versions: SMB1 Windows 2000, XP and Windows 2003. These may indicate whether the share exists and you do not have access to it or the share does not exist at all. {% endcode-tabs %}. password: --------------- ---------------------- One of the first enumeration commands to be demonstrated here is the srvinfo command. | Type: STYPE_IPC_HIDDEN NETLOGON Pentesting Cheatsheets - Red Team Notes Protocol_Name: SMB #Protocol Abbreviation if there is one. ENUMERATING USER ACCOUNTS ON LINUX AND OS X WITH RPCCLIENT, Hacking Samba on Ubuntu and Installing the Meterpreter. RPC/SMB/NetBios exploiting tutorials : r/oscp - Reddit enumports Enumerate printer ports The ability to manipulate a user doesnt end with creating a user or changing the password of a user. enumtrust Enumerate trusted domains Replication READ ONLY PWK Notes: SMB Enumeration Checklist [Updated] - 0xdf hacks stuff addform Add form Are you sure you want to create this branch? It is possible to enumerate the minimum password length and the enforcement of complex password rules. # You will be asked for a password but leave it blank and press enter to continue. Learn offensive CTF training from certcube labs online . [Update 2018-12-02] I just learned about smbmap, which is just great. rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1000 rpcclient $> lookupnames guest querygroup Query group info Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. proxychains nmap -sTV -n -PN -p 80,22 target-ip -vv. Description. After manipulating the Privileges on the different users and groups it is possible to enumerate the values of those specific privileges for a particular user using the lsalookupprivvalue command. Host is up (0.030s latency). Might ask for password. netname: PSC 2170 Series rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1007 rpcclient $> netshareenum | https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/security/ms17-010.aspx SQL Injection & XSS Playground. {% code-tabs-item title="attacker@kali" %}. *[[:digit:]]' port 139 in one terminal and then echo exit | smbclient -L [IP] in another will dump out a bunch of info including the version. setdriver Set printer driver rpcclient is a part of the Samba suite on Linux distributions. srvinfo Server query info --------- ------- Since the user and password-related information is stored inside the SAM file of the Server. . What permissions must be assigned to the newly created directories? | VULNERABLE: | Type: STYPE_DISKTREE_HIDDEN CTF solutions, malware analysis, home lab development, Looking up status of [ip] Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 5.58 seconds, # Requires root or enough permissions to use tcpdump, # Will listen for the first 7 packets of a null login, # Will sometimes not capture or will print multiple. [hostname] <00> - M The hash can then be cracked offline or used in an. --------------- ---------------------- netshareenum Enumerate shares Code Execution. OSCP notes: ACTIVE INFORMATION GATHERING Flashcards | Quizlet After the tunnel is up, you can comment out the first socks entry in proxychains config. Null sessions were enabled by default on legacy systems but have been disabled from Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003. 445/tcp open microsoft-ds . S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1007 LEWISFAMILY\sys (2) Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. In this lab, it is assumed that the attacker/operator has gained: The below shows a couple of things. Passing the SID as a parameter in the lsacreateaccount command will enable us as an attacker to create an account object as shown in the image below. What permissions must be assigned to the newly created files? OSCP-Cheatsheets/enumerating-windows-domains-using-rpcclient - Github The connection uses. With an anonymous null session you can access the IPC$ share and interact with services exposed via named pipes. SRVSVC OSCP Enumeration Cheat Sheet. -A, --authentication-file=FILE Get the credentials from a file Curious to see if there are any "guides" out there that delve into SMB . *[0-9a-z]' | tr -d '\n' & echo -n "$rhost: " &, echo "exit" | smbclient -L $rhost 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null. [+] User SMB session establishd on [ip] Enum4linux is a Linux alternative to enum.exe and is used to enumerate data from Windows and Samba hosts. Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 10.93 seconds. With some input from the NetSecFocus group, Im building out an SMB enumeration check list here. if [ -z $1 ]; then echo "Usage: ./smbver.sh RHOST {RPORT}" && exit; else rhost=$1; fi, if [ ! | Comment: Remote IPC For this particular demonstration, we will first need a SID. | \\[ip]\IPC$: # lines. path: C:\tmp RPC or Remote Procedure Call is a service that helps establish and maintain communication between different Windows Applications. enumkey Enumerate printer keys # lines. Are you sure you want to create this branch? nmap -p 139,445 --open -oG smb.txt, nmap --script smb-enum-shares -p 139,445 $ip, smbclient -L // --option='client min protocol=NT1', # if getting error "protocol negotiation failed: NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED", SAMBA 3.x-4.x # vulnerable to linux/samba/is_known_pipename, SAMBA 3.5.11 # vulnerable to linux/samba/is_known_pipename, nmap --script=smb-enum* --script-args=unsafe=1 -T5 $ip, nmap --script=smb-vuln* --script-args=unsafe=1 -T5 $ip, nmap --script=smb2-capabilities,smb-print-text,smb2-security-mode.nse,smb-protocols,smb2-time.nse,smb-psexec,smb2-vuln-uptime,smb-security-mode,smb-server-stats,smb-double-pulsar-backdoor,smb-system-info,smb-vuln-conficker,smb-enum-groups,smb-vuln-cve2009-3103,smb-enum-processes,smb-vuln-cve-2017-7494,smb-vuln-ms06-025,smb-enum-shares,smb-vuln-ms07-029,smb-enum-users,smb-vuln-ms08-067,smb-vuln-ms10-054,smb-ls,smb-vuln-ms10-061,smb-vuln-ms17-010,smb-os-discovery --script-args=unsafe=1 -T5 $ip, nmap -p139,445 -T4 -oN smb_vulns.txt -Pn --script 'not brute and not dos and smb-*' -vv -d $ip, Windows NT, 2000, and XP (most SMB1) - VULNERABLE: Null Sessions can be created by default, Windows 2003, and XP SP2 onwards - NOT VULNERABLE: Null Sessions can't be created default. This is purely my experience with CTFs, Tryhackme, Vulnhub, and Hackthebox prior to enrolling in OSCP. Disclaimer: These notes are not in the context of any machines I had during the OSCP lab or exam. smbmap -u '' -p '' -H $ip # similar to crackmapexec --shares, smbmap -u Administrator -p aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:e101cbd92f05790d1a202bf91274f2e7 -H $ip, smbmap -u Administrator -p aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:e101cbd92f05790d1a202bf91274f2e7 -H $ip -r # list top level dir, smbmap -u Administrator -p aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:e101cbd92f05790d1a202bf91274f2e7 -H $ip -R # list everything recursively, smbmap -u Administrator -p aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:e101cbd92f05790d1a202bf91274f2e7 -H $ip -s wwwroot -R -A '. certcube provides a detailed guide of oscp enumeration with step by step oscp enumeration cheatsheet. To enumerate a particular user from rpcclient, the queryuser command must be used. *', # download everything recursively in the wwwroot share to /usr/share/smbmap. --------------- ---------------------- SMB enumeration : oscp - Reddit sourcedata Source data Further, when the attacker used the same SID as a parameter for lsaenumprivaccount, they were able to enumerate the levels of privileges such as high, low, and attribute. # Search the file in recursive mode and download it inside /usr/share/smbmap, #Download everything to current directory, mask: specifies the mask which is used to filter the files within the directory (e.g. "" NETLOGON READ ONLY In general, the rpcclient can be used to connect to the SMB protocol as well. queryuser Query user info Beyond the enumeration I show here, it will also help enumerate shares that are readable, and can ever execute commands on writable shares. enumprinters Enumerate printers You signed in with another tab or window. When it was passed as a parameter in the command lookupsids, the attacker was able to know that this belongs to the group Everyone. rpcclient is a utility initially developed to test MS-RPC functionality in Samba itself. That narrows the version that the attacker might be looking at to Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, and Windows Server 2019. | Disclosure date: 2006-6-27 rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-502 {% code-tabs-item title="attacker@cobaltstrike" %}, {% endcode-tabs-item %} -n, --netbiosname=NETBIOSNAME Primary netbios name If in the above example the ttl=127, then it is safe to assume (from this information alone) that the host,, is a Linux host. It also includes the commands that I used on platforms such as Vulnhub and Hack the Box. -z $2 ]; then rport=$2; else rport=139; fi, tcpdump -s0 -n -i tap0 src $rhost and port $rport -A -c 7 2>/dev/null | grep -i "samba\|s.a.m" | tr -d '.' Microsoft Remote Procedure Call, also known as a function call or a subroutine call, is a protocol that uses the client-server model in order to allow one program to request service from a program on another computer without having to understand the details of that computer's network. result was NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED. 548 - Pentesting Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) 554,8554 - Pentesting RTSP. It also includes the commands that I used on platforms such as Vulnhub and Hack the Box. rpcclient - Help - Penetration Test Resource Page New Folder (9) D 0 Sun Dec 13 05:26:59 2015 139/tcp open netbios-ssn 1690825 blocks of size 2048. result was NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED samquerysecobj Query SAMR security object Read previous sections to learn how to connect with credentials/Pass-the-Hash. | \\[ip]\share: Running something like ngrep -i -d tap0 's.?a.?m.?b.?a. deldriver Delete a printer driver and Unix distributions and thus cross-platform communication via SMB. found 5 privileges, SeMachineAccountPrivilege 0:6 (0x0:0x6) SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege 0:9 (0x0:0x9) It enumerates alias groups on the domain. NETLOGON NO ACCESS At this point in time, if you can use anonymous sessions, then there are some very useful commands within the tool. As with the previous commands, the share enumeration command also comes with the feature to target a specific entity. In the demonstration, it can be observed that a query was generated for LSA which returned with information such as Domain Name and SID. The createdomgroup command is to be used to create a group. OSCP notes: ACTIVE INFORMATION GATHERING. [DATA] attacking service smb on port 139 135, 593 - Pentesting MSRPC - HackTricks List of SMB versions and corresponding Windows versions: SMB1 Windows 2000, XP and Windows 2003. After establishing the connection, to get the grasp of various commands that can be used you can run the help.

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rpcclient enumeration oscp