Here, each June, are assembled the finest roses of the great kingdom to vie for honors among growers from Portland and from all parts of the nation. In 1954 I tried out for the Junior Rose Court at Oakley Green Grade School in NE Portland. All rights reserved (About Us). The Princesses were dressed in pastel shaded costumes with matching polk bonnets. She would come over to help me practice my speech, give me pointers on how to address the crowd, etc. Portland Rose Festival 1961 souvenir program | The Gallery <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Mom is an unofficial Royal Rosarian, always reminding us of how great Portland is. -Division winner entered by the Knights of Pythias. Held at Portlands Masonic Temple (bottom picture), the show is'of-ficially opened by the Queen of Rosaria (left). If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. First National Bank takes honors. And guess what? Beaverton Junior Chamber of Commerce captures first place with Wagon Wheels creation. We earned that spot. To commemorate our selection to the Rose Festival Junior Court, each of us had a formal portrait taken at the Rose Garden. The Junior Queen wore a jewel-studded tiara and a sweeping, lace-trimmed satin gown. 1978 program. The base of the float was silvered oak leaves with an abundance of red roses. WebIn those days there was a Junior Court and I tried out for Junior Prince from my grade school (St. Rose) -- but the nun in charge said I made too many faces, so I was Shown here in an official photograph, the 1949 Royal Court of Rosaria includes (from left) Princess Irene Landstrom of Roosevelt, Princess Jeanne Showalter of Girls Polytechnic, Princess Marcia Lyslo of Washington, Princess Maxine Sylvester of Cleveland, Queen Joyce Sommerlade of Grant, Princess Barbara Copley of Franklin, Princess Helen Hyche of Jefferson and Princess Joan Anderson of Lincoln. The first year we had about eight families from the neighborhood, so we made big signs that said, "Skyline Ridge, West Linn," as well as our now famous signs of "nice horse", "pretty costume" and many others that we still hold up as the parade goes by. Through grade school street chalk drawings, middle school feigned embarrassment, dozing on the curb the day after staying up all night for high school graduation parties, coming home from college for the parade, and introducing the serious boyfriend/girlfriend to our annual festival group, our kids have seldom missed a parade. In 1954 I tried out for the Junior Rose Court at Oakley Green Grade School in NE Portland. WebProgram for the 60th Annual Portland Rose Festival May 31June 9, 1968. This was one of the thrills of a lifetime for her. -Commercial sweepstakes winnerMeier and Frank Company. This spanned about 18 years, and my kids still came even into their late teens with their friends to sit out all night playing cards on the parade route with people we had met and seen over the years. Ballots are. The day of the Junior Parade was always a very big event on NE 54th. Web1949 Rose Marie Young (Reynolds) 1948 Mary Anne Nenney (McCain) 1947 Carolyn Riviere (McArthur) 1942-1946 Suspension of Rose Festival During World War II. Although no envelope is required, use of one (unsealed) will help insure delivery in good condition. As a fifth-grader at St. Patrick's School, I was chosen as the District 9 prince of the 1949 Junior Rose Festival Court. Imagine the looks on their faces when they found out we were waiting for a parade five days from now. They left Portland with many good memories. My excursion earned me a sunburn, and my shiny pink nose featured prominently in my wedding pictures. I took vacation time from work to do this. I have been on the front page of The Oregonian and have had several interviews over the years on the radio and television. In 1939 on Monday night, May 8, Prince Gerald (Jerry) Hoder was winner over five other contestants at the Alberta Theater. Historic photos: Portland's Rose Festival in the 1960s Awards; Featured languages; E-books & more 1979 junior parade entry form. Souvenir program for the 53rd Annual Portland Rose Festival June 211, 1961. WebRose Festival Court > Rose Festival Princesses; Past Rose Festival Queens; Clown Prince & Rose Festival Clowns; Parade Float Building; Treasure Hunt; Bands > Fred Meyer Junior Parade Rose Festival Art Show. The bus driver informed the band members on the bus that the limo was unable to move. WebA Junior Rose Festival, focused on children, began unofficially in 1921, on the city's east side, and included its own parade and junior court. 4 0 obj Since our kids were 4 to 10 years old when we began this tradition, the dads brought them just before the parade started, while the moms went early to hold the fort. ), Allowed HTML tags:
- . 1968 program Portland Rose Festival Association photographs collection YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. No wrapper or envelope required. mrtionkof the brilliant pageantry that has won for Portland the distinguished title of The City of 1939 letter from First Federal. 2022 Senya Scott - Ida B. 1979 program. Emotions ran high. This was truly a great honor to represent my school and student body for such a great event and celebration. Shirley Benz, Tigard Hundreds of thousands of visitors lined the sun-drenched streets to watch the 2-hour parade and thousands more crowded Multnomah Civic Stadium (below) to watch judging of the floats. Front Row (bottom) Court Attendants Pat Layman, Judy Lee Rankin, Judy Ann Dulis, and Karen Hilaire. They assured us that they had a great place to sit, close to bathrooms for our kids, so several moms in the neighborhood packed our lawn chairs into the back of Sally's van and set them out about 9 a.m. to wait for the parade. In 1930, her father, Roy O. Burnett, was the Prime Minister. Tom Morris, Portland Once I was asked by a reporter, "Why do you do this for everyone?" Tigard High School senior Deja Fitzwater (left) will represent Metro West, and Clackamas High School junior Elizabeth Tran will represent Metro East on the 2023 Portland Rose Festival Court. The Civic Auditorium was packed. We were chosen to represent Immaculate Heart Grade School in the Theyll be glad to help you. The court was then escorted upstairs to the stage. Weather report for the Portland Rose Festival was always, "ROSEY RED," according to my grandparents. 4th Row: Ronnie Erickson, crown bearer. I still have it! He found out that the limo had broken down and was unable to move. We have scoured the counties together looking for the Rose Medallion and learned more trivia in the process. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. striking appearance in the Floral Parade and other occasions. The kids have now grown and moved away or are serving our country so I no longer sit on the route. You must have Javascript enabled to use this form. -Movie man covers the Festival, -Even float princesses enjoy hot dogs. It was a week my family will never forget. My reign changed me from a shy, tall, gawky 10-year-old to a smiling, confident young girl, and instilled in me respect for the City of Roses and the people who touched my life during that time. Her Majesty, Queen Joyce I, in the tradition of Rosaria, this week graciously added new honors to distinguished visitors to her realm. And, of course, there was the Rose Festival parade where we rode in a huge float that was so heavy that it could hardly make it out of Multnomah Stadium. Sometime in the late 1940s, not sure of the years, my Aunt Goldie Leek was the head chaperone for the Junior Rose Festival Queens Court. I have many memories of the Rose Festial throughout my 63 years. WebPhotographs of the Portland Rose Festival, dating from 1910-1976. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. I remember my dress was rose pink -- and that all the girls' dresses were different colors. 1989 sponsorship package and position paper, 1933 program for Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, 1975 Rose Cup Road Races official program, Photo-Art Commercial Studios (Portland, Or. Nelson and Jesuit students are both first to represent their Skip to main content. WebThe Portland Rose Festival had it origins in the 1904 rose show and parade, sponsored by the Portland Rose Society. Queen Dorene Rae Long of Peninsula school and Prime Minister, Marvin Olson of Ockley Green school were chosen May 24 during the Junior Selection and Coronation held at Benson Polytechnic Auditorium. But a queens life is not all one of poise, as evidenced by the happy tears of Joyce Sommerlade, caught by the camera at the moment she was informed of her selection. 1979 program. It did not fall again as I figured out it would not slide off if it were placed upside down and the sharp points kept it from sliding off again. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement (updated 4/4/2023), Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (updated 1/26/2023). WebDownload file Description Program for the 59th Annual Portland Rose Festival June 211, 1967. 1994 schedule of events. By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement, Posted on April 21, 2007 (Saturday) | Link | Leave a comment | Share | Flag. Web1949 pictorial Download file Description 1949 Rose Festival Pictorial. photograph, 1925, Portland Rose Festival parade lantern slides, 1949, Portland General Electric Co. floats photographic collection, circa 1900-1964. White hats, white horses and good guys riding into the sunset. Our family waited for her car to pass. Explore. Just a couple of memories. Please let us know you're coming by pre-registering online with the Community Entry Form. Program for the 58th Annual Portland Rose Festival June 312, 1966. Thanks for the memories -- and for this chance to relive them!!! The Queen sat on a gold throne under a canopy of solid gold and yellow iris. Then comes the big night when, from their number, a Queen is chosen. But I recall the Junior Court all marching in two by two!). Marilyn Clint. Portland Rose Festival photographs collection, 1910-1976 WebCalifornia. We hope to still be coming to the parade when grandchildren start to appear. The Royal Rosarians are members of the citys official hospitality committee during the period of each Rose Festival. 1979 program. By Michael Walden Joyce Sommerlade Goodman, Salt Lake City, Utah It was the big night for Portland high ROSE FESTIVAL PICTORIALBeaver Engraving Co., Engravers; Durham, Ryan & Downey, Inc.. He was dressed up as a Chinese Emperor -- courtesy of my mother's sewing machine! Al Webster, Woodburn This, Portlands 41st annual Rose Festival, now takes its place among the great floral pageants of history. WebDescription. We won some sort prize that year, which allowed us to pick out a gift from Vic's Hobby Shop in the Hollywood district. After being shuffled from one police officer to another, he finally found someone who would let him squeeze onto the stage. Other recreational areas within a days drive from Portland include Cascade lake region in Central Oregon, Wallowa Lake in the Eastern part of the state, famed Crater Lake National Park and the Oregon Caves in Southern Oregon, the McKenzie River, and the rug-Oregon Coast paralleled for 400 miles by a fine highway. Webthe festival's Rose Courts, Rose Queens, parades, Waterfront Fun Center, association staff and directors, Royal Rosarians, and city and state political officials. I once heard a reporter comment "it must be nice to have nothing else to do" when they interviewed me during the TV news. That was the year our first daughter Kristin was born. Highlight feature of every Portland Rose Festival is the Grand Floral Parade. My kids don't know this isn't normal. endobj Hmm I'll bet he didn't have a fraction of the busy life I had. I was so proud -- and so-o-o thrilled to get to hold onto Stanley Luty's arm, as I had a huge crush on him! The original photographs are a family treasure to this day! It was 42 years ago this month that the City of Portland established itself in the eyes of the world as The City of Roses. In June of 1907 was held the first Rose Festival and since that time, with the exception of but two years, 1918 and 1926, all Portland has paused each June to pay homage to the Rose, that queen of flowers. Employees of the Portland District Corps of Engineers win first prize for this float. I live in New York City now, but I grew up in NE Portland on 54th Street, between Broadway and Hancock -- and my greatest memory of the Rose Festival is of the Junior Parade in the late 1950's and '60's. REMEMBER: Zoning all mail speeds delivery. My answer: I was the one with the best mental health coverage. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. -The U. S. Forest Service entry is best in its division. endobj The famed Columbia River Highway-Mt. What is not documented in the photographs and news articles that I have kept in a special scrapbook all these years is the feeling that I have to this day -- that the Rose Festival gave me the opportunity to bloom. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. My family was very excited, but more than anyone, my grandmother. |Portlands own Rose Fes-tival is reproduced in miniature each year at Festival time as five thousand Portland children participate in the Junior Rose Festival. I remember my dress was rose pink -- and that all the girls' dresses were different colors. 1978 program. With a background of low green clad hills to the west and the towering peaks of the Cascades to the east, Portland, in the heart of the Pacific Northwest Evergreen Playground, is situated ideally for the vacationistmidway between the mountains and the sea. Portland Rose Festival - the official website, YouTube -- Rose Festival's Official YouTube, MySpace -- Rose Festival's Official MySpace. -Said the governor of Washington to the Governor of Oregon. -Artist M. Anthony Stone paints queens portrait. In l971 when my name was Shirley Clarke, I was thrilled when asked to participate by designing the official purses and dresses for the girls in the Junior Rose Festival Court, as I was the owner and operator of a boutique shop in Lake Oswego known as "ORIGINAL ROO Baggerie Boutique." The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. For the thousands who witnessed this jamboree, however, the photographs on these two pages will serve as a stirring reminder of a great spectacle.