egils saga sparknotes

'Spears crossing dashed, High palings ran from the house to the wood; to these Egil bade them keep close, that they might not be come at from all sides. So Egil inquired of him diligently where the places were that promised good booty. Harold Fairhair set his sons to rule in Norway when he began to grow old: Eric he made king above all his other sons. ', Hildirida's sons had been that winter with king Harold, and in their company twelve men of their own household and neighbours. Harold, son of Halfdan Swarthy, was heir after his father. Then Egil recited this stave: 'From Norway king's keeping, Great Eric's brow: When Egil was twelve years old, he was grown so big that there were but few men howso large and strong that he could not overcome in games. Before they leave, King thelstan convinced Egill to move to England and command his armies after their task is completed. Then spoke the king's men with Egil: 'Here now the roads divide; forward below the ridge dwells a landowner named Arnold, our friend; we with our party will go and lodge there. Egill composed a poem in his honor. My mind a galleon fraught Now Thorolf bounded forwards and hewed on either hand; small need to bind the wounds of those who encountered him. He spoke on the whole matter with obstinacy, and he and Thorstein had words about it. Thorir was on most intimate terms with the king then. It long held good of that kin that the men were tall, and great warriors, some too were of prophetic sight. The master's daughter, ten or eleven years old, was running about the hall-floor. On the morrow they traveled slowly, because there were snowdrifts directly one left the track. And it is said that he then had a fit of shape-strength, as had also several of his comrades. It was gaily painted above the sea-line, and was very beautiful. Egil went forward till he met earl Adils. He and Egil went in with half of his followers, but the other half stood without before the door. This was a well-to-do homestead, in which dwelt a baron named Fridgeir. But when Egil got to his feet, he went out of the game, and the boys hooted at him. Egil walked first. On furnace-gold glowing Beg of the fire-maid pardon, Vermaland had first been cleared and tilled by Olaf Tree-cutter, father of Halfdan Whitebone, who first of his family was king in Norway; and from him on the father's side was king Harold descended, and all his forefathers had ruled over Vermaland and taken tribute therefrom, and set men in charge over the land. I am told that the king's stewards have taken up all that property, and claimed ownership thereof for the king. And when the cargo was unloaded, the king saw that it was great wealth, and what Harek had said was no lie. 'Axe furnished feast He took in his hand a hazel-pole, and went to a rocky eminence that looked inward to the mainland. He takes it as a great personal insult when someone breaks any of these values and as a result he typically destroys that person either through physical force or through poetry. So they went on, and the footmarks continued, being of a numerous company. Aulvir and his men drew up their ship beyond flood-tide mark. They dismounted. There they found many ducks, wherefore they called it Duck-kyle, and the river that fell into the sea there Duck-kyle-river. He asked to wife Thordis daughter of Thorolf Egil's brother, and stepdaughter of Egil. The events of the saga come from several different sources, including oral tales, The Book of Settlements (a detailed account of all the lawsuits in medieval Iceland), The Book of . ', The king answered: 'Thou didst bear thyself well, Thorolf, when thou wert with us; and this, I think, is best to do still, that thou join my guard, bear my banner, be captain over the guard; then will no man slander thee, if I can oversee night and day what thy conduct is. Egil thought this a great pity, but the king's men were impatient to be gone, and would not wait. It so chanced that one summer Bjorn was present at a banquet attended by many. But as soon as king Athelstan heard that so mighty a host was come into his land, he despatched men and summoned forces, sending word to his earls and other nobles. Moved my mouth with word Next spring he moved his ship southwards to the firth, and into the creek close to where Kveldulf came to land; and there he set his homestead, and called it Borg, and the firth Borgar-firth, and so too the country-side further up they named after the firth. He sat at the boat's helm. Egil Skallagrimsson abode at his home. Hang, his own arm forsaking, Thus he dashed down to his men, who looked on him as recovered from the dead. This quickly caught fire. His son said that the darkness of night was now closing in, and no sport was thus gotten by their torture; he bade them be let bide till the morning. Then did the brothers make them ready for their journey, and they took thirty men. A mighty man he became, and he bestowed much care on his ships, equipment, and weapons. Now there was a handmaid of Skallagrim's named Thorgerdr Brak, who had nursed Egil when a child; she was a big woman, strong as a man, and of magic cunning. It is on the high road of the seas: fishermen were there, and 'twas a good place for hearing tidings. Of the sea's breezy brother Aulvir told him all that he asked; and that king Harold gave him the wound that was alone enough for his bane, and that Thorolf fell forward at the very feet of the king. He had a row-boat, on board which went twelve of Thorir's house-carles. george jenkins high school campus map; isimeme edeko nigerian. 'This I forebode,' said Egil, 'that the longer our quarrel lasts, the worse will be the fortune of you and your son. King Eric had six or seven long-ships all well equipt; a great number of landowners were also there. Then came other men against them from above on the crag's brow, and cast stones at them, and this was by far the greater danger. ', The king answered his words well, promising that so he would do, 'If,' said he, 'Thorolf proves himself as accomplished in deed as he is right brave in look.'. And it was so that one day the brothers went before the king, and Aulvir said: 'This permission we brothers claim of thee, O king, that we go home to our farms; for such things have happened here that we have no heart to share drink and seat with those who drew weapon on our kinsman Thorolf.'. ', Aulvir said that he would not need to do so: 'We will do all the speaking for thee as well as we can.'. Alone can fill. And when it came to this, that death was near, then he called to him his shipmates, and told them that he thought it likely they and he would soon take different ways. On blue shield-rims broke. Soon came thither Ljot and his party. In saga: Sagas of Icelanders. After this Egil went aboard the ship. One summer Thorstein rode to the Thing, but Egil sat at home. Eleven faced I twice, Egill's son Bodvar (Bvar) died in a shipwreck. He had two illegitimate sons, Hrifla and Hrafn. After that Eric's sons took the kingdom in Norway. The king caused some to make proclamation at the door, bidding women, children, old men, thralls, and bondmen to come out. Egil was to stay at home; Arinbjorn would not have him go. But when the time came that Thorolf should go to the feast, he bade men to go with him. Steinar said, 'You are right eager about this cause, father; but I think we shall oft rue this. Egil and his men were very thirsty from weariness; they took up the bowls and drank the curds eagerly, Egil drinking far the most. Ears' sounding chambers But thou, Egil, thinkest to go on here, as everywhere else, with thy fierceness and wrongful dealing. You think you risk little where I am; and I believe I shall come well out of it if I and Thorstein try our strength together.'. Stubborn in fight is he. Odin's oaks (they say) Egil and his men remained there for awhile. When spring came, and the snow and ice were loosed, then Thorolf launched a large warship of his own, and he had it made ready, and equipped his house-carles, taking with him more than a hundred men; and a goodly company there were, and well weaponed. Thorgeir Blund was there at the Thing, Egil's sister's son; he had given Thorstein much help in this suit. So Armod had a table set for them, whereon were placed large bowls full of curds. Egil abode with king Athelstan for the next winter after Thorolf's death, and had very great honour from the king. The brothers said that his would be put to the proof, if the king would grant them leave; they had often run great risk against men on whom they had less to avenge, and generally they had won the day. These were called Thororna's sons; she dwelt hard by Skallagrim, and was of magic skill. Thorstein married Jofridr, daughter of Gunnar son of Hlif: her mother was Helga daughter of Olaf Feilan, sister of Thord Gellir. Eirik declares Egill an outlaw to be killed on sight, and Egill vows vengeance, especially against the manipulative queen. And friends ride thither I launched my floating oak The division wavered, and broke up. Yea, threefold praises The Icelandic Saga Database is an online resource dedicated to publishing the Sagas of the Icelanders a large body of medieval Icelandic literature. He appears to be a shallow creature and in many instances the only time he appears to put much thought into anything is when he composes and recites poetry. One of the children that Charles Kingsley's Odin the Goer propels into the wide world could be Egil, the hero of our saga. They were tall and strong, and great traders. Loth were I to do thee scathe, if it comes to this; if thou wilt rather give away thine own life than that he be slain. There they learnt all the tidings clearly, how that battle had gone. Skallagrim then became so strong and he caught up Thord and dashed him down so violently that he was all bruised and at once got his bane. 5.0 (2 ratings) 1 title per month from Audibles entire catalog of best sellers, and new releases. The king set his own ship in the van, and there the battle was most stubborn, but the end was that king Harold won the victory. Harmful doth lay. On whale-bone were graven: But when Skallagrim got to know this, he called Bjorn to him, and asked how it had been with his marriage; had it been made with the consent of his wife's kin. I will promote thee to great honour. 2015. King Faravid and Thorolf took there immense wealth of spoil, and returned to Kvenland, whence afterwards Thorolf and his men came to Finmark, he and Faravid parting in friendship. All were slain as they swam, none escaped. But must swiftly sing. During this time, both Kings thelstan and Eirik Bloodaxe died, leaving Eirik's brother Hakon ruler of Norway. He saw then another island, and between him and it lay a very wide sound. With savage blow: King Hakon requested Thorstein to collect tribute in Vrmland or be sentenced to outlawry. Then Egil's company went on their way, and nothing more happened till they got out of the wood and found lodging near the wood with a landowner named Alf, who was called Alf the wealthy. He then bought meal and all that he needed for the maintenance of his people; his house-carles must for awhile, he said, be less bravely attired than he had purposed. Earneth well his honours: Then Egil sang a stave: 'My heritage he steals, Names in my poesy Whereupon the cook said that it was a great wonder, so mighty a man as Egil had been, that he should lie in their way so that they could not do their work. A great warrior was Arinbjorn, and a victorious. But when they were come to Iceland, approaching the land from the south, they sailed westwards along the coast, because they had heard that Ingolf had settled there. Who, when they came before the king, told him the tidings of what had been done in Egil's journey, and brought him the tribute. Land-wards nothing was seen but breakers and harbourless shore. The king received him, and asked what he would have. Then Ljot came forward on the field and declared the law of combat, that he should ever after bear the name of dastard who should draw back outside the boundary stones that were set up in a ring round the field of combat. ', Gunnhilda said: 'Why shall not Egil be slain at once? Thorgils then went away, thinking to find a better time to speak with the king; he sought Aulvir Hnuf, and told him what had passed, and asked him if he knew what was the matter. There is a hillock, high and bare of wood. Wolf, the Ogress' steed: They leapt armed into the cutter, and rowed forward between the land and the long-ship that was advancing nearest to the land; this was king Eric's ship. In the evening they were paired off by lot to drink together, as the old custom was. He came to Leka, and twenty of them went up to the house, while ten guarded the ship. Bjorn and some men with him got into a boat, Bjorn telling his comrades to beware of saying about their voyage aught that might work them trouble. Cambridge University Press. There was in Sogn a lord named Bjorn, a rich man; he dwelt at Aurland. The king then turned back southwards, but Egil went north to seek Arinbjorn. In several sagas the hero becomes an outlaw fighting a, 1220; translated in The Sagas of Icelanders), attributed to Snorri Sturluson. He approached the prince with a gift of a painted warship that Eirik was admiring, on advice of Bjorn (Bjrn Brynjlfsson), Thorir's brother-in-law.[d][e][15]. Egil loved him dearly, and Bodvar was very fond of his father. Hadd, his brother, was now there with him. While visiting, word arrived from Norway that Thorstein's father died leaving him a large inheritance. Egil thanked the king for his words, and prayed that the king would give him sure tokens to Thord in Aurland, or to other barons in Sogn and Hordaland. Egill wanted to claim half-share for his wife, but the prospect was bleak because Berg-Onund was a favorite of Eirik and his consort Gunnhild. Thorolf was killed by the king who led a band of warriors, and the rift would force Skallagrim and his father Kveldulf to flee Norway to settle in Iceland. [21], Egill joined the army of King thelstan, and he composed a drpa in praise of the king. In craven fear crouches They followed Bjorn so long as he went out roving; but when he settled down in quiet, then these brothers went to Thorolf, and were with him in his harrying; they were forecastle men in his ship. Thou hast nothing else to expect but that here thou must die. And when they came where the ambush was set, they saw men there. Beguiled by his bride. Many men plunged into the sea; but Skallagrim's men took one of the boats, and rowed after and slew all that were swimming. Far-comers worse would fare. Then Ljot begged for a rest. Thorolf and she had a daughter named Thordis, and the girl was there with her mother. Atli the Short, Bergonund's brother, is now in possession. Streamed from glaives in flood) ', Then spoke Gunnhilda: 'Cease, Arinbjorn, nor prate so at length of this. ', Then the king looked round, and saw over men's heads where Egil stood. Sword-edges clashed: He was soon talkative and word-wise. Be wary and wait. Prince bestoweth scorning He also supplied to Thorolf a good long-ship, with tackling complete, and had everything made ready for his journey thence in the best possible way. But about the shield's fortune at last this is told, that Egil took it with him to the wedding when he went north to Broadmoor with Thorkettle Gunnvald's son and Red-Bjorn's sons Trefill and Helgi. Thither went many of Skallagrim's household to the game. He had bound himself by this vow, not to let his hair be cut or combed till he were sole king over Norway, wherefore he was called Harold Shockhead. Warrior-council sitting. Thus Sigurd was easily won to grant this suit; whereupon the betrothal was made, and the wedding was fixed for the autumn at Torgar. Then said Egil: 'Now I think that maybe Alf has told the truth. e- resources of books, journals, manual, theses, abstract, magazine etc. Into the wood fled he and his company; and then all the force that had followed the earl took to flight. Thorolf went to his father, and father and son had some talk together. Brynjolf's sons were Bjorn and Thord. You will get from him terms of great honour, for the king is very keen on this, to have with him such as he hears are men of mark for strength and bravery. Like many sagas, the author is anonymous. Wherefore he stood up, went across the floor to where Armod sat, took him with his hands by the shoulders, and forced him back against the inner posts, and spat in his face. Next to him sat Thorbjorn Raven, then Aulvir Hnuf, and next to him was placed Bard; he was there by-named Bard the White or Bard the Strong. This also Egil learnt, that lord Arinbjorn was there with the king, and in great friendship with him. [8], The saga then proceeds to describe the lives of Thorolf and Egill Skallagrimsson, born in Iceland, and eventually making their way to Norway in adulthood. Egil and eleven with him went to Arinbjorn's. And when they got further out in the firth towards Herdla, then came rowing out towards them Rognvald the king's son with twelve more on the painted pinnace. Thorolf let all these vessels sail past, and did not show himself. Egil went home with Fridgeir from the field of combat. Egill wanted to claim half-share for his wife, but the prospect was bleak because Berg-Onund was a favorite of Eirik and his consort Gunnhild. Whereas I hear this about all that turn their backs upon him and pay him not homage with friendship, that they all become men of nought, some flee abroad, some are made hirelings. O king, bid Egil be led out and beheaded. I can do no better than does my father: I will not overlive my father and brother.' But silence keep At Frodi he threw his halberd, which, piercing the shield, went into his breast and out at his back. Egill tries to reclaim property back in Norway (as his wife's inheritance), but this is blocked, and Egill develops a personal vendetta against the King. Citation Ere long he shall repay.'. But when Thorgils met Thorolf he told him all that had happened. They had three hundred men with them who took the king's pay. Egil's Saga - What poet deep hath plunged. They had now come into another room; this too had walls of wooden beams. And my foreboding is that this is our last meeting: it were in the course of nature from our ages that thou shouldst overlive me, but I think it will be otherwise.'. ', Lord Thorir made ready to go thither. Of Odin's cup; Then he seized Egil. He had a daughter named Sigridr; she was thought the best match in Halogaland, being his only child and sole heiress to her father. This the king granted, and before they parted Bard was made a baron, as his father had been, and held of the king all those same grants that Brynjolf had held. Now, methinks, though I and Eric have not the luck to agree, yet thou mightest be well content should I do nothing in this cause. Steinar buried him up on the hillside, and soon got another thrall to go with the cattle, whose name is not told. Egil stood up, and went to his place and sang: 'Blind near the blaze I wander, Waxing everywhere Which when Thorstein heard, he took his weapons and went out to the door. That same day Steinar, expecting that Thorstein would be riding home, rode out along the shore. After this Einar often went to talk with Egil, and a great friendship was struck up between them. He came where there were some lads, and with them large sheep-dogs. There are also vivid descriptions of his other fights and friendships, his relationship with his family (highlighted by his jealousy, as well as fondness for his older brother Thorolf), his old age, and the fate of his own son Thorstein (orsteinn, who was baptized once Roman Catholicism came to Iceland) and his children, who had many children of their own. What do you mean to do with that money? But when they gave up freebooting, Kari went to his estate at Berdla, being a man of great wealth. Whereat the king looked sullen, but he spoke little; these men, he said, were proud, or what were they aiming at? But if thou thinkest that thou hast prophetic foresight of this, that we shall get misfortune from this king, and that he will be our enemy, then why didst thou not go to battle against him with that king in whose service thou wert before? The banquet was of the best, on that day and on the morrow. The car-borne god, False path to his undoing. 'However, I will try this,' said he. But after his marriage he and Jofridr had ten children. But on the messengers declaring their errand, he forebore to advance for that day. Must mourn the loss. Then Eyvind made him ready for the journey, getting a good and suitable ship. I know that there will be here with thee men who can in no wise be thought of more martial appearance than I am. 'Hard am I beset; I ban them to thee, Bergonund, and to all others, natives and foreigners, high and low; and anyone who shall herein offend I denounce as a law-breaker, a peace breaker, and accursed.'. my bride is one But Arinbjorn and Egil with the war-ships held a southward course along the coast; then took their force still southwards to Saxland, where they harried in the summer and got wealth. And when Egil took command of a ship, then Thorfid was his forecastle man. But when they played together Egil got the worst of it. 'Why should I not?' Not deterred, the truculent three-year-old finds his own way. Thorolf told his father what had happened in his summer voyage; he stayed there but a short time, and Kveldulf and his son Grim accompanied him to the ship. Afterwards he found together fifteen or twenty. This was then his counsel: he took helmet, sword, and spear, breaking off the spear-shaft and casting it out into the sea; but the weapons he wrapped round in his cloak and made thereof a bundle which he bound on his back. ', 'Then wouldst thou have been surprised,' said he, 'if thou hadst received all that belonged to thee! From brave free-handed prince An heritage noble, They cast then their lots into the skirt of a cloak, and the earl drew them out. Bergonund was beyond other men tall and strong, and he was grasping and ungentle; Atli the short was of small stature, square-built, of sturdy strength. But the men who were in Sheppey were there for many nights, and killed cattle for food, and made a fire and cooked them, and piled a large fuel-heap on the side of the island looking towards Atla-isle, and set fire thereto, and let folk know their plight. Pale wight, my hand pliant He then brought out a good long-ship's sail, which he said Skallagrim had sent to the king. Aunund Sjoni and some of Egil's company had gone out to sea, to look after their ship and another cargo which they had given into safe keeping in the autumn, and they had not yet returned. Odd said, 'I will give you, Steinar, the help that I promised towards getting law, or for such issue of the cause as you may consent to accept. I have hitherto ruled for us both, and will do so still.' There was an outcry and uproar, but Egil went back to his place, sate him down, and bade them serve him drink. I trust him far more than others; and I shall have my way in this. Discovering Egill had fled, Eirik ordered an unsuccessful manhunt to have Egill killed, and lost several men. 'And I care little,' said he, 'for Thorolf's money loss in this, if worse does not come after; but I misdoubt, as before, that Thorolf will not rightly rate his own means against the stronger power with which he has to deal.'. Wight dauntless in daring, Low now this scion royal Such cruel wrong, ', 'You, father, can easily manage this with the king,' said Arinbjorn, 'so that he will not blame Egil's stay. But when they came home they heard that King Harold was in Rogaland and would remain there for the winter. Harold held on his way from the north, with a large force, having his guards on board. I will find men to take charge of the province and foster the maidens.'. Northwards, in Halogaland is a firth called Vefsnir, and in the firth lies an island called Alost, a large island and a good, and in this a farm called Sandness. . ', Then Egil said: 'We will now turn back to the farm, and act in warlike-wise, slaying all the men we can, and taking all the booty we can come by.'. Aulvir at once rose and went out, for he knew who they were who had come. That same evening that Egil left home, Skallagrim had a horse saddled. But after the earl's death his followers fled. Soon feed we our guests. They put out from land as soon as day dawned; Aki and his two sons were with Egil's following.

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egils saga sparknotes