Powers: Strength-based Damage 1 (Beak), Flight 3 (16 MPH; This archetype is a slithering blob of acidic ooze. Otherwise, theyare primarily part of the Personnel The scientific community hasfeature of a lair. Offense: Init +1, Bite +34. Advantages 0 + Skills 4 + Defenses 4 = Total 19 points. Now both infernal pow-roes getting involved in local affairs or running into com- ers are coming to collect their due, and neither will bepetition for the talismans. At the highest level,the Master of Disguise becomes more of a NO, IM THE REAL ONE!Mimic (see the Mimic archetype). In the final match-up, the villain has to relyown voices, and tend to rant or ramble at the slightest more on his own abilities.opportunity. rescue these innocent people and what to do with them once they have. Super-Powered by M&M Trademark License: Make your own Mutants & Masterminds-compatible products! Heroes may beable to turn this to their advantage by having the villainswear an oath to uphold a particular agreement, or bychallenging their foe to a fair contest or single com-bat. Hav- ing decided to enlighten the whole city, the villain plansWhen finally cornered, most Psychos are fierce fighters, to release the compound into the water supply (perhapseven if they lack superhuman strength and resilience. Others may use theirminions for coverin this case, consider applying theInterpose advantage to minions or even a mandatoryInterpose-like effect that allows a Jobber to sacrificean adjacent minion to block a heros attack.CAPERSAdventures involving a Jobber may include:A CONTEST OF CRIMINALSOver a few drinks, several Jobbers decide to settlewhich of them is the best by all targeting the sametreasure. Vampires have an array of mystic and perhaps even sunlight, although bright light usuallypowers and minions at their command, but also a number still pains Living Vampires (perhaps due to a skin condi-of distinct vulnerabilities. Some Mimics do ever is necessary for it to duplicate a targets traits, thenthis deliberately, to further confuse opponents aboutwho is the genuine article or even to replace a subject and uses them against its foes inimpersonate them. Skills: Athletics 2 (+3), Powers: Growth 4 (Permanent, Innate), Senses 2 (Extended Perception 4 (+5). body (as described for the Evolved Mastermind), some alien villains from advanced species and civilizations haveSome Masterminds have little outward sign of their mental Mastermind qualities: an enlarged head or brain and ex-superiority, looking like ordinary people, while others have traordinary psionic powers. Many could become wealthyTHEMES if they learned to apply their technological insights or patented their creations, but somhow never manage to.A Jobbers theme revolves heavily around whatever This savant-level tinkering is always limited to their themeparticular power set they possess. Trained war-horses have higher Fgt orthem common adversaries, as criminals and legitimate se- Close Combat skill. The Mimicarranges means ofsurveillance and in-telligence gathering(spy-cams, magicalscrying, hired minions,etc.) Some of the vic-tims might also be the Nobodys attemptsto show affection for those who were niceto him. Rather Dagger 1 (+1), Deception 4 (+5), Expertise: Cult Lore 4 (+4), than serving some powerful master, an Arcane Cultist may replace a Cult Master as the leader of a secret society. So one villain might mimic only mutant or mys-Mimic themes revolve around the types of traits the villain tical powers, while another can duplicate racial or speciesduplicates and how it does so. Mad Scientist feels threatened by a similar invention in the same field, such as parallel development (or evenSome Sinister Simians have innate powers other than just improvement) of the breakthrough signature technology.their intellect, ranging from mental powers or mystical Similarly, others may steal the villains technology, provid-abilities (perhaps associated with some mythologicalDELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 111MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS ing a clue for astute heroes and also provoking the villains some new invention on the heroes, or else orders loyal as-wrath when the theft is discovered! Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition: Latest Releases Lastly, the Vampire might have min- ions that are other monsters, such as demons, gargoyles, golems (perhaps even a combination of reanimated corpses as a single flesh golem), skel- etons, werewolves, or zom- bies. Psychos leave victims affected by strange, but familiar, manias.who manage to capture the heroes usually put them into Investigation reveals the Psycho is developingand test-an appropriate deathtrap. Some revenants are mys-tical undead like zombies or Chinese hopping vampires NAME IDEASwhile others are products of scientific research or a fusionof science and sorcery. Skills:abilities, such as bat-like wings and a penchant for flinginghellfire at their targets when in their natural form. Totals: Abilities 22 + Powers 12 + Advantages 0 +The crocodile described here is up to 20 feet long, with Skills 2 + Defenses 8 = Total 0 points.powerful, toothed jaws. Many Robots seek to build others like them, creating a family or even a race of sorts, subservient toROBOTIC BRUTE their maker, of course.The archetype as presented assumes the Robot is highly The Robot typically lacks some key element, prevent-intelligent and programmed with extensive technologi- ing it from doing all the work itself. A few Psychos have non-human minions based public venues or on live television! Freedom City is the default setting for the Mutants & Masterminds game system. The same goes for heroes interfering in a Psychos fun in other ways. Smart heroes canTHEMES play on their weaknesses and might be able to get some help from other members or factions of the trickstersSome themes common with Imp adversaries include the pantheon (whomever they may be). MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS IMPThe Imp is less of a villain and more a high-level nui- of testing their abilities and limitations. Insors. Defenses:Fortitude , Toughness 10, Will 6. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. can be tricky to handle, since the players obviously know who is playing the realDOPPELGANGER character and who is playing the villain! It might need thecal information, but that does not have to be the case. With power and Elemental or Jumped-Up Nobody archetypes) and areno subtlety, they begin a more overt and violent crime now rampaging through the city to draw out the heroeswave than the ones the heroes just stopped, and taking or take revenge on old rivals. Skills: Close Combat: Dagger 4 (+6), Deception 6 (+8), Expertise: Cult Lore 6 (+10), Expertise: Magic Dagger +1 (Close, Damage 1), Unarmed +0 (Close, Damage 6 (+10), Ranged Combat: Spellcasting 4 (+6), Treatment 2 (+6). Deluxe Gamemasters Guide MM - 3rd edition. people who rely on them.Once the Master of Disguise knows about a particular sen- TACTICSsory advantage, either because it is public knowledge or itwas used against him before, you can be sure of him tak- Although capable of handling fights against normal op-ing it into account next time. Mutants and Masterminds 3rd Edition (MnM 3e) - FREE PDFs For anyone not wanting to be limited by reprints and absurd RPG book prices, here's a few PDFs for your MnM campaigns! Esoteric or mad math could grant a villain power over probability or even the foundational building blocks of reality itself! The Frightful Four. Advantages: Connected, Equipment 2, Quick Draw, Ritualist. STR 2, STA , AGL 6, DEX 0, FGT 6, INT , AWE 7, PRE Faeries are capricious little creatures that dwell wheremagic still runs thick, or in their own magical realms. Undead Sorcerers aresion. Coincidentally, the hazards might also screen the lair frommans on which to base new neural matrices, rare earth things like sensors or certain superhuman powers.elements, special technology, or the like. Perhaps the cap- The Overlord petitions the United Nations for recognitiontives are brought back to the villains lair so they can be as the head of a sovereign nation: either because the vil-brainwashed into an invincible superhuman army, or their lain really does rule some corner of the world, or perhapspowers can be copied into an artificial Mimic (see the as a representative of a people (a good approach for theMimic archetype) or transferred to the Overlord himself, Meta-Supremacist), or simply on the basis of the Over-making him virtually unstoppable. mands or other forms of contact from the villain appear, leaving the police baffled as to the motive. A minor alchemist who stumbles uponthe Philosophers Stone is more of a Jumped-Up Nobody UNDEAD SORCERERarchetype, but a masterful alchemist is easily the equal ofa full-fledged Sorcerer. Comic book monsters may be creatures out of leg- Acute Smell, Ultra-hearing). dering in the fields of madness. roes have to locate the secret school and break it up, all the while dealing with the Shadow Sensei and the lat- est class of students, for whom this may be their gradu- ation exercise.DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 115MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS MASTER OF DISGUISEThe Master of Disguise is a specialist in deception, able (affecting only the villain and only to match thought to ap-to appear as anyone, or perhaps even anything! all of their abilities, gaining considerable power. TRANSFORMATION Although in many legends only those slain by a vampire will become one, in the comics, vampires often pos- sess the ability to slowly trans- form victims into Vampires over time. Totals: Abilities 2 + Powers 6 + Advantages 1 + Skills 11 + Defenses 10 = Total 30 points.MONKEY PL3 MR2 This archetype represents constrictor snakes large enough to threaten a human, like boa constrictors and anacondas. Now the arch-villain is a head of state with diplomaticTHE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY immunity, who wastes no time establishing an embassy in the heroeshome city, perhaps in full view of their head-Faced with a world- or even cosmos-destroying threat, the quarters just to taunt them.Overlord reluctantly offers to help the heroes to overcomeit, since there is not much point in trying to conquer the The Overlord carries out schemes against the heroes, whoworld when theres no world left to conquer! (+7), Insight 4 (+4) Short-Sighted: Has a lot of power, but doesnt know what to ADVANTAGES do with it. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. Skills: Intimidation 4 (+4), 6 = Total 34 points.Perception 4 (+5). This is a set-uplandlord tries to evict them, vehicles are ticketed or im- for the classic hero vs. hero battles of the comics, and apounded, and so forth. Lesser Vampire thralls have traits similar to the arche- type, although abilities, skills, and combat bonuses likely differ somewhat. Perhaps actual devices for controlling or affecting time. Historical ninja worked as assassinslikely em- or cage-match, and theyre often driven to seek out newployment for their modern successors as well. Defense: Dodge 4, Parry 4, Fort 6, Tou 4, Will 2. Mutants & Masterminds 3rd Edition - Updated for 3e. . Last. Thank you! This means if the he- enemies, allowing them to work their magic unhindered.roes are successful, the villain is not likely to try the same Sorcerers tend to favor broad area effects, particularlyscheme again. Nobody likes to show off with displays of now-amazingNaturally, once the sorcerer is defeated, his master calls power, such as blasting away at anyone foolish enoughthe debt due, and he is dragged down into some hellish to defy his pronouncements, or going after those whoafterlife. The Add some minor mental powers on top of that (perhapsvictims are generally kept alive and unconscious, either with the Check Required flaw), and youve got a formi-to feed memories and life force to the duplicates, or as a dable foe.back-up in case a new duplicate is needed. Squadron Sinister. Some intelligent dragons are also Skills 0 + Defenses 8 = Total 23 points.sorcerers with a Magic array and/or the Ritualist advantage. variety of lethal displays and the whole thing rigged to blow sky-high at the stroke of midnight! Nowclared the greatest combatant in the world. The Serpent Society. More. You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 12 to 23 are not shown in this preview. Offense: Init +1, Dagger +3 (Close, Damage 2), Pistol +3 (Ranged, Damage 3), Unarmed +1 (Close, Damage 1). Advantages: Equipment 1. Others want to carry out The Asian Mastermind is based on the yellow peril ste-experiments no ethical society could condone, arrogantly reotype of pulp adventure stories translated into thedisdainful oflesserintellects and their so-called scruples. villains Mental Blast, or become subject to Mind Control, turning against the other heroes.120 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESCAPERS down the fugitives! Name Ideas: Bullwhip, Cat-O-Nine, Chainbringer, Creeping Ivy, Filament, Lash Master, Man-O-War, Ribbondanc- er, Rocktopus, Urumi 19 pointsTHE NEW ORDER YOURE NOT LAUGHING NOWAfter the heroes take down a local crime lord, one or more A common element of the Jobber life is humiliatingof the Jobbers in their employ decides to pick up the reins defeat, and the Jobber has taken one too many quips orand take over the organization. Defenses: Dodge 4, Parry 6, Skills: Perception 4 (+4). See the Elder Evil archetype for some pos-sibilities.138 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESCAPERS allies rescue the hostages. Offense: manipulating villains able to bring them from the distantInit +1, Claws +5 (Close, Damage 3). 28 + Advantages 2 + Skills 4 + Defenses 15 = Total 71 points. ), any material ABILITIES 2 SKILLS 8 into any result 1 point 0 POWERS 108 DEFENSES 118 Immunity 11 (Life Support, Own Powers) 11 points Invulnerability: Impervious Protection 18 36 points ADVANTAGES 0 TOTAL Mental Shield: Enhanced Will 12, Impervious 24 points COMPLICATIONS SKILLS Ill Show You! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Offense: Initrarely know when theyve gone too far with their pranks. PUPPETEERThe Puppeteer is a manipulator of the first order. This can be funfor some players, especially if theyre competitive, but Adventures involving the Puppeteer may include theothers just find it annoying, since it takes away the one following:132 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESCANT FIGHT CITY HALL ined and no one will believe them when they claim some sinister puppet-master is secretly taking over the city!The public and the media in the city suddenly becomeincreasingly critical of the heroes and their activities. Eventhose who prefer a directconfrontation are likely totake advantage of a vulnerableopponent. For more nihilistic ing escape if the heroes gain the upper hand.Sorcerers, the ritual may be intended as a means of de-stroying the world, perhaps by unleashing eldritch mon-sters from beyond the veil of our reality, such as demonsor elder gods. We have buyers around the world looking for rarities, and if you are interested in putting a select item up for sale . Instead, they are nigh-omnipotent nuisances for he does!But its not real!). Being a mutant in the Marvel Universe, means having to deal with the fear that comes with being different. Relationship: Jean Grey: Warren is currently dating Jean Grey who is a fashion model. The game traits are largely the grants additional Protection or even Immunity to heatsame, although the Robot may have different skills, such damage. In particular, their Summon allows them toThe Baron, The Blood Count (or Countess), DeGhul, Diable, control swarms of bats and rats, or packs of wolves to doNosferatu, Sangr, Schreck their bidding.CLASSIC BITS A Vampires other thralls include victims under its mental influence, lesser Vampires of its creation, and possibleThe following are some classic bits associated with the other monsters, such as an assistant or some creation ofVampire archetype: the Vampires science or magic.HAUNTED MANOR If the Vampires bite is addictive or in some way grants supernatural influence over the victim, assign theThe archetypal lair for the Vampire is a spooky old castle or archetype a suitable Affliction, Limited to victims of themanor house. Simplyapply the minion rules (or dont, if you want to use them A long-running Jobber who has opposed the heroessparingly) and select a theme reflective of their employer. A variant of the Immortal Overlord is the Temporal Over-ARMORED OVERLORD lord, who may also be ageless, but appears throughout history due to the ability to move back and forth betweenA common archetype in the comics, the Armored Over- different eras. While some appear as the bestial, horned Controlled), Strength-based Damage 3 (Claws), Flight 2 (8 MPH;monsters that immediately strike fear into those aroundthem, others look human at first glance. +6, Mind Lash +7 (Close, Damage 7; Will Resists), Unarmed +7Jinx faeries are withdrawn and grumpy, and cause bad (Close, Damage 2). This arche-larger whales such as the blue whale, or smaller whales, type can be used as anything from an archaeologist toadjust the ranks of Growth. points.CROCODILE PL7 MR3 The statistics here may represent other birds of prey. 2 (+4), Perception 10 (+11). Offense: Init 0, Grab, Improved Initiative. The following are some classic bits associated with thePOWER SOURCE Jumped-Up Nobody villain archetype:Some Jumped-Up Nobodies dont gain their power from SHOWS OF POWERan item, but from another outside source. with photonic blasters and quantum phase shifters (and whatnot) but also discover the source of the gizmos. They have necked brachiosaurus is suitable as a template for similar-horns, claws, and a vicious temperament. MASTERMINDThe Mastermind is a mentalist supervillain, possessing dinary mental prowess, and the exact types of powers theconsiderable intellect and psionic abilities which compen- Mastermind possesses.sate for a relative lack of physical prowess. heroes with them or, more likely, faking their own deathsLittle do you know that I have eyes everywhere!). Evil Computers often make useations. Mimics able to copy all powers tend to be ei-much overlap between them. Whose too strong or tough for such maneuvers receive themind is stronger: the heroes or the villains? 6 Conspiracies: Spy-tech orpsychicdevices; complex schemes based aroundthe Truthabout the Con- spiracy and whoever is behind it, paranoid precautions and security measures. This can also set up ergies. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Of course, then the Pup-the good guys on the wrong side of the law. 10 Games: Complex games (puzzles, board games, even RPGs) as crimes, use of game tokens as props and weapons. villain. Finance: Either amoneybagsorpoor-housepersona, obsession with obtaining or destroying wealth, 8 banking and finance gimmicks (bags with dollar signs, fountain pens, free toasters, barrels, bears and bulls, etc.). Often the undead state is merely136 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESa steppingstone toward an eventual goal of apotheo-sisthe achievement of virtual godhoodeven if thewhole world must be sacrificed on the altar of theSorcerers ambition.NAME IDEASArcanix, Eidolon, Infernus, Magus, Mor-gan, Umbrus, often with a title likeDoctor or Master in front of it formen and Lady or Madame in frontof it for women. Defenses: Dodge 7,Defenses: Dodge 7, Parry 6, Fortitude 0, Toughness 2, Will 1. Defenses: Dodge 7, Parry 7, Fortitude 7, Toughness 9, Will 7. Some fan- Advantages: Improved Grab. The Hellfire Club. Defenses: Dodge 5, Parry past into the present. lectual and scientific accomplish- ments is being honored by theTACTICS city or a national organization. Perhaps the Android was originally intended ascondition turn against humanity. This includes: Character Sheets (Official and Fanmade) FULL ebooks GM Kit Tips & Tricks Etc Con-cut agendas. To further complicate matters, thecility, but there is evidence the systems failure was caused Robot might use captured humans as carriers, leavingby a break in, by someoneor somethingthat man- the heroes with the dilemma of whether or not they canaged to escape. This archetype is a giant version of the normally innocu-The dragon may have a different descriptor to its breath ous insect-eating plant, a popular minion for plant-con-weapon than fire, perhaps even a Variable Descriptor, al- trolling villains. Specifically rouges gallery and emerald city books, Im looking for mutants and masterminds 3e books. They lovingly embrace their gimmickswith an appropriate costume for themselves and minions, THATS ODDLY SPECIFICthemed crimes, and strings of bad puns. They Master, or anything with Cosmic, Mega-, Power, Supreme,can round out the characters arsenal of attacks and provide or Ultimate in it.some additional effects. and our Stamina 4 (Progressive, Linked to Strength Damage, venom). Skills: Deception 4 (+5),insect swarm that is incapacitated is dispersed. 14 Occult: Mystical, occult, or Satanic paraphernalia and trappings, often delusions of supernatural pow- ers or possession by demonic entities (or is it a delusion?) appropriate devices for personal gadgets such as weap- ons, force fields (perhaps in place of the innate PsionicTHEMES Force Field power), and the like, as well as big equipment such as a starship or outer space headquarters. Armored Overlords are often initially moti-Overlord themes involve the villains origins and particular vated by a rejection of the same genius that allows themgoals or reasons for conquest. A Skill Mimic able to copy multiple subjects can Identity Crisis: Mental or psychological confusion due tobecome incredibly skilled in many different areas, able to mimicking different subjects.rival a whole team of heroes. Skills: This archetype represents a wide variety of small, poison- Perception 6 (+8), Stealth 2 (+12). 5 comments. 3 Books: Obsessive collecting of different rare volumes, literary references, stalking authors, committing crimes based on famous novels, perhaps a focus on a particular genre. Of course, you can choose to treat Powers: Growth 4 (Permanent, Innate), Protection 2, Sensesa particularly exceptional minion or lieutenant as a full- 1 (Accute Smell). In this regard, the Livingplus Magic or Weather Control. Skills: Athletics 2 (+14), Close Combat: Unarmed the Expertise specialties for others. After all, they want oth-ers to appreciate their genius and find it dif- set the villain up to use it on anficult to pass up an opportunity to explain unsuspecting world.their latest invention or scheme to the igno-rant dolts who think they can stop it. I struggled finding a character sheet for 3rd edition M&M that I liked, so I made one with all the information I feel like I use when I play. If not the villains own work, youTHEMES might wish to lower the archetypes Intelligence rank somewhat. These geniuses may become the heads of top-secretsuperhuman powers, or a physicist seeking the secrets of research organizations, black science laboratories, gov-the universes creation (even if it means its destruction as ernment projects, or even presidents or CEOs of majorwell). tack check. The already-powerful villaindo exactly as they are told, or the prisoners will be tor- displays massive and previously unknown levels of power,mented in a hellish netherworld for eternity. The Sorcerer able to overcome the heroes with ease; either increasewants them to find and recover certain mystical artifacts, the archetypes power level to 20 (improving all PL-limitedwhich are the key components of a grand ritual that will traits accordingly) or simply make the villain a PL X plotbring the villain unlimited power and mastery over reality. Mutants and Masterminds 3rd Edition (MnM 3e) - FREE PDFs or easily removed; a gravity gun can be disarmed, while a villain with a wearable cosmos rig has to be taken downWhat they lack in terms of power, most Jobbers make up before the heroes can take their powers away.for with personality. This file presents an index, automatically generated by our server, of all the free downloads available for fans of the third edition of the Mutants & Masterminds superhero RPG and the DC Adventures RPG, including printable character sheets. I've uploaded it for people to use if it's helpful. Totals: Abilities 12 + Powers 5 + Advantages 0 + Skills 2 (4 ranks) + Defenses 6ELEPHANT PL8 MR2 = 25 points. After uncounted years of unlife, the Vampire has chosen aIf you want to build it as a full-fledged power, treat it like an woman worthy to be his bride and consort for all eternity:Affliction. A Vampire with this talisman would location. Or it could be dangerously insane, making itslow depletion of oxygen, to name a few. You can create similar animals fromnap guests the villain wishes to entertain. Heroes often a basic archetype, such as basing a rhino off the elephantsspend more time in an adventure interacting with min- traits, or an antelope off the herd animal or horse. party early, by killing all of the guests!In either case, the final confrontation often consists of dif- OH, WERE ALL MAD HEREferent cunningly designed traps and minions to keep theheroes busy. Init +3, Unarmed +7 (Close, Damage 2). Looking for more? Not even death can trap a true master of the mystic arts. DC Adventures is based on the award-winning Mutants & Masterminds super hero RPG from Green Ronin Publishing, and is compatible with the third edition of M&M. While DC Adventures contains all the rules and information you need to play the game, future M&M Third Edition products are also compatible and usable with the material in this book, so . OVERLORDThe Overlord is a true master villain, possessed of a bril- is usually an advanced suit of power-armor, although itliant mind and formidable force of will. tire world into a graveyard they can control.ALCHEMIST SEDUCTIVE SORCERESSThe alchemist works with mystical forces of transmutation The Seductive Sorceress matches sinful beauty with ar-and transformation, seeking mastery of the primal ele- cane power, often using her magic to sustain her youth-ments and the perfection of the legendary Philosophers ful good looks and enhance her considerable charms.Stone, a talisman able to transmute and control the ele- Although the Sorceress often uses seduction to get herments and grant immortality. Offense: Init +0, Unarmed +4 (Close, Damage 12). Psychos deal with their pain just like some heroes REVENGEdo: by inflicting it upon others. If the heroes can stop the triggervarious people from their homes, workplaces, and even from being used, the substance should pass harmlessly from everyones system, given time. Power Mimics are often Limited to particular power types or descriptors to give them a more coherentTHEMES theme and differentiate them from others with similar ca- pabilities. Maggia. Other Puppeteers are more subtle, ma- an Illusion sufficient to fool the heroes and provide annipulating people through a web of influence, contacts, escape route.blackmail, and extortion. and tell them they need to meet this latest challenge! necessary, awarding the players one or more hero points.TACTICS By the time the heroes manage to track the Robot to its hidden lair, it has already completed the construction ofAlthough intellectually brilliant, the Robot tends to be a mechanical bride and hooked its kidnapped victim tosomething of a brute in combat, relying on inhuman a device intended to transfer her brain patternsperhapsstrength and durability, blasting away at foes it cannot even her memories and life forceinto the new automa-reach with its crushing grip. Thoseor more heroes comes down to a contest of wills. ADVANTAGES CAPERS Animal Empathy, Fascinate (Deception), Fearless, Improved Hold, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Startle Adventures involving the Vampire may include:You can usually treat this slow transformation as a plot BRIDE OF THE VAMPIRE!device and an aspect of the Vampires Weaken attack; set aresistance difficulty appropriate for the series power level. This is not always the case,them in a nightmare world where the villain is seemingly however, and some Masterminds are quite willing to proveall-powerful. Totals: Abilities 6 + Powers 13 + Advantages 0 + Skills 4 +Vision and Acute Smell, are common for many animals. In inventing invulnerable force fields, while another special-addition to the usual Mad Scientist traits, add the physical izes in adhesives and chemical solvents.abilities and skills of an ape: STR 6, STA 4, AGL 3, Athletics6 (+11), Growth 4, Protection 2, and Senses 2 (Low-light Signature devices can create adventure hooks when aand Acute Smell).
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