minorities influence majority opinion primarily through

The complexity of these asymmetries suggests multiple specific motives behind minorities pursuit of social change. Jetten, J., and Hornsey, M. J. Self-organizing social systems: necessary and sufficient conditions for the emergence of consolidation, clustering, and continuing diversity, in Progress in Communication Science: Persuasion. Minority Influence - Psychologist World From marginal to mainstream and vice versa: Leaders valuation of diversity while in the minority versus majority. J. Pers. The proposed agenda focuses on time, interactive (minority majority), and motivated influence as critical explanatory variables to address in the next phase of research on minority influence in the pursuit of social change. Minority influence is a type of social influence which results in a change ofviews amongstthe majority of members within a group. Bull. Front. doi: 10.1002/ejsp.2420130103. Moscovici, S. (1976). The author confirms being the sole contributor of this work and has approved it for publication. In the process, they influence and are influenced, adjust their influence strategies and responses, form and dissolve alliances. Because gains are experienced less intensely than the comparable losses (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979), changes away from the minority position should elicit positive reactions that are weaker than negative reactions to changes away from the majority positions. WebA minority opinion is an opinion by one or more judges in a legal case who disagree with the decision reached by the majority. Vol. 13. ed. The conflict elaboration theory of social influence, in Understanding Group Behavior: Small Group Processes and Interpersonal Relations. The resulting backlash created a wave of support for the xenophobic Know Nothing movement and its nativist American Party. (1998). Bull. C. K. de Dreu and N. K. de Vries (Oxford, UK: Blackwell), 91121. Minority influence theory, in Handbook of Theories in Social Psychology. Received: 02 April 2022; Accepted: 30 May 2022; Published: 23 June 2022. WebContends that in most studies comparing majority and minority influence, there is an emphasis on influence in the sense of prevailing. David, B., and Turner, J. C. (2001). Papastamou, S., Gardikiotis, A., and Prodromitis, G. Similarly, reactions to social influence are typically assessed once at a single point in time. Unlike compliance, where a person changes his or her outward behavior but not their private opinions, minority influence can have a lasting effect on an individuals views and behavior even when they leave the group. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.79.3.385. Groups as the minds natural environment, in Evolutionary Social Psychology. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.67.1.5, Baumeister, R. F., and Leary, M. R. (1995). Social influence is the perpetual competition that shapes social relations by targeting social attitudes. Am. Sci. What can a person's eyes tell you about what they are thinking? Leffet de cryptomnsie sociale [The social cryptomnesia effect]. Soc. Two lines of research: One on group decision-making, and another on the impact that newcomers to groups make, provide alternative approaches to the study of minority influence.4 Within these lines of research, minority influence is addressed in the context of interacting groups, with minority and majority positions publicly advocated and hence, memberships in minority and majority factions actively experienced. Group decision making under conditions of distributed knowledge: The information asymmetries model. Taking the number of published studies as a readily available, however imperfect, indicator of vigor, the findings are telling. Social influence can take numerous forms. This dynamic aspect of social influence was recognized in the early theorizing of Moscovici (1976), as well as in the subsequent consideration of minority influence in the intergroup context by Mugny (1982) that includes the power agent (typically normative majority) and the population (typically the target of both minority and majority influence). To orient research toward social change, a research agenda is presented, along with a few illustrative studies. Eur. Social Influence and Social Change. J. M. Levine (New York: Psychology Press), 165192. eds. In the immediate aftermath of social change, the new majority showed little attachment to the groupa finding consistent with previous studies (Prislin et al., 2000, 2002; Prislin and Christensen, 2002, 2005b). R. Martin and M. Hewstone (New York: Psychology Press), 363394. However, if a minority is thought to be acting selflessly and in the interests of the majority of the group, other members are more likely to consider and be influenced by the opinions it expresses. doi: 10.1080/14792779108401862. About Such support transforms what initially is typically construed as a minoritys subjective proposition into an objectively correct position synonymous with reality (Hardin and Higgins, 1996; Echterhoff and Higgins, 2017). At what point in time does it become public and sufficiently substantial to change social relations and social structure within a group? eds. (1991). Finally, a separate but still very much cognitive line of inquiry has focused on the styles of thinking inspired by minority (vs. majority) pressures, examining thought modality (e.g., Nemeth, 1986) and complexity (e.g., Gruenfeld, 1995). Yet, no amount of normative or pragmatic pressure can extinguish minorities. The dynamic nature of this process is additionally evident in its competitive nature as minorities and majorities contest each other while advancing their own position. doi: 10.1037/0033-295X.93.1.23. Integration or acceptance presumes integration with others into the same category, not giving in to others to join their category (Brewer, 1991). Shared reality: How social verification makes the subjective objective, in Handbook of Motivation and Cognition. None of the proposed models, however, has been tested empirically outside of computational simulations. What explains the effectiveness of these approaches? Levine, J. M., and Kaarbo, J. WebJenna_Cuthbertson Terms in this set (10) Minorities influence majority opinion primarily through informational social influence. 17, 475482. A rare empirical study of the dynamic nature of social influence focused on reciprocity of influence. Computational modeling and simulations suggest that indirect minority influence yields gradual social change and diversity, whereas cultural drift generates rapid social change and polarization in a society (Jung et al., 2021). Adding to these theoretical and analytical reasons are powerful pragmatic reasons: ever increasing demands on publishing productivity, which is often used as a proxy for scientific contribution, are easier to satisfy with a minimalist approach to minority influence where social conditions and social responses are reduced to information to be processed or generated, with an individual, rather than a group, as a unit of analysis. Martin, R., and Hewstone, M. (2008). Measure your stress levels with this 5-minute stress test. This phenomenon, known as social cryptomnesia, often occurs when a person held negative views of the minority whose views they adopted. Rev. These patterns of socially regulated persuasiveness were documented by coding video-taped sources verbal advocacy (Study 1) and by coding their written advocacy as well as an independent audiences reactions to their written advocacy (Study 2). What the Majority Minority Shift Really Means for America ^Minority label used here in no way diminishes the significance and contribution of these two lines of research. Psychol. Terms of Use have strong norms about how people should behave. Psychol. doi: 10.1016/0022-1031(86)90022-3. Whereas numerous other factors may be proposed, they likely covary with the included factors of time, competitive influence dynamics, and motivation. Up to 5 incorrect questions that you can provide the reason as to why that answer is, Q#14 getting paid a lot of money to do things that violate ones core values, as compared to, getting no money to violate ones values should, Q#16 if you decide to buy new clothes that fit the latest trend just to blend in with others, you. Minority Influence - Consistency and Commitment - tutor2u Minority influence, in The Oxford Handbook of Social Influence. Influence and its aftermath: Motives for agreement among minorities and majorities, in Coping with Minority Status: Responses to Exclusion and Inclusion. Hewstone, M., and Martin, R. (2010). Several integrative models profitably combine the information processing and social identity approaches, capitalizing on their complementary strengths (Prez and Mugny, 1996; Crano, 2001). Gordijn et al (2002) found that a minority was less influential when the number of members expressing an opinion remained constant or decreased, compared to when members perceived the minority to be increasing in numbers. What does Milgram's obedience study tell us about why online communication can become increasingly harmful? Mugny, G., and Prez, J. eds. In spite of a remarkable scientific output, research on minority influence has not addressed its original question about social change. Minority origin of change is no less true for research on social influence than any other arena. Psychol. (2011). Soc. Soc. The social impact of majorities and minorities. Newcomers as change agents: Minority influence in task groups, in Minority Influence and Innovation: Antecedents, Processes and Consequences. Prislin, R., and Crano, W. D. (2012). Despite his susceptibility to Majority and minority influence. - APA PsycNET Vol. doi: 10.1177/0146167291175001, Brodbeck, F. C., Kerschreiter, R., Mojzisch, A., and Schulz-Hardt, S. (2007). doi: 10.1111/josi.12259, Prislin, R., and Filson, J. Whilst minority influence has led to their internalisation of environmentalist ideas, they reject the notion that the group was responsible for their new recycling routine and maintain a negative view of the minority group. How have norm-based approaches been used to curb binge drinking on college campuses? The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. There is no frontier anymore, but the grind of modern capitalism is just as stern a forge for fashioning American identity. Yet, the informational strategy could be used differently to emphasize common group identity (social acceptance) or quid pro quo (social control) by acceptance-motivated and control-motivated minorities, respectively. Seeking conversion versus advocating tolerance in pursuit of social change. In contrast to these sources, those who were consistently rejected to remain in a minority, as well as those who lost social support to be turned from a majority to a minority (majority minority), lost much of their persuasive efficacy over time. doi: 10.1037/0021-9010.86.6.1191, De Groeve, B., and Rosenfeld, D. L. (2022). J. Pers. 12 Angry men notes & discussion - University of Alberta How is that private change communicated over time? Pers. S. Moscovici, A. Muchi-Faina, and A. Maas (Chicago: Nelson-Hall), 233251. Psychol. Psychol. Latan, B. Smith, C. M., and Diven, P. J. Caporael, L. R., and Baron, R. M. (1997). Polyphasic sleep patterns, daytime naps and their impact on performance. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Overcoming the obstacles that moved minority influence research away from elucidating social change is a greater challenge. J. Soc. All this testifies to the maturity of research on minority influence. Minority influence affects group members differently. Rather, I am arguing that we should place far less stock in the importance of the results to the future of our country. Moscovicis initial theorizing makes it clear that changing an individuals mind is, at most, a potential intermediatory step toward social change. Minority influence: From groups to attitudes and back again, in Minority Influence and Innovation: Antecedents, Processes and Consequences. ________ is the first step in the foot-in-the-door technique. Political systems, scientific paradigms, religious dogmas, art movements, and fashion styles are all changed by active minorities who successfully challenge the status quo and offer an alternative (Moscovici and Faucheux, 1972; Moscovici, 1976). Levine, J. M., and Choi, H.-S. (2010). There is likely no better contemporary example of the power of minorities to instigate social change than a growing recognition of the urgent need for the humankind to address the cause and impacts of climate change. Try the easy-to-remember FORM technique, A new study claims that appreciation of black humor is a sign of intelligence, Asch: Social Influence, Conforming in Groups. Jung, J., Bramson, A., Crano, W. D., Page, S. E., and Miller, J. H. (2021). Crano, W. D. (2010). F. Butera and J. Levine (New York: Cambridge University Press), 202221. It remained consistently high over time. Psychology approaches, theories and studies explained, Access 2,200+ insightful pages of psychology explanations & theories, Insights into the way we think and behave, Body Language & Dream Interpretation guides. (2009). Soc. It encompasses attitudinal reactions (e.g., growing concerns about climate change), behavioral reactions (e.g., growing use of a clean energy), political impact (e.g., Green parties, which exist in most democratic systems, have entered into several coalition governments, taking premierships in some), and structural changes (e.g., laws mandating elimination of climate-damaging emission by a certain date have been passed in several countries).1. doi: 10.1037/0033-2909.117.3.497, PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar, Bolderdijk, J. W., and Jans, L. (2021). They have been conducted within the framework of the gain-loss asymmetry model of change in minority and majority positions (Prislin and Christensen, 2005a). In an experiment in which participants were asked to debate issues such as abortion, they found a negative correlation between the number of members holding a majority view and the sway held by minority views. This socio-cognitive conflict may be resolved over time such that some majority members privately adopt the minority position. Psychol. Bull. This poses an additional challenge to applying many insights from the prevailing literature on a minority impact toward a social-psychological understanding of social change. The former two motives can be satisfied by recruiting converts to the minority position. For instance, a politician who alters his or her stance on an issue may be less effective in convincing the electorate than a candidate who expresses just one view consistently. Social influence in groups, in APA Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology. As stated earlier, every social change is initially a minoritys idea.6 To understand motives behind minorities pursuit of social change, it is useful to compare their position to that of their majority counterparts. Web-pooled knowledge -diverse perspectives -others can challenge us to think deeper and more creatively group decision making (disadvantages) -individuals have group goals besides Unlike majority influence, minority influence can rarely Importantly, most of these studies were conducted within the information processing (persuasion) framework, elucidating cognitive responses to a minority (vs. majority) advocacy and eventual attitudinal changes on the objects of advocacy (e.g., Mackie, 1987; Baker and Petty, 1994; Erb and Bohner, 2001; Martin and Hewstone, 2008). This shows that a consistent minority is 6.95% more effective than an inconsistent minority and that consistency is an important factor in minority influence. Note: It is important to note that consistency and commitment are linked. If a minority is consistent in their view then they also are showing commitment to their cause. Personal. A minority group, led by Emmeline Pankhurst in the UK, eventually persuaded the majority that this was unfair, and enfranchisement was extended to women in 1918, overturning accepted views regarding womens rights. Though developed in parallel without much cross-pollination, research on minority influence within the persuasion framework and the interacting group framework converge to the conclusion that such influence is possible, although under a highly constrained set of circumstances (Levine and Tindale, 2015). Minorities influence majority opinion primarily through A look at common defense mechanisms we employ to protect the ego. What is it, and how does it work in each case? Moscovici found that the minority view expressed by the confederates influenced the participants opinions, particularly when the minority was consistent in its opinion (Moscovici et al, 1969). doi: 10.1037/0033-295X.88.5.438, Laughlin, P. R., and Ellis, A. L. (1986). To the extent that acceptance means a state of cognitive merging with a group (Baumeister and Leary, 1995), it cannot be satisfied through acquiescence, which implies affiliation, not integration, with others. The need to belong: desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation. More recently, social change has been examined as a function of two factors: Indirect minority influence, defined as attitudinal change on culturally relevant issues different from but related to the focal issue of minority advocacy, and cultural drift, defined as mistakes in copying culturally relevant attributes due to small errors in the learning and memory processes. Psychol. Follow The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook, Twitter (@NYTopinion) and Instagram. Vol. Rev. Copping With Minority Status. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Yet, the prevailing research on minority influence seems to have made it so. One should never waste a good crisis. eds. When a minority opinion is introduced, people are more Prislin, R. (2010). On the other hand, minorities motivated to be socially accepted need not necessarily seek converts to their position.5 Rather, they may pursue social change by advocating for tolerance.

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minorities influence majority opinion primarily through