germanic vs slavic facial features

Around 275 BC the Celtic culture reached its largest influence, covering large parts of Central, Western, and Eastern Europe. Chamberlain called those people Celt-Germanic peoples, and his ideas would influence the ideology of Nordicism and Nazism. Here there is a combination of tall stature, a relatively narrow forehead, and an extended face, a low and wide nose. Streaming Tips Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest Nordic resources, insights, tips, hidden gems, and much more. It mainly depends on what peoples their ancestors mixed with during the next resettlement of peoples, of which the Slavs, starting from the Neolithic era, had a lot. Although history books would tell the origin of the Germans, it is hard to track down specific genetic traits which make them German. The Harvard anthropologist Claude Alvin Villee Jr. also was a notable proponent of this theory, writing: "The Nordic division, a partially depigmised branch of the Mediterranean group. To be honest, I cant tell a Scandinavian from a Dutch person. The Mans Place in the Society: East-West differences. The initial stage of colonization by both men and women was a result of the advancement of the Slavic tribes to the east and north. For the English cricketer, see, Deniker, J. The Nordic race was a racial concept which originated in 19th century anthropology. Most German women usually have fair skin, light brown to platinum blonde hair, and blue eyes, which they got from their Germanic ancestors. Old Nordic Symbols: Norse Runes & Viking Ornaments (Meanings & Examples). The Russian beautician has a counter to this, of course: "Oh, the American woman just worries too much about health things sometimes.". Unfortunately, most black-and-white old archive photos of the faces of Russian people do not allow to convey the height, physique, color of the skin, hair, and eyes of a Russian person. This is because the Caucasian race encompasses the populations of Europe, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, Western Asia, Central Asia, and South Asia. - grey eyes (not blue, grey - VERY telling of Slavic ancestry) [20] Later, however, Nordic would not be co-terminous with Aryan, Indo-European or Germanic. For example, when we compare Ukraine in general with Canada, there are fewer beautiful women in this country than in Ukraine. There are expectations from the male folk to be masculine and exhibit masculinity in all sense. Some of the more famous Celtic tribes include the Gauls (modern-day France), Britons (Britain), Galatians (Northern Spain), Belgi (Belgium), and Elveti (Switzerland). The Nordid race has several subraces. Their skin is a pale color. South East or East ?etc. A shortened and anglocised version of the original name Schweinhardt. FIG. }. The mentality of a Ukrainian could surprise you. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. When asked what genes they would like to pass on to their children, most people think of money, looks, and success, but they never consider what genetic features they have. One of the features of Baltic languages is the number of conservative or archaic features retained. What are the physcial characteristics of the Celts? Are there too many East Europeans, Poles in West Europe now? In the south of Ukraine andthe center, women have a mixed appearance skin tone from light to dark, eye color can also be varied and blue and green and brown. I believe it is difficult to identify someone simply by looking at his or her face, but once you see them up close and observe their behavior, it is very easy to tell where they are from. He defined nordique by a set of physical characteristics: the concurrence of somewhat wavy hair, light eyes, reddish skin, tall stature and a dolichocephalic skull. "[39] Collier's Encyclopedia as late as 1984 contains an entry for this theory, citing anthropological support.[40]. right.. i think the blond/blue comes from the north.. the darkn, come from the far east. For now, here are the most common facial features found in Europeans. Finland Russian, Ukrainian, Serb, Slovakian, and Slovene are Slavic ethnicities. Below are several typical 'English' faces, with the tell-tale features which prove their non-European heritage. It is also widely condemned by society. European Facial Features - Magnum Workshop [citation needed] Sociologists were soon using the concept of a "blond race" to model the migrations of the supposedly more entrepreneurial and innovative components of European populations. 10 German People Physical Characteristics &Character Traits [22], Carleton S. Coon in his book of 1939 The Races of Europe subdivided the Nordic race into three main types, "Corded", "Danubian" and "Hallstatt", besides It's about finding the richest man possible." 3. annotated and improved edition, and Racial Study of the German People , Munich 1929, 13.ed.) They have the most Middle-Eastern appearance of any European, with darker skin tone (often olive complexion rather than pink), thicker brows, darker average hair, and eye color, longer eyelashes, thicker lips, thicker eyelids, and larger ears. Protrusionofthelowerpartofthefaceiskepttoaminimum(littleornoprognathic). Genetically they are more Illyrians and Dacians etc. How Did Vikings Actually Look? just look into whom the poles fought over the centuries and you'll see who we're mixed with. In fact, even the biggest genetic testing companies like Ancestry DNA or Living DNA cant genetically pin it down. Among the Baltic peoples are modern-day Lithuanians and Latvians . Women have to have a career, be totally sexy at the same time and, from a certain age, absolutely have to be married. Denmark [5][6] The supposed physical traits of the Nordics included light eyes, light skin, tall stature, and dolichocephalic skull; their psychological traits were deemed to be truthfulness, equitability, a competitive spirit, naivete, reservedness, and individualism. Quiz Believe me, you may not resist looking at those eyes for hours!). Generally, most of them have fair skin, blonde or bronze hair color, and have narrower noses. Red hair and a light tan are sometimes associated with Ireland, but they are not exclusive to it. Life in Poland forms the attitude of women and their character. They are the palest of all Europeans, with the highest proportion of red hair. "You couldn't make something up so easily with your clothes; it was your face and hands that counted," she explains. Part of the country is on the European side, so the population is very similar to the countries of the Union (especially Ukraine). The main export products for decades are motor vehicles as well as machinery and chemical products. Alpine race - Wikipedia Physically and mentally, a beautiful woman from the east of this region is almost like a Ukrainian woman. It was popularized in the 19th century. The final photographs turned out, of course, blurry, but gave an idea of the appearance of the reference Russian people. And often there is a certain arrogance about so much supposed unemancipation. The test results can only categorize them under broad Northwest Europeans. The statements of foreigners are especially interesting. A characteristic West-German Borreby type, from Stuttgart. [10] Of six 'Caucasian' groups Deniker accommodated four into secondary ethnic groups, all of which he considered intermediate to the Nordic: Northwestern, Sub-Nordic, Vistula and Sub-Adriatic, respectively. Which European Countries are Nordic, Germanic, and/or Celtic? The nostrils usually face upward, but they are frequently hidden by the nose tip. Ripley borrowed Deniker's terminology of Nordic (he had previously used the term "Teuton"); his division of the European races relied on a variety of anthropometric measurements, but focused especially on their cephalic index and stature. Slavic people share characteristics that are distinctively Slavic, as is typical of Eastern Europe. well its funny how people talk crap about fat, my daughter lives on carbs and her, Racist who hurled abuse at Eastern Europeans shouting 'This is England'. The Slavic people are also easily recognized. Generalized Anthropological Russian Portrait, The First Description of the Appearance of the Russians, Historical Background of Ukrainian Beauty and Ukrainian Facial Features, FAQ about Slavic and Russian Facial Features, Russian Facial Features Typical Appearance of Russians, The First Descriptions of the Appearance of Russians, Historical Background of Ukrainian Beauty and Ukrainian Facial Features, Frequently Asked Questions about Slavic and Russian Facial Features, Eternal Love Luigi Peduto and Mokryna Yurzuk, Halloween greetings and special offer! The females are a part of this. Chat on St. Valentine's Day with 50% off! Shoes If a Russian woman can be compared to a crystal-cold winter or a shy early spring, then the beauty of a Ukrainian woman is undoubtedly the sunny August heat. Most 19th century race-theorists like Arthur de Gobineau, Otto Ammon, Georges Vacher de Lapouge and Houston Stewart Chamberlain preferred to speak of "Aryans", "Teutons", and "Indo-Europeans" instead of a "Nordic race". So, just give a chance to your eyes to make a choice and start an unforgettable journey of getting to know a Slavic lady who will become your wife! This width is greater than the lengths of some heads shown in this section. The Faelish subrace is broader of face and form. Most of central/northern France, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and French-speaking Belgium also have different frequencies of hair, eye, and skin colors, and different body types. What are some "typical" facial features that can be used to guess if a Most Russians have fair skin, ranging from pale to slightly tanned, with a pink or yellow undertone. Design This work was influential in Ewald Banse's publication of Die Rassenkarte von Europa in 1925 which combined research by Deniker, Ripley, Grant, Otto Hauser, Gnther, Eugen Fischer and Gustav Kraitschek. It is to take care of children or she opts for a part-time job only. Culture Smooth features of oval and round faces give Ukrainian ladies a truly feminine look. A German Borreby type with the excessive head breadth of 175 mm., which must be one of the widest non-deformed head breadths ever measured. Their noses are slim, but they have round tips. We are therefore limited to Ukraine and the European part of Russia. To make things a bit more complicated, the Germanic people are all thought to have originated from a fairly small area in southern Scandinavia and northern Germany around the 4th century BCE, centered around the province of Scania, Sweden. The nose, mouth, eyes, and ears of a person can all be used to determine ancestry. Do Europeans Have Distinct Facial Characteristics? That's what Ameican tourists wonder about, as they saunter through the snowy streets of Siberian cities in practical footwear - and are overtaken by local ladies in high heels. Is there a link between Scandinavians, Vikings, and the Germanic people who migrated across Europe during the fall of the Roman Empire? With the rise of modern genetics, the concept of distinct human races in a biological sense has become obsolete. Graphs "The Russian woman constantly celebrates small holidays by making herself beautiful," she says. Germanic *Edit* SOB I made a spelling mistake in the title. Sweden Their ancestry is a controversial one, but most likely they also refer to the Finnish-Baltic type. Doesnt it seem similar to the Sleeping Beauty image?). Over the course of several decades of intense research, anthropologists have managed to reveal the appearance of a typical Russian person. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. It was precisely because of scarcity that fashion was and is so important. It can also be because Germany shares the same ancestors and history with other European countries, especially the French. What's the Difference Between Nordic, Germanic, and Celtic? As mentioned in previous posts, the Anglo-Saxons are a Germanic race, and as such are an Asian people, with their origins in Turkey/Iran. The German Facial Features German Women have a set of unique facial features that distinguish them from other ethnic groups in Europe: Facial features of typical German Woman: Face Shape. Even if these cultures are close enough, there are aspects that are not the same and it is important to tell you about them. Barnes & Noble, 1963. Let`s sum it up. The only remaining Celtic nations today are Brittany, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Isle of Man, and Cornwall. Life re: Oops sorry I carried on so much about myself. In typical appearances, the horizontal profile and the bridge of the nose of medium height prevail, while the forehead is slightly sloping and not too wide, and the brow is poorly developed. While GDR citizens even found specially produced youth fashions in the stores and were supplied by relatives in the West, the Soviet woman hoarded Western clothing. According to my observations, the majority of Eastern Europeans (Slavs) have facial features such as high cheekbones and deep-set almond-shaped eyes with colors ranging from green, and dark blue, to light or dark brown. Some of them are listed below: All in all, Caucasians are not always white; Caucasians skin tones range from pale to reddish-white, olive to dark brown. When analyzing the data of the Russian Anthropological Expedition, the Ilmen-Belozersk anthropological type was identified. [16] By the early 20th century this theory was well-established, though far from universally accepted. So if youre curious about the exact difference between Nordic, Germanic, and Celtic, and which countries, languages, and people are involved when speaking about these terms youve come to the right place. To tell the difference, you must be skilled. [11][12], The notion of a distinct northern European race was also rejected by several anthropologists on craniometric grounds. Its an intriguing question. There are more exceptions nowadays, with travel leading to intermarriage being so common. The population of the rest of Ukraine has some intermediate anthropological status. You will not have as many differences as an Asian or African woman, for example. Caucasians are also one of the ethnic groups that have been considered in comparison to others in several European countries. Blue is the most common eye color among Russians, followed by green and brown. In his opinion, the Russians are " blond, red in the face and white in the body.". Dark hair is predominant, as are more round facial features. lot's of blood from asia and other parts of europe. What features make someone look "Slavic"? : r/phenotypes - Reddit [8] In 2019, the American Association of Biological Anthropologists stated: "The belief in 'races' as natural aspects of human biology, and the structures of inequality (racism) that emerge from such beliefs, are among the most damaging elements in the human experience both today and in the past. Either Mongolians, Tatars, Turks, and Fin-Hungarians. Scandinavian/Germanic Heathens had five holidays all on full moons (though different moons than the Celtic Peoples). For the daily life of a couple, everyone has his tasks: the woman cooks and does the housework, the man takes care of manual work and DIY. WhatAreTheFacialFeaturesOfEasternEuropeans? Ancestors include people of Irish, Scottish, and Welsh ancestry. Food These features tell us how different they are, and it is quite noticeable to differentiate them. Germans, Austrians, Northern French, Norwegians, Swedes, and Danes are among the ethnic groups represented. p,li { Most of the European celebrities we see have large almond eyes, which look like cat eyes. "Cars and houses were no longer status symbols, which is another reason why fur coats are so important," explains cultural historian Anna Tikhomirova, who compares women's fashion in the Soviet Union and the GDR in her dissertation. Slavs used to mix a lot (they kept their slaves in tribal years for 2 years, and after that they freed them and let them integrate if I recall right). To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Both of them are caucasoids with fair skin color. These ladies prefer to wear minimal make-up. Moreover, in Russia and Ukraine, it is still common today to find a difference in remuneration between men and women. There may be minor ethnic differences, but they are mixed because there are no major geographical barriers preventing exchanges between European countries. When they smile, their upper teeth are usually more visible than those of other Europeans. What Do Polish People Look Like? - The Freeman Online By 1902 the German archaeologist Gustaf Kossinna identified the original Aryans (Proto-Indo-Europeans) with the north German Corded Ware culture, an argument that gained in currency over the following two decades. The signs of this group are similar to the signs of the Scandinavian type of appearance: light skin, light hair, and graceful regular facial features. Often, women from Europe and the U.S. prefer to be single, because they are accustomed to the daily struggle and compete with men trying to prove their superiority in all things . Types found in "places distant from the present northwestern European center of Nordic concentration" that he determined to be morphologically Nordic, were called "Exotic Nordics". I would not say swarthy girl from the south are categorically unattractive but lets put it into relative perspective. Celtic Vikings, or NorseGaels as they can also be called, usually refer to the Vikings who settled in Ireland and Scotland during the Viking age. The resemblance is uncanny as they belong to the same continent, and they are ancestrally related. Unfortunately, Human nature is that human-beings tend to compare people with each other to see who is more suited to us as a partner. In the 19th century, the famous scientist. when Jews speak the "purest and most fluent German", Jewish spirit and Jewish mood [Gemt] still dictate the pronunciation of the vowels.14 According to Birnbaum, it was the Jewish way of reasoning and feeling that accounted for their specific way of talking. Over the course of several decades of intense research, anthropologists have managed to reveal the appearance of a typical Russian person. Physical characteristics of German people include light complexions, above average heights, square jaws, and sharp facial features. "[31], Coon's theories on race were widely disputed in his lifetime,[32] and are considered pseudoscientific in modern anthropology. The oldest of these is the Danish, dating back to 1219 according to legend. One stereotype holds that people in Southern Europe have darker hair and tans, whereas those in Northern Europe have lighter hair and tans. A German linguist who taught at the university in Hungary for a while was also amazed by this: "At some point, you start going to the cosmetics salon yourself on a regular basis. Some conclude that the ancestors of the Russians are Slavs, while others argue that the Finns are closest to Russians in genotype and phenotype. There are many Ethnicities in Europe. Thecheekbonesarereceding,givingthefaceamorepointedappearance withatear-shapednasalcavityandanarrownasalaperture(nasalfossa). Therefore, the Western Knights have chronically tired from such toxic relations; they need a family comfort, understanding, caring, kindness and love that a Slavic woman can provide with generosity, and not the eternal breaking of the nerves, everyday quarrels and constant fighting. ", Here you can already see that not all Russians are the same, and not all Eastern Europeans are the same. "And the women, in turn, are trying to please. "[9], The Russian-born French anthropologist Joseph Deniker initially proposed "nordique" (meaning simply "northern") as an "ethnic group" (a term that he coined). Why Do People In Different Countries Have Different Facial Characteristics? Southern Italians, Turks, and Greeks are among the ethnicities represented. Norse Nature created a man that wants to come back home after a long working day in which he will find understanding and peace in his sweet home with his beautiful Russian wife. Comparisons So their chins are longer. But they still have some defining features: - brown, dark blond kind of looking hair. 60 attractive ones, while out of 100 Mediterranian girls only 20. Although other European people are ancestrally related to German people, they are distinct in some of their features like: The Germans will, of course, inherit the genetic structure of their ancestors- The Germanic people. light hair, blue/green eyes maybe from the North (and the West with Germany), Jews for mixing with Poles were expiled form their society so most of this mix is in Poland. Names As we have already said, speaking of the Slavic type of appearance, they usually mean the appearance of the East Slavic or close to it. He left Sweden at 19 to explore the world, and stayed abroad for almost 8 yearsduring which he backpacked, worked every job there was, earned a degree from UC Berkeley, and met the future mother of his children. Germanic languages, branch of the Indo-European language family. The majority of Eastern Europeans (Slavic) have facial features such as high cheekbones, pointy chins, deep-set almond-shaped eyes, but have a darker complexion than North Westerners. With such a variety of types, what does "Slavic appearance" mean?,,

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germanic vs slavic facial features