drupal 8 add javascript to content type

I would like to know what is the best way to add a JavaScript file into a specific page basing on the content type. It only takes a minute to sign up. Thank you. 1-Introduction2- JavaScript and Drupal: basic concepts3- How to include JavaScript code in Drupal, 4- Just a little bit more of JavaScript in Drupal, 7- JavaScript without JavaScript: #ajax, #states, 8- Troubleshooting: Problems and Solutions, Exercise 1: Creating a basic custom moduleExercise 2: Defining our new custom libraryExercise 3: Defining our initial JavaScript fileExercise 4: Adding libraries to our Drupal custom moduleExercise 5: Passing values to the IIFE formatExercise 6: Transfering values trough drupalSettingsExercise 7: Custom Visit Counter with JavaScriptExercise 8: Changes based in jQueryExercise 9: Dialog Window from the global object DrupalExercise 10: Image Board from Unsplash using Drupal Behaviors. So beware of the template you use it on that might not work and pay attention to changes that might come in new versions of Drupal. The form validation function (even if you are overwriting your own) is re-checking the status of the form values and detecting inconsistencies. Think about in what Im doing in this piece of code from a callback function: Ok, but the former block doesnt like to Drupal. In this case it is simply named namespace. Some time ago (around December 2019, but it seems a century has passed ) I started writing what I thought would be a simple guide to integration between JavaScript and Drupal. We added the new file to the library resources that we had already defined previously: And so, if we clean the drush cr cache and reload the /javascript/custom path in the browser, we will be able to see the new changes made using JavaScript: We have seen in the previous section how to pass values to that IIFE within the revision of the structure and operation of this JavaScript code format and now we are going to stop at a very particular construction that is available for us to make connections between our server executable code (PHP) and our client executable code (JavaScript) within Drupal: lets talk about drupalSettings. and what other ideas do you have that could be implemented using it? See this related proposal: Suppress validation of required fields on AJAX calls in Drupal 9.x. For the query filtered by the current user data through the current_user service . So lets give some context through some basic keys and well go on. In an initial loading of the page, it will be the complete DOM, in AJAX operations it will be the corresponding HTML piece. A Guide to Loading External JavaScript in Drupal | Bounteous In this former example about backbone.js in Core, were seeing that finally, the library is used from a local environtment, right? Teams. We will create a new JavaScript file for a more particular greeting, called hello_world_advanced.js. Although it is a complex and extensive topic, we will focused in the possibilities of implementing AJAX in Drupal. Which reverse polarity protection is better and why? Thanks for your patience and I really hope it has been useful to you. As we can see in one of the previous calls, the image search process from the introduction of a keyword begins to be delegated to functions, started by the processingKeywords() function and we launch a prompt to capture the keyword and make sure to check if empty terms are being accepted: And we call the function responsible for managing the requests, gettingImages(), with the keyword as a parameter. If they are null, we create them and load them with an initial value equal to one. No HTML tags allowed. Most of these cases can be satisfied with fixed javascript in a file plus added settings. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Which was the first Sci-Fi story to predict obnoxious "robo calls"? In Drupal, stylesheets (CSS) and JavaScript (JS) are loaded through the same system for modules (code) and themes, for everything: asset. Someone went through the project, received the task, googled it, solved the task as well as they could, and then the next person arrived… so, when you open the browser console, everything is a sea of warnings and red errors alerting you to JavaScript loads that cannot be done, dependencies that cannot be solved, or selectors that do not locate the elements they should. In this case we want to add our own id to the element. Furthermore, this resource can be used in a generic way (for example, for all pages): In this case it is recommended to specify metadata to facilitate the caching of the new change, specifically if the aggregation operation of the new library depends on conditions, for example: Lets take a closer look at the rules of use and integration of JavaScript code in a Drupal project. If we need attributes for our script we can add them using attributes and put id or any custom attribute inside What positional accuracy (ie, arc seconds) is necessary to view Saturn, Uranus, beyond? Lets extend what we already know how to do with a new exercise: We will take the Drupal dialog API as a reference to build a window into our project through our custom module. See more: developer.mozilla.org/Guide/AJAX. For the map_page content type, I adde the below two line of code in page--map_page.tpl.php. You want to put these in either a custom block or even directly in a Twig template. Inline JavaScript that affects the entire page can be in either of two categories: front-end/styling, or logical. By now, we just need to go to the PHP class file (The Controller) and modify the render array that is returned at the end, including the #attached property with our new library: Just after changed it, We will reinstall our custom module, clearing cache: We can see now from the Console of your browser the result of the execution of our first JavaScript code, just going to the declared route: Weve made our first interaction with JavaScript in Drupal! Define a library that includes these files. We will practice with the inclusion of JavaScript code in our project. Since Drupal won't let you redefine template_preprocess_node (because it's already defined in node.module), I added a preprocessor function in my custom module: I used preprocess_node rather than preprocess_page because it's easier to get to the node type. How do you do it? Examples of inline JavaScript that affects the entire page are analytics (e.g. namespace: A Drupal behavior has to have a specific and unique name in order to be located, identified, executed and removed. Is there any other better way? Weve already stained the rendered page too much and were going to leave the view clean before playing with bacon: Next, we will add a click event to that button so that when it is pressed, it will start processing bacon: In case we already have bacon loaded, we take care of cleaning the div: And we go ahead to process out bacon requests: " + baconTexts[i] + ""; } Lets see one of its main uses in form elements. In this guide you will learn basic concepts of JavaScript, the terminology used in Drupal, functions, methods and common mechanics to enrich your projects by make them run with executable code on the client side. The basic structure of a state is that of a multidimensional array with the following form: Where an array of conditions, in turn, is another array that stores the conditions foreseen for the change of state of that element, through the scheme of use of conditions in #states: I the next block code we will see an example of using #states. Any way to alter script tag for some javascript and add custom attributes? To do this well use the Drupal Devel Module and its Devel Generate sub-module to create test content, adding new commands and sub-commands to Drush. To do this, we will create a new custom module and iterate on it providing you with JavaScript based functionality while we discuss the most important concepts in the following sections. In this tutorial, although it is not an advanced JavaScript manual, we will use this language in several sections, so is great that you know it a little bit. How do we execute it? By this way you will know what we are talking about at any time in the manual and you will be able to follow the cases, examples and exercises more easily. Follow the steps in the next snippet: To begin with, lets define the new custom module we will work with. We can use, at a basic level, Ajax for three well known formulas: In links: using the class use-ajax in a link, we can give you Ajax treatment. These libraries can be located in the /core/core.libraries.yml file: Where you can see from line 350 of the file the list of jQuery libraries associated to Drupals core. If using drupalSettings plus a JavaScript file is not an option, then you still have one option left: use hook_page_attachments(), where you add a new value to $page['#attached']['html_head'], which contains either a