disable windows defender firewall intune

LanmanWorkstation CSP: LanmanWorkstation. Find out more in the Microsoft Defender docs. Specify if this rule applies to Inbound, or Outbound traffic. Default: Not configured WindowsDefenderSecurityCenter CSP: DisableNetworkUI. WindowsDefenderSecurityCenter CSP: DisableNotifications. Create a new compliance policy that enables Defender and lets the admin know if any device fails this compliance item. Block end-user access to the various areas of the Microsoft Defender Security Center app. Enable with UEFI lock - Credential Guard can't be disabled remotely by using a registry key or group policy. Firewall CSP: MdmStore/Global/EnablePacketQueue. For example: com.apple.app. Use exploit protection to manage and reduce the attack surface of apps used by your employees. Specify a subnet by either the subnet mask or network prefix notation. Default: Not configured For profiles that use the new settings format, Intune no longer maintains a list of each setting by name. Options include: Opportunistically match authentication set per keying module For more information, see Create a network boundary on Windows devices. A list of authorized users can't be specified if Service name in this policy is set as a Windows service. CSP: AllowLocalPolicyMerge, Auth Apps Allow User Pref Merge (Device) 1. LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: UserAccountControl_OnlyElevateUIAccessApplicationsThatAreInstalledInSecureLocations, Virtualize file and registry write failures to per-user locations Settings that dont conflict are added to the superset policy that applies to a device. An IPv6 address range in the format of "start address-end address" with no spaces included. Valid tokens include: Remote addresses Click the policy to identify the assignment status. Hiding this section will also block all notifications-related to Family options. Manage local address ranges for this rule. If you use this setting, AppLocker CSP behaviour currently prompts end user to reboot their machine when a policy is deployed. OS drive recovery For more information about configuration service providers (CSPs), see Configuration service provider reference. A little background, I originally deployed the October Preview template and recently updated to the May 2019 template. disallow users from turning on/off windows firewall using GPO Turn on Microsoft Defender Firewall for domain networks For more information, see Add custom firewall rules for Windows devices. Default: Not configured Configure Microsoft Defender for Endpoint in Intune Preshared key encoding Default: Not configured Default: Not configured Click Endpoint Security > Firewall > Create Policy. How to Enable or Disable the Windows Firewall In order to enable or disable the Windows Firewall, you must first open it, then look on the left column and click or tap the link that says "Turn Windows Firewall on or off." The "Customize Settings" window is now opened. Firewall CSP: FirewallRules/FirewallRuleName/InterfaceTypes, Only allow connections from these users Default: Not configured Default: Not configured Default: Not configured Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Default: Not configured IPsec Exceptions (Device) Intune: Endpoint Protection | Katy's Tech Blog To find the service short name, use the PowerShell command Get-Service. Default: Not configured Credential Guard On the Turn off Windows Defender policy setting, click Enabled. To use Exploit protection to protect devices from exploits, create an XML file that includes the system and application mitigation settings you want. If you don't require UTF-8, preshared keys are initially encoded using UTF-8. When viewing a settings information text, you can use its Learn more link to open that content. Firewall apps So our first step is to make sure that all machines have it enabled. BitLocker CSP: AllowWarningForOtherDiskEncryption. Default: Not configured Default is Any address. My System Restore has failed twice - it seems that although I temporarily disabled my firewall/internet protection, I forgot to disable Defender. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Create an endpoint protection device configuration profile, Create a network boundary on Windows devices, Settings/AllowWindowsDefenderApplicationGuard, MdmStore/Global/OpportunisticallyMatchAuthSetPerKM, DisableStealthModeIpsecSecuredPacketExemption, DisableUnicastResponsesToMulticastBroadcast, Add custom firewall rules for Windows devices, SmartScreen/PreventOverrideForFilesInShell, Block credential stealing from the Windows local security authority subsystem (lsass.exe), Block Adobe Reader from creating child processes, Block Office applications from injecting code into other processes, Block Office applications from creating executable content, Block all Office applications from creating child processes, Block Office communication application from creating child processes, Block execution of potentially obfuscated scripts, Block JavaScript or VBScript from launching downloaded executable content, Block process creations originating from PSExec and WMI commands, Block untrusted and unsigned processes that run from USB, Block executable files from running unless they meet a prevalence, age, or trusted list criterion, Block executable content from email client and webmail, Use advanced protection against ransomware, Virus scanning recommendations for Enterprise computers that are running currently supported versions of Windows, ControlledFolderAccessAllowedApplications, integrate Microsoft Defender for Endpoint with Intune, Enterprise Mobility + Security E5 Licenses, Accounts_LimitLocalAccountUseOfBlankPasswordsToConsoleLogonOnly, Devices_PreventUsersFromInstallingPrinterDriversWhenConnectingToSharedPrinters, Devices_RestrictCDROMAccessToLocallyLoggedOnUserOnly, Devices_AllowedToFormatAndEjectRemovableMedia, InteractiveLogon_SmartCardRemovalBehavior, InteractiveLogon_DisplayUserInformationWhenTheSessionIsLocked, InteractiveLogon_DoNotDisplayLastSignedIn, InteractiveLogon_DoNotDisplayUsernameAtSignIn, InteractiveLogon_MessageTitleForUsersAttemptingToLogOn, InteractiveLogon_MessageTextForUsersAttemptingToLogOn, NetworkAccess_RestrictAnonymousAccessToNamedPipesAndShares, NetworkAccess_DoNotAllowAnonymousEnumerationOfSAMAccounts, NetworkAccess_DoNotAllowAnonymousEnumerationOfSamAccountsAndShares, NetworkSecurity_DoNotStoreLANManagerHashValueOnNextPasswordChange, NetworkSecurity_AllowPKU2UAuthenticationRequests, NetworkAccess_RestrictClientsAllowedToMakeRemoteCallsToSAM, NetworkSecurity_MinimumSessionSecurityForNTLMSSPBasedClients, NetworkSecurity_MinimumSessionSecurityForNTLMSSPBasedServers, NetworkSecurity_LANManagerAuthenticationLevel, Shutdown_AllowSystemToBeShutDownWithoutHavingToLogOn, UserAccountControl_OnlyElevateUIAccessApplicationsThatAreInstalledInSecureLocations, UserAccountControl_VirtualizeFileAndRegistryWriteFailuresToPerUserLocations, UserAccountControl_BehaviorOfTheElevationPromptForAdministrators, UserAccountControl_BehaviorOfTheElevationPromptForStandardUsers, UserAccountControl_SwitchToTheSecureDesktopWhenPromptingForElevation, UserAccountControl_DetectApplicationInstallationsAndPromptForElevation, UserAccountControl_AllowUIAccessApplicationsToPromptForElevation, UserAccountControl_RunAllAdministratorsInAdminApprovalMode, MicrosoftNetworkClient_DigitallySignCommunicationsIfServerAgrees, MicrosoftNetworkClient_SendUnencryptedPasswordToThirdPartySMBServers, MicrosoftNetworkClient_DigitallySignCommunicationsAlways, MicrosoftNetworkServer_DigitallySignCommunicationsIfClientAgrees, MicrosoftNetworkServer_DigitallySignCommunicationsAlways, SystemServices/ConfigureXboxAccessoryManagementServiceStartupMode, SystemServices/ConfigureXboxLiveAuthManagerServiceStartupMode, SystemServices/ConfigureXboxLiveGameSaveServiceStartupMode, SystemServices/ConfigureXboxLiveNetworkingServiceStartupMode. Compatible TPM startup key Disabling stealth mode can make devices vulnerable to attack. Device users can't change this setting. Additional settings for this network, when set to Yes: When set as Not configured, the rule defaults to allow traffic. LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: Devices_AllowUndockWithoutHavingToLogon, Install printer drivers for shared printers CSP: MdmStore/Global/IPsecExempt, Firewall IP sec exemptions allow ICMP When the user is at home or logging in outside our domain those policies wont apply. Attack surface reduction rules help prevent behaviors malware often uses to infect computers with malicious code. Help prevent actions and apps that are typically used by exploit-seeking malware to infect machines. Enable WinRM through Intune - Microsoft Community Hub LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: UserAccountControl_UseAdminApprovalMode, Run all admins in Admin Approval Mode For Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Defender Application Guard protects your environment from sites that aren't trusted by your organization. Select one or more of the following types of traffic to be exempt from IPsec: Certificate revocation list verification Default: Not configured Default: Not configured After being enabled on a device, Application Control can only be disabled by changing the mode from Enforce to Audit only. Minimum PIN Length If no network types are selected, the rule applies to all three network types. LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: Accounts_RenameGuestAccount. Default: Not configured This setting is available only when Clipboard behavior is set to one of the allow settings. Default: Prompt for consent for non-Windows binaries Navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Defender. Check them out! BitLocker CSP: RequireDeviceEncryption. Firewall CSP: DisableStealthMode, IPsec secured packet exemption with Stealth Mode LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: InteractiveLogon_SmartCardRemovalBehavior. Instead, the name of each setting, its configuration options, and its explanatory text you see in the Microsoft Intune admin center are taken directly from the settings authoritative content. Under Microsoft Defender Firewall, switch the setting to On. LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: InteractiveLogon_MachineInactivityLimit, Enter the maximum minutes of inactivity until the screensaver activates. Microsoft Defender Credential Guard protects against credential theft attacks. Not configured (default) - When not configured, you'll have access to the following IP sec exemption settings that you can configure individually. Type a name that describes the policy. You know what suits your environment best here, but having two separate authorities delivering settings to the same area, is never a good idea. CSP: MdmStore/Global/IPsecExempt, Firewall IP sec exemptions allow router discovery Xbox Accessory Management Service CSP: DisableStealthMode, Disable Unicast Responses To Multicast Broadcast (Device) Network filtering is supported in both Audit and Block mode. Interface Types are available in the Microsoft Defender Firewall Rules profile for all platforms that support Windows. Minimum Session Security For NTLM SSP Based Clients Comma-separated list of local addresses covered by the rule. Default: Not configured Here's the why behind this question: These are laptop computers. Interface types This post focuses on configuring the Windows Firewall with Intune. This setting determines the Live Game Save Service's start type. WindowsDefenderSecurityCenter CSP: URL. LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: NetworkSecurity_LANManagerAuthenticationLevel, Insecure Guest Logons You can: Valid entries (tokens) include the following options: When no value is specified, this setting defaults to use Any address. How to Turn Off or Disable Windows Firewall (All the Ways) New rules have the EdgeTraversal property disabled by default. Firewall CSP: MdmStore/Global/IPsecExempt. Default: Not configured Default is All. Quick and easy checkout and more ways to pay. Options include Domain, Private, and Public. When you use Specified address, you add one or more addresses as a comma-separated list of remote addresses that are covered by the rule. How to Turn On or Off Microsoft Defender Firewall in Windows 10 Default: Not configured Default: Not configured Protect files and folders from unauthorized changes by unfriendly apps. Default: Not configured. Default: Not configured Specify the interface types to which the rule belongs. The file path of an app is its location on the client device. Default: Not configured Tip One of the documented differences is that the new template enables a new Windows Defender FIrewall - Connection security rules from group policy not merged policy. These settings manage what drive encryption tasks or configuration options the end user can modify across all types of data drives. LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: UserAccountControl_DetectApplicationInstallationsAndPromptForElevation, UIA elevation prompt without secure desktop Firewall CSP: FirewallRules/FirewallRuleName/App/FilePath, Windows service Specify the Windows service short name if it's a service and not an application that sends or receives traffic. Default: Manual Determines what happens when the smart card for a logged-on user is removed from the smart card reader. Hiding this section will also block all notifications related to Firewall and network protection. This setting determines the Live Auth Manager Service's start type. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Intune Management Extension\Content Apps and programs can be specified either by file path, package family name, or service name: Package family name Specify a package family name. Yes - The Microsoft Defender Firewall for the network type of domain is turned on and enforced. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. BitLocker CSP: SystemDrivesMinimumPINLength. All events are logged in the local client's logs. If no authorized user is specified, the default is all users. LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: NetworkAccess_DoNotAllowAnonymousEnumerationOfSamAccountsAndShares, LAN Manager hash value stored on password change CSP: MdmStore/Global/EnablePacketQueue. Enforce - Choose the application control code integrity policies for your users' devices. * indicates any local address. Merge behavior for Attack surface reduction rules in Intune: Attack surface reduction rules support a merger of settings from different policies, to create a superset of policy for each device. Hiding a section also blocks related notifications. CSP: EnableFirewall, Default Inbound Action for Public Profile (Device) To install BitLocker automatically and silently on a device that's Azure AD joined and runs Windows 1809 or later, this setting must be set to Allow. Choose from: These settings apply specifically to fixed data drives. Default: XTS-AES 128-bit. This information relates to prereleased product which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. To enable Windows Defender Firewall on devices and prevent end users from turning it off, you can change the following settings: Assign the policy to a computer group and click Next. Rule: Block Office applications from creating executable content, Office apps launching child processes Allow also lets you change the default Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) string to explicitly allow or deny users and groups to make these remote calls. CSP: DefaultInboundAction, Enable Public Network Firewall (Device) Next, assign the profile, and monitor its status. Tamper Protection Create an account, Receive news updates via email from this site. Account protection Default: Not configured Rule: Block executable files from running unless they meet a prevalence, age, or trusted list criterion. Default: Allow 48-digit recovery password. Default: Not Configured Default: Not configured Default: AES-CBC 128-bit. When set to Enable, you can configure the following settings: Encryption for operating system drives Default: Not Configured Elevation prompt for standard users Here is an example of the log file. BitLocker CSP: EncryptionMethodByDriveType. Default: Not configured CSP: DefaultInboundAction, Ignore authorized application firewall rules How do I temporarily disable Windows Defender please? For example, 100-120,200,300-320. 1 Open the Control Panel (icons view), and click/tap on the Windows Defender Firewall icon. For more information, see Designing a Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security Strategy and Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security Deployment Guide Security connection rules You must use a security connection rule to implement the outbound firewall rule exceptions for the "Allow the connection if it is secure" and "Allow the connection to use null encapsulation" settings. I think it's use is if something bad is happening on the client (or happening to the client), you can put it in shielded mode and it'll stop network traffic from affecting other machines. That content can provide more information about the use of the setting in its proper context. LocalPoliciesSecurityOptions CSP: NetworkSecurity_MinimumSessionSecurityForNTLMSSPBasedServers. The intent of this setting is to protect end users from apps with access to phishing scams, exploit-hosting sites, and malicious content on the Internet. How to disable Firewall and network protection notifications using This setting determines whether the Xbox Game Save Task is Enabled or Disabled. Beginning on April 5, 2022, the Firewall profiles for the Windows 10 and later platform were replaced by the Windows 10, Windows 11, and Windows Server platform and new instances of those same profiles. New settings in Microsoft Intune to enhance Windows Defender Firewall Default: Not configured. To see the settings you can configure, create a device configuration profile, and select Settings Catalog. To install BitLocker automatically and silently on a device that's Azure AD joined and runs Windows 1809 or later, this setting must be set to Block. Determine if the hash value for passwords is stored the next time the password is changed. Turn on real-time protection CSP: AllowRealtimeMonitoring Require Defender on Windows 10/11 desktop devices to use the real-time Monitoring functionality. CSP: MdmStore/Global/OpportunisticallyMatchAuthSetPerKM, Packet queuing 6 3 comments Best Add a Comment Default: Not configured Prevent users from enabling BitLocker unless the computer successfully backs up the BitLocker recovery information to Azure Active Directory. Control connections for an app or program. Unfortunately i don't know how to enable the rule which is already present but disabled. Expand the dropdown and then select Add to then specify apps and rules for incoming connections for the app. This applies to Windows 10 and Windows 11. Users sign in with an organization's Azure AD account on a device that is usually owned by the organization. Learn more, Package family names can be retrieved by running the Get-AppxPackage command from PowerShell. The following settings aren't available to configure. 4sysops members can earn and read without ads! BitLocker CSP: AllowStandardUserEncryption. Configure the display of update TPM Firmware when a vulnerable firmware is detected. Under Privacy & security , select Windows Security > Firewall & network protection . Complete SCCM Installation Guide and Configuration, Complete SCCM Windows 10 Deployment Guide, Create SCCM Collections based on Active Directory OU, Create SCCM collections based on Boundary groups, Delete devices collections with no members and no deployments, managing your device using Microsoft Intune, Create Adobe Photoshop Intune package for mass deployment, This ensures that the device has the Firewall enabled, Repeat the steps if you need to add more firewall rules, You can remove it by clicking on the 3 dots at the right if needed, Select Include and in the Assign to box, select the group you want to assign your Windows Firewall profile you just created (2-3), Youll see a confirmation at the top right. From the Microsoft Endpoint Manager Admin Center, click Endpoint Security. On a managed device, youll see the following message. Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Important Service and Endpoint Default: Not configured After, using the same profile, we will block certain applications and ports. By default, visible details include: Device name Firewall status User principal name Best way is to set a policy for firewall to allow that port by default. CSP: DisableStealthMode. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. BitLocker CSP: SystemDrivesRecoveryMessage, Pre-boot recovery message The EdgeTraversal setting indicates that specific inbound traffic is allowed to tunnel through NATs and other edge devices using the Teredo tunneling technology. Default: Not Configured Enable - Allow UIAccess apps to prompt for elevation, without using the secure desktop. Select Windows Defender Firewall. The Microsoft Intune interface makes this configuration pretty easy to do. File Transfer Protocol Default: Not configured Compatible TPM startup key and PIN Enable Private Network Firewall (Device) CSP: EnableFirewall Not configured ( default) - The client returns to its default, which is to enable the firewall. For more information, see Silently enable BitLocker on devices. The Intune Customer Service and Support team's Mark Stanfill created this sample script Test-IntuneFirewallRules to simplify identifying Windows Defender Firewall rules with errors for you (on a test system). WindowsDefenderSecurityCenter CSP: Phone, IT department email address How to enable or disable notifications for Microsoft Defender Firewall To change notifications settings for the firewall activities, use these steps: Open Windows Security. Configure endpoint protections settings on macOS devices. Default: Not configured You have deployed the Firewall policy to your devices, but how can you verify that the policy has been assigned to the devices? Default: Not configured Default is All. Default: Not configured User editing of the exploit protection interface Configure the user information that is displayed when the session is locked. CSP: FirewallRules/FirewallRuleName/LocalAddressRanges. Manage firewall settings with endpoint security policies in Microsoft CSP: MdmStore/Global/IPsecExempt. If you don't select an option, the rule applies to all network types. * indicates any remote address.

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disable windows defender firewall intune